THE GUIDE The Guide // How to Run the Worship Central Course Speaker Notes (Pag
THE GUIDE The Guide // How to Run the Worship Central Course Speaker Notes (Page 1 of 17) 2011 © Tim Hughes & Al Gordon, authors of ‘Worship Central Course’. All rights reserved. Please register each Worship Central Course you run at Version 1.0 Welcome Thank you for downloading ‘The Guide’ to running the Worship Central Course. By providing step-by-step advice, this will help you plan and start your Worship Central Course. It gives you lots of helpful tips to make sure that you get the most out of the material. We’re really excited that you’re going to be running the Course, and we’d love to support you, so keep in touch and let us know how you get on. Tim Hughes & Al Gordon The Guide // How to Run the Worship Central Course Speaker Notes (Page 2 of 17) 2011 © Tim Hughes & Al Gordon, authors of ‘Worship Central Course’. All rights reserved. Please register each Worship Central Course you run at Version 1.0 What Does a Session Look Like? To get started you need to know how a Course session typically runs. The timetable below shows all the main elements of a session along with some suggested timings. We would recommend that you try to stick to the format and timings where possible. This is so that you respect your team’s time and increases the likelihood that they will commit to the course over the period you are running it. If people want to stay behind to pray or worship then they have the freedom to do so but those that need to go can go without feeling obligated to stay. Item Suggested Timing What is it? Chill Time / Meal 30 mins This is time just to hang out together and build relationship as a team. The foundation of all that we do on a Sunday is born out of strong relationships with each other and our relationship with Jesus. Whether you have a full 5 course meal or a cup of coffee it doesn’t really matter - the important thing is that you spend some time with each other having a laugh, catching up with each other. Worship 20 mins Starting with a time of worship is really important. This will be a key time when God is able to refresh and speak to you individually and as a team. It may be the only time that your team feels able to receive themselves – especially if they are serving every Sunday. The Guide // How to Run the Worship Central Course Speaker Notes (Page 3 of 17) 2011 © Tim Hughes & Al Gordon, authors of ‘Worship Central Course’. All rights reserved. Please register each Worship Central Course you run at Version 1.0 Talk 25 mins After a time of worship, one of the members of your team will give the teaching using one of the course transcripts along with personal examples and stories. The teaching is structured around the three E’s of Worship Central. Encounter, Equip and Empower. Some of the sessions will look at how we Encounter God through worship and cover important theological principals. Others are more practical and will look at ways to equip the team. Lastly, there are sessions that focus on how we can become better leaders both on and off the stage. Discussion Group 20 mins The talks are aimed at challenging and inspiring your team. The discussion group after the talk is a key time for your team to work out what the teaching means in your context. What did you agree with? Disagree with? Where do you need to grow and be challenged as a team? Your team will break out into one or more discussion groups depending on the size and talk about how the teaching applied in your own context. Prayer 15 mins The evening ends by praying for each other and allowing the Holy Spirit to come and refresh and fill us again. The Guide // How to Run the Worship Central Course Speaker Notes (Page 4 of 17) 2011 © Tim Hughes & Al Gordon, authors of ‘Worship Central Course’. All rights reserved. Please register each Worship Central Course you run at Version 1.0 Four Steps to Running a Course STEP 1: Plan your Course 1. Set the dates 2. Select a venue 3. Arrange catering 4. Appoint core team roles 5. Register your course STEP 2: Prepare Your Talks 1. Download the transcripts 2. Add your own stories 3. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse STEP 3: Run your Course STEP 4: Join the Network The Guide // How to Run the Worship Central Course Speaker Notes (Page 5 of 17) 2011 © Tim Hughes & Al Gordon, authors of ‘Worship Central Course’. All rights reserved. Please register each Worship Central Course you run at Version 1.0 STEP 1: Plan your course 1. Set the dates Set the dates you are going to run your course and communicate them to your team – it really helps if the whole team come to as many sessions as possible so that everyone can explore the material together. You need to think about when you will hold your course so you are able to plan around other church events and arrange a venue. For example: • Will the course be run weekly? Monthly or perhaps over two weekends? • Which day and time would be best for your team? • When will the course start? Will that mean your course hits any major holidays? Once you have set the dates get these into your team’s calendars as soon as possible so that they know about them far enough in advance. 2. Select a venue Choose a venue that will suit the size of your course and will allow you to worship freely. You may also want to consider whether you need catering facilities on-site and what other groups may be meeting at the same time as you (you will want to be able to make some noise!) If you choose to run the course over a weekend what is a suitable venue for your team in terms of distance, cost and other practicalities. For example: The Guide // How to Run the Worship Central Course Speaker Notes (Page 6 of 17) 2011 © Tim Hughes & Al Gordon, authors of ‘Worship Central Course’. All rights reserved. Please register each Worship Central Course you run at Version 1.0 • Will your team need childcare? • Does your team have transport or will you need to arrange that? • What is the best time of year to go away? Be creative with your space. You might want to light it in a particular way, set out bean bags instead of chairs. Think outside of the box and make it a fun and exciting night for the team to come to. Most importantly – book it! Make sure you have the space booked for the dates you are running your course. 3. Arrange catering Appoint someone to look after the catering for you. If you are a smaller group you might want to take it in turns to make a meal for each other. Otherwise it may be that whoever is in charge of food will need to organise outside catering for the team. You could either ask people to contribute to the cost each time they come or work out a total cost for the course and collect the money up front. 4. Appoint core team roles It is important that you don’t try to do everything yourself. Appoint people to look after different areas for you. Not only does it take some workload off you but it helps your team to feel involved. Areas where you will need to find people to help: • Food – This person would either arrange outside catering or a cooking rota. The Guide // How to Run the Worship Central Course Speaker Notes (Page 7 of 17) 2011 © Tim Hughes & Al Gordon, authors of ‘Worship Central Course’. All rights reserved. Please register each Worship Central Course you run at Version 1.0 • Worship – Ask someone to come prepared and have thought through a set list for the session. They may want to invite other team members to join them and get creative. In a smaller more intimate setting with your own team you can encourage everyone to really go for it and experiment in ways that aren’t possible on a Sunday. • Talk – Will you give the talks each time or will you ask other members of your team to give some of the material? They will need plenty of time to prepare so it is best to assign the talks before you start your course. • Discussion group hosts and discussion groups – depending on the size of your team you may need to appoint group hosts for the discussion time. We would recommend that you pre-assign team uploads/Litterature/ the-guide 2 .pdf
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- Publié le Nov 20, 2021
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