AutoExp User Guide Kerberos464 & Lifenz 2014 1 AutoExp Us
AutoExp User Guide Kerberos464 & Lifenz 2014 1 AutoExp User Guide Kerberos464 & Lifenz 2014 Very important information! Do NOT stop script while char is talking to NPC at quest finishing! Always wait for message about quest finishing in chat BEFORE stopping script, otherwise script could fail! If that happened, read this documentation below to fix that. Never try to skip any stages of script by leveling char manually or leveling char without script. If you do it, script will lose it’s progress. Installing AutoExp 1. Download latest version of AutoExp zip file by link I sent to you 2. Make a backup of your L2Tower “scripts” and “plugins” directory (optional) 3. Unpack the zip file to the L2Tower folder 4. Run L2Tower, start Lineage 2 client Updating AutoExp 1. Download latest version of AutoExp zip file by link I sent to you 2. Make a backup of your L2Tower “Scripts”, “Plugins”, and “Autoexp-Config” directory 3. Unpack the zip file to the L2Tower folder 4. Overwrite all files 5. Run L2Tower, start Lineage 2 client Starting AutoExp 1. Create a new char and login to game 2. Select your desired awoken class by typing one of the following: /othell /sigel /wynn /feoh /aeore /tyrr /yul /iss 3. Type /A to start the AutoExp 2 AutoExp User Guide Kerberos464 & Lifenz 2014 Stopping AutoExp 1. Type /S to stop AutoExp 2. Avoid stopping the script during the following actions: - trading D/C grade weapon and armor at npc - when it just finished talking to npc at quest finish, but message about finishing is not appeared yet 3. In addition, if you stop AutoExp while char is running from npc to exp spot, it will not run after restart. It will stay for about 25 minutes, then will do SoE to town and then script will restart. To skip this waiting, just do SoE manually. Changing desired char’s class You may wish to change desired char’s class (for example, if you selected Aeore first, you can change it to Feoh later). For doing that use /ResetClass command. After that specify new desired class. You only can change desired class before char finished class change quest, of course. Specific class support For leveling Overlord and Warcryer, use /Class2_Overlord or /Class2_Warcryer command. If not specified, Overlord will be done. For leveling Necromancer and Sorcerer, use /Class2_Necromancer or /Class2_Sorcerer commands. If not specified, Necromancer will be done. How to solve problems Issue 1: All commands don’t work (/A, /S, /Wynn, /Iss and all others) a. Ensure that you have L2Tower Premium license b. Ensure that your license file is not corrupted c. Ensure you run the latest version of L2Tower ( or later) d. Ensure that your firewall allows access to internet for L2Tower e. Ensure that you run the script on authorized HWID f. Ensure that your subscription is active (only for time limited version of script) If nothing if these helped, try following: a. Login to any char, type in chat /cfg b. In L2Tower window click Plugins c. Restart plugin Autoexp-01.lua (click button with round arrow at left side of plugin name) d. It will show error number, forward this error number to me Issue 2: Lineage2 clients crash during teleports or when char does SoE 3 AutoExp User Guide Kerberos464 & Lifenz 2014 a. Go to “Autoexp-Config” folder, open config-global.lua file with Notepad b. Find TeleportDelay parameter and increase it’s value to 5 c. Restart Lineage2 client, start script d. If that didn’t help, increase that value even more, set it to 10 Issue 3: Char stuck, restarting script doesn’t help. 1. Try to do SoE first 2. If that didn’t help, run script with /A and you will see 'Quest Started - XXXXX', remember that XXXXX value 3. Go to 'Config' folder and find 'CharName.cfg' file, backup it to any folder 4. Open this file with Notepad and find line StageFinished 5. Replace value of StageFinished to XXXXX from no.1 6. Save and close file, then restart script with /A If that didn’t help, I need a log file from your char: a. Go to “Temp” folder in L2Tower folder, find CharName.log file and send it to me b. Email this file to c. You can rename this file if you don’t want me to know your char name d. There is no sensitive info in this file (no char names, login names, password, etc) Configuring AutoExp Everything is pre-configured already, however you can tweak some settings, look into configuration files under “Autoexp-Config” folder Autostart AutoExp has 3 different ways to automatic start upon login: Class-based autostart. You can define class-based autostart, for example, all chars you defined as Aeore, will start automatically. To do it follow next steps: 1. Go to “Autoexp-Config” folder, open “config-global.lua” file with Notepad 2. Find AutoStartAeore parameter and set its value to 1 3. Restart Lineage2 client Char-based pre-defined autostart. You can define names of your chars that will be started automatically upon login. To do it follow next steps: 1. Go to “Autoexp-Config” folder, open “config-auto-list.lua” file with Notepad 2. Modify list with your char names 3. Be very accurate with syntax: put one name per line, enclose it with quotes, put comma at the end of each line 4 AutoExp User Guide Kerberos464 & Lifenz 2014 Char-based quick autostart. You can quickly enable or disable autostart for every char. To do it follow next steps: 1. Log in with you char 2. Type the command /Autostart 3. This will enable autostart for this char. Repeating of this command will disable autostart Additional features /InviteMentee_Charname : Invites the character named Charname to be your mentee /InviteToClan_Charname : Invites the character named Charname into main unit of your clan /InviteToAcademy_Charname : Invites the character named Charname into your clan academy /DumpChars : Dumps all characters near with some useful info to text file upon L2Tower folder /DumpInfo : Dumps useful info about your char’s skills, buffs, items to text files upon L2Tower folder HAPPY BOTTING =) uploads/Litterature/ user-guide 31 .pdf
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- Publié le Jui 27, 2022
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- Langue French
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