VOCABULAIRE ANGLAIS AERONAUTIQUE AU SOL Vocabulaire + situations (exemples) Aff
VOCABULAIRE ANGLAIS AERONAUTIQUE AU SOL Vocabulaire + situations (exemples) Affirm/negative Parking : stand / apron / ramp Barre de tractage : tow bar Cale : chock Horizon artificiel : artificial horizon (ho-ra-i-zon) Conservateur de cap : course indicator Point d’arrêt: holding point Seuil de piste : threshold (thré-chold) Station essence : refuelling station Sécurité : safety Sûreté : security Vérifier: to check Autorisation : clearance Autonomie: endurance (en-di-u-rènse) Balise : Emergency locator transmitter Bruit de fond : background noise Remonter (une piste) : to backtrack Complet (atterrissage): fullstop Mi-piste: mid runway Incapable: unable Manqué: missed Signaler: to report Servitudes: runway protected area Assistance sol : ground handling To have the engine repaired (eune-djine) Request ground handling on arrival. Request parameters (or data) for runway circuits (soeur-kits) Runway circuits = tours de piste Maintenez avant piste 31 : hold short of runway 31 (tri - one) Can you send the tanker to the apron? F-XXXX, trafic in sight, giving way to the airbus (je cède le passage) EN VOL Vocabulaire + situations Se dérouter : to divert (da-i-veurt) Position actuelle : present position Reprendre (une navigation) : to resume Faire demi-tour : to turn back (to my departure airfield) Via : via (va-i-a) Stable a 4000ft : maintaining 4000ft Dépasser : to go beyond Indications : readings Verticale (un terrain) : overhead Survoler : to overfly (flew/flown) Turbulence de sillage : wake turbulence Manœuvre d’evitement : avoiding action Eviter : to avoid Remise de gaz : going around Calage : setting Cap : heading Limite : boundary (ba-oune-dri) Devant: ahead Approche directe: straight in approach En direction du Nord: northbound Vers le Nord: northerly Au départ de, en éloignement : outbound A l’arrivée (pour un trafic signalé arrivant sur un terrain): incoming Arrondi : flare Escale: stop Frontière: border Perte d’altitude : height loss (ha-i-te) Terrain de dégagement: alternate airfield Terrain de déroutement: diversion airfield (da-i-veur-cheun) Veille : monitoring (veiller une fréquence) Libérer la piste a la prochaine a gauche, prochaine a droite : vacate runway next left, next right (vé-ké-i-te) Airspace, area (è-ria), zone (zo- oune) Request frequency change to Grenoble tower. Runway circuit : Décollage – take off Apres décollage : when airborne Vent traversier: crosswind leg Vent arrière: downwind Base: base leg Dernier virage: turning final Longue ou courte finale: long or short final Atterrissage: landing Provenance: from A destination de: (going) to Active or non active military zone Parachute : parachute (para-cheute) Grenoble tower, F-XXXX, good morning… F-XXXX, DR360, coming from Avignon, (going) to your airfield, 8 miles north of November Echo, altitude 3000ft, request joining instructions for a 3 hours stop. F-XXXX, over NE Request vectors to the nearest airfield. Request to make a side step (baïonnette) Se mettre en attente au-dessus du VOR de Rouen : to hold over Rouen VOR (vi-o- ar) F-XXXX, DR360 (di-ar 3 sixty), VFR flight from xxx to xxx, five minutes before airspace boudary, flight level 55 (five five), request joining instructions, echo information received. F-XXXX, Cessna one seventy two, light aircraft apron, request taxi instructions for west area local flight, echo information received. F-XXXX, Cessna 172, back from local flight, 3 minutes before overhead, altitude 1500 ft, request joining instructions… F-XXXX, tibi twenty, VFR with flight plan, from xxx to your airfield, 3 minutes before Granville, flight level 45, descending to 2500 ft QNH, request joining instructions, information kilo received. F-XXXX… request transit permission and radar information service. Transpondez 7041 : Squawk seven zero four one Je libère le niveau 80, je rappellerai niveau 60: vacating flight level eight zero, will report flight level six zero I estimate NW point in five minutes I’ve just overflown Victor Golf November VOR (vi-o-ar) METEO Brouillard : fog Brume : mist Couche : layer Gusty : en rafale Forte pluie : heavy rain Fort vent de face, travers, arriere : strong headwind, crosswind, tailwind. Dernier bulletin météo : last weather report Givrage: icing Orage: thunderstorm En-dessous des nuages: below clouds Do you think that visibility will improve (s’ameliorera) within the next 10 minutes? I’m between two cloud layers and I’m waiting until it clears a bit before I start descent. Clouds on my route look threatening. Cloud ceiling is coming down, so I won’t be able to maintain VFR conditions if I remain on the same heading. Le plafond est bas: ceiling is low Bloqué dans la boue : stuck into mud Le vent a tourné: wind has veered PANNES / situations anormales Tomber en panne : to break down En panne : unserviceable Vitesse de décrochage : stall speed Alarme de décrochage : stall warning horn Importante fuite de carburant : major fuel leak Nos batteries sont à plat : our batteries are flat Request medical assistance on arrival Request straight in approach, we are short of fuel Alternator red warning light Left tank fuel indicator is low, I’m switching to the right tank, and I have a 45 minutes flight endurance. A light aircraft just crossed our path, left to right, same altitude. I want to fill an airprox. We are breaking off (interrompre) this approach, tailwind is too strong. Mayday, mayday, mayday, fire on board, we are losing altitude, we are going to perform an emergency landing Atterrissage sur le ventre: belly landing Problème de freins : faulty brakes The low level fuel warning light went on. The low fuel pressure warning light went on. Nous venons d’être frappes par la foudre : we have just been struck by lightning. Crosswind is too strong for us to take off safely. Mayday, mayday, mayday, we are performing an emergency descent to our minimum safe altitude, 18000ft, on a northerly heading. Passage bas : low pass To see if our landing gear has extended Chute pression huile: oil pressure drop Will the runway be long enough for an aborted departure? Nous allons etre a court de carburant: we are running short of fuel. Cela fait 5 minutes que nous sommes brouilles par une emission permanente: we have been garbled by an open mike for five minutes. Notre moteur a des rates: our engine is misfiring Un de nos passagers s’est evanoui: one of our passengers has just fainted. Les chiffre 3 se dit tri 9 se dit niner 5 se dit fa-i-f Il faut détailler chaque chiffre de : transpondeur, piste, QNH, niveau de vol, heure, frequence etc. Sauf pour le type d’avion : DR 360, di-ar tri sixty, Cessna 172, Cessna one seventy two Thousand se dit ta-ou-zeund 2500 ft se dit two thousand five hundred feet uploads/Litterature/ vocabulaire-anglais-aeronaut-i-que.pdf
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- Publié le Fev 03, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
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