C-130J Super Hercules Whatever the Situation, We’ll Be There 1 The C-130 Hercul

C-130J Super Hercules Whatever the Situation, We’ll Be There 1 The C-130 Hercules is the standard against which military transport aircraft are measured. Versatility, reliability, and ruggedness make it the military transport of choice for more than 60 nations on six continents. More than 2,300 of these aircraft have been delivered by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company since it entered production in 1956. During the past five decades, Lockheed Martin and its subcontractors have upgraded virtually every system, component, and structural part of the aircraft to make it more durable, easier to maintain, and less expensive to operate. In addition to the tactical airlift mission, versions of the C-130 serve as aerial tanker and ground refuelers, weather reconnaissance, command and control, gunships, firefighters, electronic recon, search and rescue, and flying hospitals. The newest Hercules, the C-130J, has the same rugged good looks of its predecessors, but in fact is a greatly improved airplane with the performance and capability to prove it. Compared to the earlier C-130E, the maximum speed is 21 percent higher, Introduction Note: In general this document and its contents refer to the C-130J-30, the stretched/advanced version of the Hercules. INTRODUCTION 1 RECENT CAPABILITY/PERFORMANCE UPGRADES 4 SURVIVABILITY OPTIONS 5 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT 6 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 7 TECHNOLOGY IMPROVEMENTS 8 COMPETITIVE COMPARISON 9 CARGO COMPARTMENT 10 CROSS SECTIONS 11 CARGO ARRANGEMENT 12 CAPACITY AND LOADS 13 ENHANCED CARGO HANDLING SYSTEM 15 COMBAT TROOP SEATING 17 Paratroop Seating 18 Litters 19 GROUND SERVICING POINTS 20 GROUND OPERATIONS 21 FLIGHT STATION LAYOUTS 22 Instrument Panel 22 Overhead Panel 23 Center Console 24 USAF AVIONICS CONFIGURATION 25 MAJOR SYSTEMS 26 Electrical 26 Environmental Control System 27 Fuel System 27 Hydraulic Systems 28 Enhanced Cargo Handling System 29 Defensive Systems 29 PERFORMANCE 30 Maximum Effort Takeoff Roll 30 Normal Takeoff Distance (Over 50 Feet) 30 Maximum Effort Landing Roll 31 Normal Landing Distance (Over 50 Feet) 31 Payload Range 32 WORLD RECORDS 33 Table of Contents 3 climb time is reduced by up to 50 percent, cruising altitude is up to 40 percent higher, and range is up to 40 percent longer. With new engines and props, the J has set 54 world records for rate of climb, cruise speed, and both distance and altitude with payload. The C-130J incorporates these major improvements: • A new propulsion system featuring four 4,591 pshp Rolls-Royce AE2100D3 engines and composite, six-bladed Dowty Aerospace R391 propellers with significantly improved fuel economy and high-hot performance. • Two-person flight station including four multifunctional LCD displays; two holographic head-up displays (HUD); and electronic, digital readouts for aircraft operating, communicating, and navigating systems. The displays and aircraft general lighting are compatible with the USAF’s night-vision imaging system. • A 1553 data bus, two mission computers, and two backup bus interface units provide dual redundancy for the Hercules’ systems. In addition, the computers provide for an integrated diagnostics system that monitors and records the status of the aircraft’s structure and systems. Introduction Introduction 2 The C-130J-30, the stretched/advanced version of the Hercules, offers operators 55 feet of cargo compartment length – an additional 15 feet over the original “short” aircraft. The additional 15 feet is provided by inserting a 100-inch forward and an 80-inch aft plug to the fuselage. This translates into 30 percent more usable volume for increased seating, litters, pallets, or airdrop platforms. This additional capability provides significant advantages when transporting personnel or delivering priority cargo by reducing the number of sorties needed to complete the mission. In addition to the significant increases in operational capability and performance, the C-130J offers a greater value when compared to any other tactical airlifter: System reliability and maintainability are improved by up to 50 percent; maintenance man-hours per flight hour are decreased by up to 68 percent; and flight and maintenance manpower are reduced by up to 50 percent, resulting in a 47 percent lower squadron operating and support cost. 5 4 Recent Capability/Performance Upgrades Survivability Options • Center Wing Box improvement to provide Enhanced Service Life (ESL) by strengthening structural components such as Hat Sections (stringers), Beam Caps and Webs, Wing Attach Fittings, and Engine Truss Mounts. The ESL wing was originally developed for the USAF Special Operations C-130s in support of Severe Mission Operations. • Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) for worldwide operations in CNS/ATM controlled airspace. Access to RVSM airspace increases true air speed and range while reducing fuel consumption, e.g., enhances long-range cruise performance. • Data Transfer and Diagnostic System (DTADS) Interface Unit for maintenance management of critical aircraft systems using a Windows Operating System. DTADS encompasses in-flight and post-flight analysis, ground maintenance processing, structural health monitoring, and engine life management. DTADS is scheduled to become available in 2010. • Small Arms Armor Kit, available as Customer- Furnished Equipment (CFE), provides protection for the pilot and co-pilot, crew station and bunk, forward and aft loadmaster stations, paratroop doors, nose wheel well, and liquid oxygen converter. • Explosive Suppressant Tank Foam is available as CFE for the main and auxiliary fuel tanks, which aids in protecting against ballistic penetration and lightning strikes. Subsequent to the USAF Operational Test and Evaluation Acceptance of the C-130J combat delivery aircraft in 2006, several performance enhancements by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics were developed, tested, verified, qualified, accepted, and incorporated into the basic aircraft configuration. These include: • Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS), a forward-looking awareness and warning system, for improved in-flight situational awareness. The TAWS operates in conjunction with the existing Ground Collision Avoidance System (GCAS) as independent complementary systems providing visual and obstacle Voice Warning Alerts (VWA) to the crew. • Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Transponder Mode S with Enhanced Surveillance for use in civil Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) airspace. The IFF has growth capability to Mode 5. • Communications, Navigation, and Identification (CNI) common software upgrade developed for all customers including updated chute ballistic tables, new track offset, additional drift down performance pages, and re-host of the Takeoff and Landing Data (TOLD) from the CNI to the Mission Computer (MC). • TOLD re-hosted in MC Operational Flight Program (OFP), enabling additional and enhanced capabilities pertaining to charts and calculations for hot/high takeoffs, assault landing weight, modified minimum field length maximum effort takeoff, climb gradients, wind corrections, and temperature deviation expansion to ISA +/-45°C. Recent Capability/Performance Upgrades Dimensions Wingspan Length Height Cargo Floor Length (Floor + Ramp) Width (Minimum) Height (Minimum) Area (Floor + Ramp) Cargo Volume Weights Max Takeoff Weight (2.5g) Max Takeoff Weight (2.25g) Max Landing Weight, 9 fps Max Landing Weight Operating Weight Empty Max Payload (2.5g) (Note 2) Max Fuel (JP-8) Max Zero Fuel Weight (Note 1) Max Zero Fuel Weight (Note 2) Performance Max Cruise Speed Airdrop Speed Takeoff Dist Over 50 ft (S/L, ISA, 164,000 lb) Normal Takeoff Roll (S/L, ISA, 164,000 lb) Max Effort Landing Dist Over 50 ft (S/L, ISA, 135,000 lb) Normal Ground Roll (S/L, ISA, 135,000 lb) Max Effort Max Range (Without Tanks) Range (40,000-lb Payload – 2.5-g Mission) Cruising Altitude (T/O at MTOW) Service Ceiling (T/O at MTOW) Crew Power Plant 132 ft 7 in. 112 ft 9 in. 38 ft 10 in. 55 ft + 10 ft 8 in. 10 ft 9 ft 550 + 107 sq ft 6,022 cu ft 164,000 lb 175,000 lb 162,000 lb 164,000 lb 87,667 lb 47,333 lb 43,562 lb 129,000 lb 135,000 lb 355 kts Up to 250 KIAS 5,850 ft 3,100 ft 3,000 ft 1,630 ft 3,510 n.mi 2,200 n.mi 27,000 ft 29,000 ft 2 Pilots + Loadmaster 4 Rolls-Royce AE2100D3, 4,591 pshp Turboprop Engines (4 Dowty R391, 6-Blade Propellers, All Composite) Note 1: Structural Reserve Fuel Note 2: With Wing Bending Relief Fuel 7 6 General Characteristics FEET 0 10 20 30 40 50 14 ft 2 in. (4.32 m) 52 ft 8 in. (16.05 m) 38 ft 10 in. (11.84 m) External Fuel Tanks (Optional) 112 ft 9 in. (34.37 m) 11 ft 6 in. (3.50 m) 40 ft 4 in. (12.30 m) 132 ft 7 in. (40.38 m) 14 ft 3 in. (4.34 m) General Arrangement 9 8 Competitive Comparison AIRCRAFT • Two-Person Flight Deck Crew • Provisions for Auxiliary Crew Member Station • Ergonomically Designed Cockpit • Interchangeable Panel Layout • Soft Panels • Advanced Communications and Navigation Systems • New Electrical System • 1553B Data Bus Architecture • Integrated Diagnostic System • Head-Up Display (Dual) – Certified Primary Flight Instrument • 250 KIAS Airdrop Speed Ramp and Door • Single Cross-Ship Fuel Manifold • Defensive Systems • Air Traffic and Ground Collision Avoidance Systems • Enhanced Cargo Handling System (USAF Configuration) • Color Digital Map Display • Color Weather Radar/Ground Mapping Radar • Night-Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Compatible (Flight Deck and Cargo Compartment) PROPULSION • Rolls-Royce AE2100D3, Flat Rated at 4,591 pshp • Full-Authority Digital Electronic Control (FADEC) • Dowty R391 Six-Bladed Composite Propeller Technology Improvements Model C-130J-30 55 ft 8 97 24 128 92 A400M (Proposed) 58 ft 9 66 24 120 120 C-17 65 ft 18 36 40 102 102 C-130E/H C-130J (Short) 40 ft uploads/Management/ c130-jpocket-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Jui 15, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
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