RAPPORT FINAL Banque Mondiale/WSP Promotion et la Mise en Place de Partenariats
RAPPORT FINAL Banque Mondiale/WSP Promotion et la Mise en Place de Partenariats Publics Privés (PPP) pour La Gestion des Systèmes AEP Ruraux : Mission d’Evaluation et de Programmation Août 2007 Rwanda – PPP AEP ruraux Mission d’évaluation et de programmation Avril 2007 2 TABLE DES MATIERES ABREVIATIONS SUMMARY SYNTHESE 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 15 2. CADRE POLITIQUE, JURIDIQUE ET INSTITUTIONNEL................................ 17 2.1 CADRE POLITIQUE .................................................................................................. 17 2.2 CADRE JURIDIQUE .................................................................................................. 17 2.3 CADRE INSTITUTIONNEL ........................................................................................ 19 3. EVALUATION DES PPP EXISTANTS..................................................................... 20 3.1 LES SYSTEMES D’AEP EN MILIEU RURAL............................................................... 20 3.2 VISITES DE TERRAIN............................................................................................... 21 3.3 CARACTERISTIQUES DES SYSTEMES AEP .............................................................. 23 3.4 RECRUTEMENT DES OPERATEURS .......................................................................... 24 3.5 MODELES DE CONTRATS ........................................................................................ 25 3.6 DOSSIERS D’APPEL D’OFFRES (DAO).................................................................... 29 3.7 ORGANISATION DE LA TUTELLE ............................................................................ 30 4. ANALYSE DES EXPERIENCES ET LES RECOMMANDATIONS .................... 32 4.1 ANALYSE DES RISQUES.......................................................................................... 32 4.2 MODELES DE DAO ET DE CONTRATS..................................................................... 33 4.3 ASPECTS FINANCIERS............................................................................................. 45 4.4 PPP POUR LA GESTION DE L’AEP SHYOGWE – MAYAGA ...................................... 49 5. PLAN D’ACTION ........................................................................................................ 54 5.1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 54 5.2 PROGRAMME D’APPUI ............................................................................................ 54 5.3 PERSONNEL ET BUDGET ......................................................................................... 57 ANNEXES 1. Personnes Consultés 2. Liste de Documents Consultés 3. Articles pertinents du projet de loi sur l’eau 4. AEP dont la gestion a été confiée à des opérateurs privés – situation fin mars 2007 5. Formulaires de Rapports 6. Projet de DAO pour la Délégation de Gestion de l’AEP Shyogwe - Mayaga Rwanda – PPP AEP ruraux Mission d’évaluation et de programmation Avril 2007 3 ABREVIATIONS AEP : Adduction Eau Potable BF : Borne Fontaine CI : Consultant International pour la Promotion et la Mise en Place de Partenariats Publics-Privés pour la Gestion des Systèmes AEP Ruraux CN : Consultant National pour la Promotion et la Mise en Place de Partenariats Publics-Privés pour la Gestion des Systèmes AEP Ruraux DAO : Dossier d’Appel d’Offres Frw : Francs rwandais MLFM : Mouvement pour la Lutte contre la Faim dans le Monde MINITERE : Ministère des Terres, de l’Environnement, des Forêts, de l’Eau et des Mines ONG : Organisation Non Gouvernementale PEAMR : Projet Eau et Assainissement en Milieu Rural PPP : Partenariat Public-Privé RURA : Agence de Régulation des services d’utilité publique WSP : Programme Eau et Assainissement de la Banque Mondiale Rwanda – PPP AEP ruraux Mission d’évaluation et de programmation Avril 2007 4 SUMMARY General Considering the failure of community based management of drinking water supply systems (AEPs) in rural areas, the Government of Rwanda decided in 2004 to promote the participation of the private sector with the establishment of public- private partnerships (PPP) for the management of AEP systems in rural areas. This decision is included in the sector policy for the period 2004-2007. Within the framework of the work programme for 2006 and 2007, the World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP) has decided to assist the Ministry of Lands, Environment, Forests, Water and Mines (MINITERE) and the districts with the implementation of the policy on the management of rural AEP systems. To this end, WSP has provided permanent assistance of a National Consultant (NC) and intermittent assistance of an International Consultant (IC). This report presents the results of the first mission of the IC, of which the objectives were three-fold: • Assessing current experiences of Public–Private Partnerships (PPP) for the management of AEP systems in rural areas in Rwanda ; • Formulating recommendations on the methods of implementation of the PPP approach for the management of AEP systems in rural areas and in particular for the complex system of Shyogwe - Mayaga; • Proposing an Action Plan to reach the objectives of the WSP support programme. Since the launch of the WSP programme in January 2006 until March 2007, the management of 100 AEP systems was entrusted to private operators to the extent that, at the end of March 2007, the number of systems managed by private operators on basis of delegated management contracts amounted to 112, that is 13.5% of the total (838). Moreover, 60 systems (7%) are managed by private institutions such as parishes, monasteries, hospitals, factories and NGOs. The above 112 systems have been entrusted to 30 different operators. Therefore, each operator manages 3 to 4 systems on average. Among the private operators, there are 17 individual operators, 5 associations, 5 cooperatives and 3 companies. Most of these operators were recruited through a tender procedure, which usually follows a short-listing step and a tendering step as such. Evaluation of experiences The contracts concluded with private operators are of the “affermage" type since the remuneration of the operator depends on the receipts from water sales and the operator is supposed to pay a royalty to the district. The duration of existing contracts varies between 1 and 5 years. The evaluation revealed that there are three very important preconditions before entrusting the operation and management of an AEP to a private operator, namely: Rwanda – PPP AEP ruraux Mission d’évaluation et de programmation Avril 2007 5 1. The AEP must be in a good technical state of repair and function properly. If such is not the case, necessary repairing is needed before transfer to a private operator; 2. Under a PPP scheme, water sale must be based on the measured consumption. Therefore, all water points must be equipped with water meters. 3. The AEP owner (the district) must have sufficient understanding of the operating and maintenance cost and of the resulting water tariff, in order to be able to assess the financial viability of a PPP. Once the above required conditions are met, it is likely that, as we observed during our field visits, service provision will improve to the advantage of AEP beneficiaries. Compared with community-based management, an important difference lies at the level of the management of funds. Under the community-based management scheme, receipts from water sale were transferred to the district and used for most part for purposes other than those of the water system. Consequently, when money was needed to repair AEP systems, often it was not available. Thus, repairing could not be done and service quality deteriorated. On the contrary, where there is private management, the operator keeps the money which he or she allocates to maintenance activities. Insofar as the contract provides for adequate incentives for the operator to fully discharge his responsibilities, there is much more guarantee that needed repairs will be made and that, therefore, the reliability of the service will be maintained. The private operator, acting economically when he must abide by the contract, will always endeavour to minimize his operating cost while maximizing receipts. This means that he or she will try to optimize his operations. The contract must guide the operator by helping him to find a proper balance in this optimization process. AEP beneficiaries will take advantage of this modus operandi, as we observed during our field visits. By reducing the operating cost, water tariff will, in the long run, remain less high and thereby more affordable. To maximize receipts, one has first to make sure that the population is willing to pay. This is only possible by providing users with good quality service. Another way of increasing receipts consists in extending the system, for instance, by means of new water points or private connections. Such initiatives also benefit users. Recommendations Even though the perspectives for the participation of the private sector are promising, there is still ground for improvement regarding the way and the opportunity to involve the private sector. Our evaluation of existing contract documents enabled us to formulate the main following recommendations: • To enable private operators to prepare a competitive offer, they should get as detailed information as possible about the AEP; • The institutional framework within which the contract operates should be clearly specified in the contract documents, specifying the roles of the overseeing ministry, of the regulatory agency, of the districts, of the operator and of the beneficiaries of the AEP. Rwanda – PPP AEP ruraux Mission d’évaluation et de programmation Avril 2007 6 • The owner of the AEP and the bidder should have a clear understanding of the cost involved in operating the AEP; the bidder should prepare a receptive offer and the owner should be capable of assessing the bidder’s offer. Chapter 4 of this report presents a format of the operating account that could be used to this end; • It is generally advised to have informal discussions with bidders before finalizing the tender documents. Bidders’ reaction on draft tender documents may help identify changes that could make the transaction more attractive for private operators without any loss for the district and enable to have better offers. • The owner of the AEP should see to it that the contract duration is in harmony with the responsibilities entrusted to the private operator. In general, the contract duration should allow the amortization of the investments made by the operator; • To avoid misinterpretation in the division of responsibilities between the district and the private operator, it will be necessary to uploads/Management/ evaluation-ppp-aep-ruraux-rwanda-2007.pdf
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