REPUBLIQUE DE MADAGASCAR Tanindrazana – Fahafahana – Fandrosoana PRIMATURE FOND

REPUBLIQUE DE MADAGASCAR Tanindrazana – Fahafahana – Fandrosoana PRIMATURE FONDS D’INTERVENTION POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT FID MANUEL DE PROCEDURES ENVIRONNEMENTALES PROJET D’URGENCE – SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE ET RECONSTRUCTION Emergency – Food Security and Reconstruction Project (EFSRP) Novembre 2008 1 SOMMAIRE ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................................................4 RESUME .....................................................................................................................................................7 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................10 2. HISTORIQUE DE MANUEL DE PROCEDURES ENVIRONNEMENTALES .............................11 3. TEXTES REGLEMENTAIRES ENVIRONNEMENTAUX ..............................................................13 4. SELECTION INITIALE.........................................................................................................................14 4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................14 4.2 Reconfirmation de classification des projets entre ONE et FID .......................................................14 5. EVALUATION PRELIMINAIRE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT ........................................................16 5.1. Contexte ..........................................................................................................................................16 5.2. Instruments.......................................................................................................................................16 5.3. Résultats ..........................................................................................................................................16 5.4. Méthodologie ..................................................................................................................................16 6. REALISATION DE L’EIE OU DU PREE ...........................................................................................19 6.1. Contexte............................................................................................................................................19 6.2. Responsabilité...................................................................................................................................19 6.3. Calendrier des études environnementales ........................................................................................19 6.4. Objectifs ...........................................................................................................................................19 6.5. Instruments ......................................................................................................................................20 6.6. Résultats ...........................................................................................................................................20 6.7. Méthodologie....................................................................................................................................20 6.8. Portée de l’étude...............................................................................................................................23 6.9. Méthodologie pour l’EIE selon la MECIE ......................................................................................24 6.10. Options et variantes de réalisation..................................................................................................24 6.11. Description de l’environnement .....................................................................................................24 6.12. Analyse des impacts .......................................................................................................................25 6.13. Mesures d’atténuation des impacts.................................................................................................26 6.14. Plan de gestion environnemental (PGEP).......................................................................................26 7. EXAMEN DE L’EVALUATION DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT ..........................................................28 7.1. Contexte ...........................................................................................................................................28 7.2. Responsabilités.................................................................................................................................28 7.3. Calendrier .........................................................................................................................................28 7.4. Résultat.............................................................................................................................................29 7.5. Instruments ......................................................................................................................................29 7.6. Objectif ............................................................................................................................................29 7.7. Méthodologie....................................................................................................................................30 8. SUIVI ENVIRONNEMENTAL ............................................................................................................32 8.1. Contexte ...........................................................................................................................................32 8.2. Responsabilités.................................................................................................................................32 8.3. Calendrier ........................................................................................................................................32 8.4. Instruments ......................................................................................................................................33 8.5. Méthodologie....................................................................................................................................34 8.6. Résultats ..........................................................................................................................................35 8.7. Evaluation ex- post…………………………………………………………………...... .................35 9. COMMUNICATION ..............................................................................................................................35 9.1. Communication pour le développement durable .............................................................................35 2 9.2. Etablir un rapport avec les bénéficiaires potentiels du projet ..........................................................35 9.3. Communication et participation pour réaliser des buts communs ...................................................36 9.4. Communication et exécution du projet ............................................................................................37 9.5. Méthodes et médias .........................................................................................................................37 Annexes : 1. Résumé de textes réglementaires environnementaux : texte nationaux et conventions, procédures et directives internationales 2. Projets obligatoirement soumis à une étude d’impact environnemental (EIE) et investissements obligatoirement soumis à un programme d’engagement environnemental (PREE) 3. Fiche de données environnementales pour les projets de programme de prêt de la BIRD/IDA 4. Définitions 5. Termes de référence pour les EIE et les PREE 6. Check-lists pour une évaluation environnementale préliminaire 7. Check-lists spécifiques pour la réalisation de l’EIE ou du PREE 8. Check-list des sources d’impacts principales et des mesures d’atténuation des différents projets du FID 3 ABSTRACT 1. The overall objective of the Emergency Food Security and Reconstruction Project (EFSRP) is to bring immediate response to the impacts of rising of food prices and the damages created by natural disasters especially the cyclones. Specifically, the Project Objectives are: a. To improve access to food for vulnerable groups including women; b. To increase rice production and productivity c. To contribute to the improved use of and satisfaction with social and economic services among participating communities d. To rehabilitate and reconstruct basic infrastructures in response to natural disasters. 2. The Fonds d’Intervention pour le Développement (FID) is committed to ensuring Project implementation. The FID is a not-for-profit association; it has a flexible and independent structure, with a private type. The organization and the management of the “Association FID” are done in accordance with its status. . The “Association FID” was recognized to have a public utility by the decree N° 93044 dated January 27, 1993. Representatives from the Government, territorial communities, civil society, NGO, socio-professional organizations and FID’s beneficiaries (representatives from local associations) can be members of the “Association FID” The organs of the “Association FID” are: ♦ The General assembly of members ♦ The Board of Directors ♦ The General Manager The FID is a decentralized organization which operates overall the national territory through interregional Directions (one interregional direction per “chef lieu de circonsciption administrative” or ex –“chef lieu de province”), to ensure a regional consultation on the selection of the activities to be implemented as response to catastrophic events and community subprojects in close coordination with the beneficiaries and a close follow-up of the implementation. The FID works in close collaboration with: - the legally competent government institutions on GRC which is the Bureau National de Gestion des Risques et Catastrophes (BNGRC) and its divisions at the local level, the regional committees for the management of risks and catastrophic events which include the Regions, the Districts, the Communes, the Fokontany and the “Services Techniques Déconcentrés sectoriels” 4 - the local communities, and by also working with the maximum of “partenaires relais” between the FID and the beneficiaries, such as the NGOs which are well represented in the field, or any other organization that can facilitate the implementation, the functioning and the maintenance of the subprojects financed under EFSRP Before approbation by the appropriate authorities within the FID, subprojects are submitted at the regional level (Regions, districts, decentralized services). This assessment will help to check if the activities and the subprojects financed under EFSRP conform to the sectorial policies and strategies and, are not, at the same time, scheduled to be financed under other financing sources or other sectorial plannings. Specifically, the structure of the FID comprises seven persons in charge of environmental related matters, allocated as follows: • 1 environmental specialist within the General Directorate • 6 persons in charge of environment in each Interregional Directorate The FID, for the implementation of subprojects, works with technical partners (Bureaux d’Etudes, Partenaires Relais, Entreprises). Each partner has a role in the implementation of environmental mitigating measures. The “Partenaires Relais” inform the beneficiary about the necessity of applying these environmental measures. The “Bureaux d’Etudes” are in charge of the development of the DAO (Dossier d’Appel d’Offres) including the environmental mitigating measures and the Project Environmental Management Plan which has already been approved by the FID . The Construction firm must comply with the regulations indicated in the DAO. The technical partners and FID staff has already benefited from trainings regarding environmental safeguards. 3. In accordance with national legislation, this Environmental Procedures Manuel has been prepared for FID’s Regional Environmental Officers and partner organisations (local NGOs and consultancies). This action responds to the adoption of the “Charte de l’Environnement Malgache” of 1990 and modified in 1997 leading to environmental policy and the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP). Policy promulgated integrated development through the Decree known as “Mise en Compatibilité de Investissements avec l’environnement” (MECIE) in 1999 promoting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and simplified environmental appraisals known as “Programmes d’Engagement Environmental” (PREE). The PREE is the most relevant type of environmental study for FID, as the majority of its projects have limited impacts upon the environment which excludes them from EIA studies. 4. The manual emphasises the importance of the MECIE with an overview of its key components and a list of projects requiring either an EIA or simplified appraisals (PREE). Legislation pertaining to sensitive environmental areas clarifies where FID projects would be obliged to do detailed EIA studies e.g. near protected areas and zones prone to erosion. In addition, supplementary legislation addressing the protection of water supplies and the control of industrial pollution provide the manual with relevant information and norms to protect natural resources. Finally international procedures and conventions are addressed briefly with World Bank environmental procedures for FID projects and the potential relevance of UNESCO’s world heritage convention. 5 5. Activities under the Project would be of the same scale and scope as those implemented under the Community Development Project also implemented by FID. Therefore, there would be no new or unanticipated impacts. Consequently, existing environmental safeguards are adequate. The FID has sufficient resources and capacities to manage the safeguard aspects of the Project. The Quality at Entry Assessment for Credit 3498-2 conducted in September 2007 made a few recommendations to improve the environmental impact of sub-projects. The FID has acted on these recommendations by: (i) conducting an ex-post environmental impact evaluation of sub-projects for each sector of investment, (ii) implementing the recommendations on the adoption of mitigation measures, and (iii) updating the Manual of Procedures to ensure that sub-project budgets include the costs of mitigation measures and capacity-building activities related to environmental management. The team is therefore confident that future activities to be financed under the proposed Project will comply effectively with the Bank’s safeguard policies and the national requirements. 6. Scoping of studies is addressed with a revue of the different types of projects requiring either EIA or simplified appraisal (PREE), as well as projects requiring only the completion of simple environmental forms following the format of the World Bank’s Environmental Data Sheets. Reconfirmation of project status and recommended approaches to verify this issue are presented to support the scoping process. Sub projects to achieve in the setting of the Emergency Food Security and Reconstruction Project are classified in the Category B according to the procedures of the World Bank. 7. Preliminary evaluation of the projects is described as a tool to assist FID as well as determine the content of the Terms of Reference for the consultants or NGOs. Simple data and information sources are the instruments for this process extracted from available references and maps. Potential issues of concern will be highlighted during this process. Based on this evaluation the context of the project and its potential sources and receptors of impacts within the context of the environment would be better understood. uploads/Management/ manuel-de-procedures-environnementales-projets-d-x27-urgence-securite-alimentaire-et-reconstruction-fid-2008.pdf

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  • Publié le Apv 07, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
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