UNIVERSITE HASSAN 1ER SETTAT ECOLE NATIONAL DE COMMERCE ET DE GESTION SETTAT Master spécialisé : Techniques Comptables et Financières Management stratégique Diagnostic Stratégique : Office national des aéroports (ONDA) Demandé par : M.WAHABI Rachid PHD Fait par l’étudiant : ZAAITER Yassir Année universitaire 2016/2017 Table des matières I. Diagnostic externe ..................................................................................................................................... 7 1. Macro-Environnement .......................................................................................................................... 7 A. Environnement PESTEL ...................................................................................................................... 7 2. Microenvironnement du secteur ........................................................................................................ 14 A. Offre et demande par DAS .............................................................................................................. 14 B. Les 5 facteurs de Michael Porter ..................................................................................................... 16 C. Cycle de vie de marché .................................................................................................................... 18 D. Structure financière du secteur ....................................................................................................... 21 3. Concurrents et marchés ...................................................................................................................... 23 A. Groupement Stratégique ................................................................................................................. 23 B. Facteurs clés de succès .................................................................................................................... 26 C. Profit compétitif .............................................................................................................................. 27 D. Évaluation des facteurs externes .................................................................................................... 29 II. Le diagnostic interne ............................................................................................................................... 30 1. Approche basée sur les ressources ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. A. Les ressources humaines : ............................................................................................................... 30 B. Compétences ................................................................................................................................... 32 C. Capacité : ......................................................................................................................................... 33 D. Cœur de compétence : .................................................................................................................... 33 E. Chaîne de valeur .............................................................................................................................. 36 F. Les ratios de l’analyse financière ..................................................................................................... 38 G. Évaluation des ressources interne par DAS ..................................................................................... 42 H. Évaluation des facteurs interne : IFE ............................................................................................... 46 1. Choix stratégiques ....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. L’analyse SWOT ....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. PRESENTATION DE l’ONDA : L'ONDA est un établissement public à caractère industriel et commercial doté de lapersonnalité et de l'autonomie financière. Il est placé sous la tutelle du Ministère des équipements et du Transport et le contrôle du Ministère des Finances. L’ONDA est ainsi devenu le premier établissement public autonome de gestionaéroportuaire à caractère industriel. Les stratégies adoptées par L’ONDA Sont L’argument Avantages Limite Stratégie de différenciation Améliorer la satisfaction du client dans une démarche de qualité globale. - Amélioration des services rendus ; - Satisfaction des besoins des clients. - Augmentation des coûts ; - Nécessite des capacités d’innovation. Stratégie de diversification diversification de portefeuille d’activités - Conquête de nouveaux marchés ; - Eviter le risque de la vulnérabilité . - Dispersion des moyens - Risque de non maîtrise des nouveaux métiers Stratégies d’internationalisation l’ONDA ambitionne de s’ouvrir d’avantage à - Augmentation du C.A. - méconnaissance du marché étranger Présentation de l’entreprise Raison sociale : Office National des Aéroports (ONDA) Siège social : Aéroport Mohammed V, Nouaceur, casablanca Capital social : 2 064 819 699 Dhs Effectifs : Plus de 2 000 salariés Nombre d’aéroports : 25 l’international en exportant son expertise et son savoir-faire. - Rayonnement international. - augmentation du coût de conquête du marché international Plan Stratégique ONDA 2011 – 2016 I. Diagnostic externe L’intérêt du diagnostic stratégique : Il permet à l’entreprise de s’informer sur les composantes de son environnement afin de déceler les opportunités à saisir et les contraintes à surmonter. Ceci lui permettant de prendre les meilleures décisions stratégiques. Diagnostic Externe de L’ONDA Opportunités Menaces Evolution de l’environnement économique national et international. Selon la FMI l’accroissance mondiale sa cera en 2017 3,4% et au niveau national c’est 4,8%. Boom touristique et économique : Une étude stratégique élaborée par le ministère de tourisme prévoit l’accueille de 36,49 millions de passagers en 2025 et 70 millions de passagers à l’horizon 2035 avec taux de progression annuelle moyenne de l’ordre de 6,2% sur la période 2010-2035. Contraintes de sécurité. Nouvelles attentes des usagers : Les plus grands aéroports du monde ne sont plus de simples infrastructures de transit mais de véritables écosystèmes économiques qui créent des emplois, produisent de la valeur et peuvent être très profitables. 1. Macro-Environnement A. Environnement PESTEL Catégories Type de facteurs Politique Stabilité politique : le Maroc est un pays très stable Politique fiscale : ONDA est un Office nationale qui est exclus des impôts Economique (Statistiques de 2016 selon la BAM) Inflation : 1,6% Croissance :1,2 Chômage : 9 Taux directeur : 2,25% Socioculturel Démographie : 33,8 millions d'habitants. Technologique Vitesse des transferts technologiques : Moyenne sur tout au niveau des administrations publiques mais au niveau des aéroports marocains il est rapide. Ecologique Lois sur la protection de l’environnement : LOI-CADRE N° 99-12 PORTANT CHARTE NATIONALE DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE Consommation d’énergie : 539,08 kg d'équivalent pétrole par habitant Légal Lois sur les monopoles : 4 janvier 2010 : promulgation de la loi n° 30-08 modifiant et complétant la loi n° 06-99 par le Dahir n° 1-09-237 du 18 moharrem 1431 (4 janvier 2010). Political factors The political environment refers to how the government policies like Current taxation policy, Future taxation policy the current and future political support, Grants, funding and initiatives, Trade bodies, Effect of wars or worsening relations with particular countries has effect on ONDA operations. The political environment has little or no effect on ONDA as the Government of the Morocco founded ONDA which plays a major role in helping Casablanca government achieve its objective of promoting the city as a preferred tourist destination. ONDA has been protected by the regulations and policies formulated by the Moroccan government and other countries where they are operating. Since Casablanca government is the sole owner of the industry the company has been able to adhere to the policies given by each government to make sure the company will be able to conduct business operations successfully and effectively. The company also formulates their own protection strategies against any governmental restrictions and limitations. Furthermore, any airline that has been created with government cash has an advantage over private sectors. Indeed oil money that is making this competitor so strong and the government of Casablanca goes out of its way to make sure ONDA is successful. (Morocco annual report 2008) ONDA Airline has been very fortunate during the 2000s and beyond. The political scene in the region has been favourable because most countries in the Asian Pacific have been making agreements that facilitate better trade between countries especially in relation to the aviation sector. These agreements between themselves and other countries like the United States and the European continent have opened up ONDA to the world. Economic Factors Economic conditions affect how easy or how difficult it is to be successful and profitable at any time because they affect both capital availability and cost and demand. If demand is buyout and the cost of capital is low, it will be attractive for firms to invest and grow with expectations of being profitable. In opposite circumstances firms might find that profitability throughout the industry is low. The timing and relative success of particular strategies can be influences by economic conditions. When the economy, as a whole or certain sectors of the economy, are growing, demand may exist for a product or service which would not be in demand in more depressed circumstances. ONDA airline is one of the world's largest and competitive industry in terms of airline. ONDA airline is said to have a stable and successful economic stability. In spite of many dangers that they encounter in different parts of the world, the management of ONDA airline sees to it that they would be able to surpass such struggles and strives to have a better economic condition. Unlike many others, ONDA is one of the few, which hardly felt the economic and aviation downturn of the last few years. This is due to the great marketing efforts to promote Casablanca as a tourist destination with attractive tax-free shopping. Casablanca is known as the City of Gold, known for its commerce and tourism in the North Africa. From shopping, to clean white sand beaches. ONDA also promotes its hub in Casablanca as the best geographically positioned connecting point between Europe and Asia/Australia. Casablanca is also known for its trade, which attracts more cargo. This is why ONDA 0 only operates wide body aircraft to be able to accommodate the increasing international and regional growing cargo market demand. The airline's profits rose every year. ONDA 0 has announced a record net profit of US $429 million for the financial year 2003/20004. This represents a 73.5 percent improvement over last year's net profit. The airline's revenue also reached a best ever $3.6 billion, which is up to 37 per cent from last year. ONDA 0 carried 10.4 million passengers during the financial year, an increase of almost two million passengers or 23 per cent more than the year before, from this we can see that ONDA airline is doing well (ONDA annual report 2008). Social factors The socio-cultural environment encapsulates demand and tastes, which vary with fashion and disposable income and general changes can again provide both opportunities and threats for particular companies. Over-time most products change from being a novelty to a situation of market saturation and as this happens pricing and promotion strategies have to change. ONDA 0 should be aware of demographics changes as the structure of the population by ages, affluence, regions and numbers working and so on can have an important bearing on demand as a whole and on uploads/Management/ onda-final-amine.pdf
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