1 PARTICIPANT’S GUIDE PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT Contents 1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COURSE ............................................................... 5 1.1 Course Contents .................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Overall Objective ................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Specific Objectives ................................................................................................................ 6 1.4 Participants’ Profile and Pre-requisites................................................................................ 6 1.5 Duration and time dedication ................................................................................................ 7 1.6 Key Dates ............................................................................................................................... 7 1.7 Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................... 8 2. METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................ 8 2.1 Course Methodology ............................................................................................................. 8 2.1.1 Videos ............................................................................................................................. 8 2.1.2 Readings ........................................................................................................................ 8 2.1.3 Case Study ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.4 Discussion Forums ........................................................................................................ 9 2.1.5 Learn with the Experts ................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Performance Evaluations ...................................................................................................... 9 2.2.1 Questionnaires ............................................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 Case Study ................................................................................................................... 10 2 2.2.3 Participation in Forums................................................................................................ 10 2.3 Grades .................................................................................................................................. 10 2.4 Course Certificates .............................................................................................................. 10 2.4.1 Verified identity certificate ........................................................................................... 10 2.4.2 Certified Professional Development Units (PDUs) ................................................... 11 2.4.3 Time Commitment Certificate ..................................................................................... 11 3. COURSE INSTRUCTORS ......................................................................................................... 11 4. POLICIES .................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1 IDBx Accessibility Policy ..................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Academic Integrity Policy .................................................................................................... 13 4.3 Privacy Policy....................................................................................................................... 13 4.4 Late Assignment Delivery Policy ........................................................................................ 13 5. TECHNICAL INFORMATION YOU NEED TO CONSIDER ................................................... 14 5.1 How do we change the language of the edX platform? ................................................... 14 5.2 What technical requirements do you need to take a course in edX?.............................. 14 5.3 Can I access the course from a smartphone or tablet? ................................................... 14 6. PARTICIPANTS SUPPORT SERVICES .................................................................................. 15 6.1 edX Help Center .................................................................................................................. 15 6.2 Frequently Asked General and Technical Questions ....................................................... 15 6.3 Participants Support ............................................................................................................ 15 7. HOW CAN YOU TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF THIS COURSE?....................................... 16 7.1 Follow a Study Plan............................................................................................................. 16 7.2 Take Advantage of all Learning Resources ...................................................................... 16 7.3 Answer all Questionnaires .................................................................................................. 16 7.4 Participate in all forums ....................................................................................................... 16 7.5 Get a Study Partner............................................................................................................. 17 7.6 Apply What you Have Learned .......................................................................................... 17 3 Dear Participant: Welcome to the course Project Management for Development, offered by the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) through the edX platform. Since 2014, the IDB, through the IDBx program, has developed a series of massive open online courses - MOOCs, for its acronym in English - aimed primarily at public officials from Latin American and the Caribbean countries, and citizens interested in knowing the reality of their countries. One of the challenges faced by public institutions, non-governmental organizations, development agencies and other actors that promote economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean is how to transform proposals into practical actions improving the well-being of society and making sure that these results are achieved in time and with the available resources. This course presents concepts and tools that can be applied in project management and that can generate a substantial change to reach the proposed objectives. In this way, this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) aims to strengthen the capacity of development projects management in the Region, so that they can be executed efficiently and effectively. The contents of the course are aligned with the guidelines and standards of good project management practices presented in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The conceptual basis of this course is the PM4R (Project Management for Results) methodology, developed by the IDB's Inter-American Institute for Economic and Social Development (INDES), which is accredited as the PMI's Registered Education Provider (REP). The PM4R methodology adapts international good practices to the management of development projects. The course includes practical cases that help you understand key concepts and tools for project management, presentations made by experts with extensive experience in the subject and who have the PMI’s PMP (Project Management Professional) certification, selected discussion forums and readings, among other activities. This course is free, and consists of 9 content modules, plus an introduction module, that are introduced below. 4 Keep in mind that the modules are composed of animated videos, instructional videos, readings, exercises, activities and evaluated questionnaires. You can take the course under one of the following modes: audit track or verified track. • Audit track: You will have free access to the course material for a limited time. By choosing this option, you will not obtain a certification at the end of the course and you will not have access to the qualified evaluation questionnaires. • Verified track: You will be eligible to obtain a certification issued by the IDB and edX, to share in your CV and LinkedIn. To obtain the course verified certificate, you must meet three conditions: 1- Pass the course, by obtaining at least 65% of total points 2- Pay $49 dollars, which is the minimum issuance cost for certificates established by edX 3- Perform identity verification in edX If you want to obtain the course certificate, choose the verified track mode. This MOOC starts on Thursday, May 9, 2019, and ends on December 12. It has no prerequisites and is openly available to all public officials in Latin America and the Caribbean at national, regional and municipal levels, private sector organizations and civil society, and in general for all citizens interested in learning about project management for development. To complete the course, you will only need a computer or device with an Internet connection. If this is the first time you take a course in edX, we suggest you take the Demo Course, in which you will learn to navigate the edX platform. If you have previously done edX courses, you can go directly to the first course section, “Where to begin?”. You will find all the information you need to successfully complete this MOOC. To complete all the learning resources, it is estimated that you will have to dedicate around 6-7 hours per week, for 5 weeks. In addition, we invite you to introduce yourself 5 in the Coffee Forum and to place your country of origin in the word cloud. This course does not have tutors, therefore, the forum will not be moderated by the course team. 1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COURSE 1.1 Course Contents The contents of this course are based on the PM4R methodology developed by the IDB based on its operational experience and the adaptation of international best practices, tools, and standards on project management to the world of development. Among the best practices the following can be mentioned: Project Management Institute (PMI), Projects in Controlled Environments (PRINCE), International Project Management Association (IPMA), Association for Project Management (APM). The course content is structured in the following nine modules: • Module 1: Project charter • Module 2: Scope planning tool • Module 3: Time management tool • Module 4: Cost management tool • Module 5: Procurement management tool • Module 6: Risk management tool • Module 7: Communications management tool • Module 8: Human resources management tool • Module 9: Project control tool 1.2 Overall Objective At the end of the course the participant will be able to: • Identify the seven (7) steps of the project management methodology for results - IDB's PM4R. 6 1.3 Specific Objectives Objective Module 1: Project charter Identify the project charter objectives and main characteristics Module 2: Scope planning tools Identify the decomposition of work by using the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Module 3: Time management tool Identify the steps and techniques to develop a project schedule. Elaborate the network diagram of the schedule. Calculate the critical path of a project. Module 4: Cost management tool Draw the project’s S-curve. Module 5: Procurement management tool Identify the information needed to successfully complete a project procurement matrix. Module 6: Risk management tool Identify the information needed to correctly complete a project risk matrix. Identify the level of impact and the likelihood of a risk. Identify response strategies to identified risks Module 7: Communication management tool Identify the information needed to correctly complete the communications matrix of a project. Module 8: Human resources management tool Identify the information needed to correctly complete the RACI matrix of a project. Module 9: Project control tool Apply the earned value methodology to analyze the performance of a project. For more information about the course contents review the Study Plan (PDF). 1.4 Participants’ Profile and Pre-requisites 7 This course is aimed to all professionals involved in project management. These include professionals from the public sector, non-governmental organizations, or development agencies. Those interested in the course can participate free of charge, without conditions or prerequisites. 1.5 Duration and time dedication The duration of the course is 5 weeks and it will take you only 30 hours to complete it. For those who opt for the verified certificate modality, the course will be open from May 9, 2019 to December 11, 2019, at 11:59 PM, Washington D.C. time (December 12, 04:59 UTC). In each module you will have to meet specific objectives that will help you to complete the course successfully. In the Course unit you will find the list of specific objectives by module. You will also find the specific objectives at the beginning of each module. Remember that, if you chose the audit track, you will have free access to course material such as videos, lectures, uploads/Management/ participants-guide 3 .pdf
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- Publié le Apv 30, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 0.3191MB