www.siemens.com/protection Answers for infrastructure and cities. Selection Gui
www.siemens.com/protection Answers for infrastructure and cities. Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Edition 2 2 Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle · Edition 2 SIPROTEC 5 - System catalog - Device catalogs SIPROTEC Compact Catalog SIPROTEC 4 Catalog - SIPROTEC easy - SIPROTEC series 600 - Communication - Accessories Protection Selection Guide 6,3527(& 7XWRULDO 6,3527(& ',*6, 7XWRULDO 6,3527(& &RPSDFW '9' 5H\UROOH '9' Reyrolle Catalog 1) 2) $YDLODEOHRQO\LQHQJOLVK ,QSUHSDUDWLRQ Overview of Siemens protection catalogs SIPROTEC 4, SIPROTEC series 600, SIPROTEC easy, communication and accessories: This catalog describes the features of the device series SIPROTEC 4, SIPROTEC series 600 and SIPROTEC easy, as well as their devices. In further chapters, the accessories of the complete SIPRROTEC family for communication, auxiliary relays and test equipment are described. Reyrolle catalog: This catalog gives an overview of the reyrolle devices. Protection selection guide: The selection guide offers an overview of the device series of the Siemens protection devices, and a device selection table. SIPROTEC Compact catalog: The SIPROTEC Compact catalog describes the features of the SIPROTEC Compact series and presents the available devices and their application possibilities. SIPROTEC 5 catalogs: The system catalog describes the features of the SIPROTEC 5 system. The SIPROTEC 5 device catalogs describe device- specifi c features such as scope of functions, hardware and application. Overview of Siemens Protection Catalogs 3 Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle · Edition 2 Contents The products and systems described in this catalog are manufactured and sold according to a certifi ed management system (acc. to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001). Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Edition 2 www.siemens.com/protection Protection Devices Series SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Relay Families 4 SIPROTEC 5 5 SIPROTEC Compact 6 SIPROTEC 4 7 SIPROTEC easy and SIPROTEC Compact (series 600) 8 Reyrolle 9 Overview, Relay Selection Table Part 1 10 to 18 Functions Part 2 20 to 28 Functions (continued) Further Functions Hardware Feature Part 3 30 to 38 Hardware Feature (continued) Communication Legal Notice 39 4 Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle · Edition 2 Solutions for today's and future power supply systems – for more than 100 years With the two brands SIPROTEC and REYROLLE, Siemens is the world market leader in digital protection technology. Profi t from the experience out of an installed base of more than 1 million devices and 250,000 with IEC 61850. SIPROTEC has established itself on the energy market for decades as a powerful and complete system family of numeri- cal protection relays and bay controllers from Siemens. SIPROTEC protection relays from Siemens can be consistently used throughout all applications in medium and high voltage. With SIPROTEC, operators have their systems fi rmly and safely under control, and have the basis to implement cost-effi cient solutions for all duties in modern, intelligent and “smart” grids. Users can combine the units of the different SIPROTEC device series at will for solving manifold duties – because SIPROTEC stands for continuity, openness and future-proof design. As the innovation driver and trendsetter in the fi eld of protec- tion systems for 100 years, Siemens helps system operators to design their grids in an intelligent, ecological, reliable and effi cient way, and to operate them economically. As a pioneer, Siemens has decisively infl uenced the development of numeri- cal protection systems (fi g. 2). The fi rst application went into operation in Würzburg, Germany, in 1977. Consistent integra- tion of protection and control functions for all SIPROTEC devices was the innovation step in the 90ies. After release of the communication standard IEC 61850 in the year 2004, Siemens was the fi rst manufacturer worldwide to put a system with this communication standard into operation. How can system operators benefi t from this experience? Proven and complete applications Easy integration into your system Highest quality of hardware and software Excellent operator friendliness of devices and tools Easy data exchange between applications Extraordinary consistency between product- and systemengineering Reduced complexity by easy operation Siemens as a reliable, worldwide operating partner Reyrolle The products of the long-standing British manufacturer Reyrolle are considered especially powerful and reliable by many markets. With the latest numerical products, Reyrolle – as a part of Siemens – shows that the development is being pushed forward, and that new innovations are continuously being developed further for the users' benefi t. In this way, Reyrolle completes the offerings for protection devices, particularly in Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries. Fig. 1: Siemens protection family Fig. 2: SIPROTEC – Pioneer over generations SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Relay Families Protection Devices 5 Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle · Edition 2 Protection Devices SIPROTEC 5 SIPROTEC 5 – the new benchmark for protection, automation and monitoring of transmission grids The SIPROTEC 5 series is based on the long fi eld experience of the SIPROTEC device series, and has been especially designed for the new requirements of modern high-voltage systems. For this purpose, SIPROTEC 5 is equipped with extensive functionalities and device types. With the holistic and consistent engineering tool DIGSI 5, a solution has also been provided for the increasingly complex processes, from the design via the engineering phase up to the test and operation phase. Thanks to the high modularity of hardware and software, the functionality and hardware of the devices can be tailored to the requested application and adjusted to the continuously changing requirements throughout the entire life cycle. Besides the reliable and selective protection and the complete automation function, SIPROTEC 5 offers an extensive database for operation and monitoring of modern power supply systems. Synchrophasors (PMU), power quality data and extensive operational equipment data are part of the scope of supply. Powerful protection functions guarantee the safety of the system operator's equipment and employees Individually confi gurable devices save money on initial investment as well as storage of spare parts, maintenance, expansion and adjustment of your equipment Clear and easy-to-use of devices and software thanks to user-friendly design Increase of reliability and quality of the engineering process High reliability due to consequent implementation of safety and security Powerful communication components guarantee safe and effective solutions Full compatibility between IEC 61850 Editions 1 and 2 Effi cient operating concepts by fl exible engineering of IEC 61850 Edition 2 Comprehensive database for monitoring of modern power grids Optimal smart automation platform for transmission grids based on integrated synchrophasor measurement units (PMU) and power quality functions. Fig. 3: SIPROTEC 5 – modular hardware Fig. 4: SIPROTEC 5 – rear view Fig. 5: Application in the high-voltage system 6 Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle · Edition 2 SIPROTEC Compact – Maximum protection-minimum space Reliable and fl exible protection for energy distribution and industrial systems with minimum space requirements. The devices of the SIPROTEC Compact family offer an extensive variety of functions in a compact and thus space-saving 1/6 x 19" housing. The devices can be used as main protection in medium- voltage applications or as back-up protection in high-voltage systems. SIPROTEC Compact provides suitable devices for many applications in energy distribution, such as the protection of feeders, lines or motors. Moreover, it also performs tasks such as system decoupling, load shedding, load restoration, as well as voltage and frequency protection. The SIPROTEC Compact series is based on millions of operational experience with SIPROTEC 4 and a further-developed, compact hardware, in which many customer suggestions were integrated. This offers maximum reliability combined with excellent functionality and fl exibility. Simple installation by means of pluggable current and voltage terminal blocks Thresholds adjustable via software (3 stages guarantee a safe and reliable recording of input signals) Easy adjustment of secondary current transformer values (1 A/5 A) to primary transformers via DIGSI 4 Quick operations at the device by means of 9 freely programmable function keys Clear overview with six-line display Easy service due to buffer battery replaceable at the front side Use of standard cables via USB port at the front Integration in the communication network by means of two further communication interfaces Integrated switch for low-cost and redundant optical Ethernet rings Ethernet redundancy protocols RSTP, PRP and HSR for highest availability Reduction of wiring between devices by means of cross- communication via Ethernet (IEC 61850 GOOSE) Time synchronization to the millisecond via Ethernet with SNTP for targeted fault evaluation Adjustable to the protection requirements by means of “fl exible protection functions” Comfortable engineering and evaluation via DIGSI 4. Fig. 6: SIPROTEC Compact Fig. 7: SIPROTEC Compact – rear view Fig. 8: Feeder automation relay 7SC80 SIPROTEC Compact Protection Devices 7 Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle · Edition 2 Protection Devices SIPROTEC 4 SIPROTEC 4 – the proven, reliable and future-proof protection for all applications SIPROTEC 4 represents a worldwide successful and proven device series with more than 1 million devices in fi eld use. Due to the homogenous system platform, the unique engi- neering program DIGSI 4 and the great fi eld experience, the SIPROTEC 4 device family has gained the highest appreciation of users all over the world. Today, SIPROTEC 4 is considered the standard for uploads/Management/ relay-selection-guide 1 .pdf
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