Bibliography Primary sources: "Battle of Midway." Battle of Midway. Web. 16 Dec
Bibliography Primary sources: "Battle of Midway." Battle of Midway. Web. 16 Dec. 2014. <>. Primary source images of events that occurred at the battle of Midway. "Bombing Operations." The Naval Bombing Experiments:. Web. 16 Dec. 2014. <>. Primary source images of the events that occurred during project B or the bombing and sinking of multiple retired naval ships as well as a detailed description of transcript of what occurred. " Home Page." The US Navy Aircraft Carriers. Web. 18 Dec. 2014. <>. Primary source images of U.S. carriers as well as commission date. " Home Page." The US Navy Battleship List. Web. 18 Dec. 2014. <>. Primary sources images of U.S. battleships as well as their commission date. Secondary sources: Chipman D. "A New Way of Warfare (Sea Control)." Retrieved November 3, 2014. Use of historian quote to back up evidence that Mitchell had proven how sea craft can be destroyed by aircraft. Ivy, J. (1997). THE PARADOXICAL PARADIGM: AVIATION LEADERSHIP, 1918- 1926: HOW WILLIAM MOFFETT CHANGED THE NAVY AND HOW BILLY MITCHELL PREVENTED THE FORMATION OF A SEPARATE AIR FORCE. Retrieved November 10, 2014. The effectiveness of aircraft and how Mitchell’s prediction of a carrier based attack on Hawaii would come true. Mastromichalis, Michael J. Billy Mitchell's Concept of Command Leadership and the Relevance for Air Force Officers. No. ACSC-86-1630. AIR COMMAND AND STAFF COLL MAXWELL AFB AL, 1986. Use and effectiveness of aircraft in a naval combat environment. Details behind found and the plan for aviation in the military as well as Mitchell prediction of Pearl Harbor. McBride W. (2001). Technological Change and the U.S. Navy. Retrieved November 10, 2014 Use of this source was used to describe and gather information about costs between a bomber and a battleship which could be sunk by a bomber. It also talked about the current maximum bomber ceiling and how that would soon be surpassed Current effectiveness of aircraft before World War 2. uploads/Management/ relevance-for-air-force-officers-no-acsc-86-1630-air-command-and 1 .pdf
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