BANQUE AFRICAINE DE DEVELOPPEMENT AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Adresse Télégraphique : AFDEV ABIDJAN Téléphone : 20-44- 44 Télex : 23717/23498 Fax : 20-49-43 Adresse Postale : 01 B.P. 1387 ABIDJAN 01 COTE D'IVOIRE NOTICE PERSONNELLE DU CANDIDAT PERSONAL HISTORY OF APPLICANT Nº de Référence (pour usage officiel) : Reference No. (for official use) : Reçu le : Received on : Il est important de répondre à toutes les rubriques exactement et complètement en caractères d'imprimerie sous peine de retarder l'examen de votre candidature. Si votre candidature répond aux besoins actuels de notre organisation, ce formulaire sera gardé en instance active pendant un an. Veuillez nous informer de tout changement durant cette période. It is important to answer all the questions in capital letters, fully and accurately ; failure to do so may delay consideration of your application. If your application meets the bank's actual needs, this form will be kept active for one year. Please keep us informed of any changes during this period. NOM DE FAMILLE/FAMILY NAME DAS PRENOMS / FIRST NAMES TARUN KANTI NOM DE JEUNE FILLE / MAIDEN NAME 2. DATE DE NAISSANCE DATE OF BIRTH 19-08-1947 3. LIEU DE NAISSANCE PLACE OF BIRTH MIDNAPORE, WEST BENGAL, INDIA. PAYS / COUNTRY INDIA 4. NATIONALITE ACTUELLE PRESENT NATIONALITY INDIA 5. SEXE / SEX MALE Day Month Year M √ M F 19 08 1947 6. ADRESSE PERMANENTE / PERMANENT ADDRESS 10/14 FIRST FLOOR, EAST PATEL NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110008, INDIA. ADRESSE ACTUELLE / PRESENT ADDRESS (si différente de nº 6 / if different from nº 6) 10/14 FIRST FLOOR, EAST PATEL NAGAR, NEW DELHI-110008, INDIA. 7. Telephone Bureau / Office Telephone Domicile / Home (009111) 2588-4540 Fax Bureau / Office Fax Domicile / Home Telex Bureau / Office Telex Domicile / Home 8. SITUATION DE FAMILLE / MARITAL STATUS Célibataire Single M Marié(e) / Married √ Date 28-02-1979 Autre, spécifiez Other, specify please 9. PERSONNES A CHARGE / DEPENDANTS (Conjoint et enfants légitimes reconnus ou adoptés légalement / Spouse and legitimate natural or legally adopted children) NOMS / NAMES Date de naissance / Date of Birth Lien de Parenté / Relationship MRS. MITALI DAS 21-03-1951 WIFE MR. ARPAN DAS 25-11-1987 SON 1 - 2 - 10. CONNAISSANCE DES LANGUES / LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY (a) Quelle est votre langue maternelle ? What is your mother tongue ? BENGALI (b) Quelle est votre langue de travail ? What is your working language ? ENGLIGH (c) Connaissez-vous une autre langue ? Si oui, complétez le tableau ci-après Do you know any other language ? If yes, complete the following table YES Langue Language Lisez-vous / Do you Read Ecrivez-vous /Do you Write Parlez-vous / Do you Speak Très Bien Very Well Bien Well Passab le Fair Très Bien Very Well Bien Well Passabl e Fair Très Bien Very Well Bien Well Passabl e Fair HINDI X X X 11. ETUDES / EDUCATION (Veuillez joindre les copies de vos diplômes. Les originaux vous seront demandés si vous êtes sélectionnés pour une interview) (Please attach copy of your degree certificates or diplomas. Originals will be required if you are short listed for an interview) (A) Enseignement supérieur / University or Equivalent Nom de l'Etablissement - Ville - Pays Name of University - City - Country Période / Duration Diplôme Obtenu Degree Obtained Sujet d'étude principal Major field of study De / From A / To University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ England, U. K. Commonwealth Scholar in the U.K. Sept 1974 July 1977 Ph.D. in Economics Decompostition of Poverty and Inequality Measures University of Calcutta, Presidency College, College Street, Calcutta, India. Sept 1967 Nov 1969 MA (Economics), First Class, Silver Medalist (Ranked Second in order of merit in the University) Economics with Statistics, Econometrics and Math. Economics University of Calcutta, Presidency College, College Street, Calcutta, India. June 1964 May 1967 BA Hons. (Economics) First Class First, Gold Medalist Economics with Statistics and Mathematics (B) Enseignement secondaire ou technique / Secondary or technical education School – City - Country Type of Education Duration Certificates or diplomas obtained De / From A / To Changrachak Jagdish Memorial Higher Secondary School, Midnapore, West Bengal, India. Higher Secondary Public School 1959 1964 Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Ranked Fourth in Humanities Group in West Bengal Board 12. FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE / PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Name and place of training Institute Type of training course Duration Certificates or diplomas obtained De / From A / To IMF Regional Training Institute, Singapore Workshop on Budgeting and Macroeconomic Forecasting and Policies 15 Aug 1998 30 Aug 1998 Certificate IMF Regional Training Institute, Singapore Workshop on Management of External Debt 20 March 2000 25 March 2000 Certificate Public Debt Offices in the UK and Ireland Management of Public Debt and External Debt 16 Oct 2000 20 Oct 2000 Certificate National Information Centre, India Computer Training 01 April 1989 06 April 1989 Certificate 2 - 3 - 13. APTITUDES EN INFORMATIQUE / COMPUTER SKILLS Quels sont les logiciels informatiques que vous utilisez couramment ? / With which computer software are you conversant ? (a) Possesses very good knowledge of MS-WORD, EXCELL, POWER POINT, SPSS. 14. AUTRES APTITUDES / OTHERS SKILLS (A completer seulement par les postulants à un emploi de commis, secrétaire ou dactylo) (To be completed only by candidates applying for secretarial or clerical position) Not Applicable [m.p.m / w.p.m] [m.p.m / w.p.m] Typing / Shorthand Français / French Anglais / English 15. AVEZ-VOUS FAIT PARAITRE DES PUBLICATIONS / HAVE YOU PUBLISHED ANY DOCUMENTS, REPORTS, ARTICLES ? √ Yes Si oui, lesquelles / If yes, specify LIST ATTACHED No Papers published in Australian Economic Journal, Empirical Economics, Journal of Income and Wealth, Journal of Regional Economics, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commercialli (Milan), Rivista di Mathematica per le Scienze Economiche e Socoali (Milan), Environment and Planning, and Books/ Reports published by the World Bank, IMF, United Nations, UN-ESCAP, Global Development Network; also contributed in books published by the Oxford University Press, Mc Milan, Reserve Bank of India, CRISIL etc. (Veuillez ne pas expédier des copies de vos publications / Please do not send any copy of your publications) 16. ARE YOU A MEMBER OF ANY PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ? (Evidence of status of membership may be required if short listed for an interview) √ Yes Si oui, lesquelles / If yes, specify As indicated below: No (a) Life Member, Indian Economic Association, and Indian Association for Research on Income and Wealth. (b)Member, Academic Council, Centre for Global Business Management and Research, and IILM, New Delhi. 17. POSTES DEMANDES 1 –MACROECONOMIC ADVISER 2 - MACROECONOMETRIC MODELER 3 - POSITIONS APPLIED FOR 18. FONCTIONS EXERCEES / EMPLOYMENT RECORD (Commencer par l'emploi le plus récent / Starting with your most recent position) Period of employment Monthly salary Exact title of position occupied; Professor (Public Policy and Research Methodology) De / From A / To Début / Starting Actuel / Present Mois Année Month Year Mois Année Month Year Indian Rs:80,000 Indian Rs: 120,000 Name and title of immediate supervisor: Dr. B. Bhattyacharya, Director, IILM. Feb 2006 Till Date Name and address of employer Ms. Malvika Rai, Chairpersin. IILM, Lodhi Inst. Area, New Delhi-110003. Number and category of employees you supervised 4 Associate Professors, 3 Fellows Type of business of employer: Management Education, Research and Training Reason for leaving: Was on leave of absence during June 2007 to Aug 2008 when worked as Consultant to the Asian Development Bank and Commonwealth Secretariat. Describe concisely your duties, responsibilities and accomplishments. Conducting research, teaching and training on Public Policy, Research Methodology, Econometric Techniques and Applications, Economic Statistics, Macro Economic Forecasting, Development Management, Environment, Social and Cost Benefit Analysis, Evaluation of Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation Programs; Millennium Development Goals, Human Development Index; Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy, Performance Based Outcome Budgeting; Debt Sustainability Analysis and Risk Management; WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services, Global Business and Economic Environment etc. 3 - 4 - Period of employment Monthly salary Exact title of position occupied: Consultant (Debt Sustainability Modeling for the Government of Gambia) De / From A / To Début / Starting Actuel / Present Month Year Month Year UK£9,000 plus DSA UK£6,600 UK£9,000 plus DSA UK£6,600 Name and title of immediate supervisor: Dr. Arindam Roy, Debt Adviser and Chief (Debt Management) July 2008 Aug 2008 Name and address of employer Commonwealth Secretariat, London Number and category of employees you supervised 2 consultants Type of business of employer; Economic Research and Development Aid Reason for leaving: Was on Contract for a specific period Describe concisely your duties, responsibilities and accomplishments. Preparation of report on Macro-Economic Forecasting and Assessment of Needs and Resource Gaps for attaining MDGs; sustaining Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy (PRGS) and mobilising external aid; (b) Debt sustainability analysis in the World Bank-IMF DSA Framework for the Government of Gambia. Conducted two field visits to Banjul, Gambia during the period. Period of employment Monthly salary Exact title of position occupied: ADB Strategic Planning Expert for Governance Reforms De / From A / To Début / Starting Actuel / Present uploads/Management/ tarun-das-cv-for-gambia-in-afdb-format.pdf
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- Publié le Jul 28, 2022
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