USER’S GUIDE Usage How to... FAQ CURE YOUR PC OF ANY KIND OF MALWARE GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE Download malware removal tool & install it 1 Start scan process and wait for results 2 Clean your PC! 3 An easy way to get rid of annoying software on your PC: JANUARY, 2019 USAGE OF GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE Copyright © 2019 GridinSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2 USER’S GUIDE In order to use our software properly, we have to uncover some important questions. There is some information about GridinSoft Anti-Malware – from the performance of the program and update process to actual malware removal. About GridinSoft Anti-Malware Welcome to GridinSoft Anti-Malware - the smart PC recovery solution and powerful malware cleaner. The software you intend to use has been released by the Gridinsoft Team, a group of highly-skilled software developers, cyber threat analysts and system optimization specialists in order to assist you in making your computer to function better. The massive virus attacks nowadays targeting millions of PCs worldwide have made them work extremely slowly. Due to persistent malware aggression, many workstations have been damaged by rogue security applications, spyware, adware, causing major PC slowdowns, browser redirect problems and many other unpleasant modifications. Fake security popups, warnings, ads, notifications - all these accompany fake AV pests once they make their dwelling in the PC contaminated with the virus. The purpose of GridinSoft Anti-Malware is to help you to eradicate and fix all the above-mentioned problems. However, not only the malware can be removed with the help of GridinSoft Anti-Malware. The tool includes additional modules designed to restore your PC back to the condition it had just before the very virus infiltration. Copyright © 2019 GridinSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved. 3 USER’S GUIDE GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE Copyright © 2019 GridinSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved. 4 USER’S GUIDE 10 Contact us 28 page Contacts 9 Frequently asked questions 25-27 pages FAQ 8 interpret the result? 23-24 pages 7 send system information for analysis? 20-22 pages 6 restore quarantined files? 17-19 pages 5 reset browser settings? 15-16 pages How to... 4 Use additional tools to clean browser, tweak options and schedule a regular scanning. 12-14 pages 3 Clean your PC! 10-11 pages 2 Start scan process and wait for results 7-9 pages 1 Download malware removal tool & install it 5-6 pages Usage TABLE OF CONTENT USAGE OF GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE Copyright © 2019 GridinSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved. 5 USER’S GUIDE Once the download is actually initiated you have the options of running the application or saving it to a special folder on your computer for further execution. USAGE OF GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE: DOWNLOAD 1 Download malware removal tool & install it Downloading the program is as easy as it can be. You can do it by visiting the site where you will find the Download button. USAGE OF GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE Copyright © 2019 GridinSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved. 6 USER’S GUIDE INSTALLATION PROCESS: STEP 1 NOW YOU HAVE GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE ALREADY INSTALLED ON YOUR PC! INSTALLATION PROCESS: STEP 2 After running, click on YES to confirm the installation. Follow the software instructions to complete the installation process. The downloads of GridinSoft Anti-Malware are safe and secure. Moreover, the installation package is digitally signed. After you run the setup file the installation process of GridinSoft Anti-Malware on your computer will begin. Click ‘Install’: downloading and installing processes will be started. INSTALLATION PROCESS: STEP 3 Finally, click ‘Finish’ button at the end. USAGE OF GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE Copyright © 2019 GridinSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved. 7 USER’S GUIDE 2 Start scan process and wait for results A regular update of the system is the basic premise for obtaining the maximum level of security provided by GridinSoft Anti-Malware. UPDATING SYSTEM This window contains detailed information about the last successful update including its date and time. USAGE OF GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE: START SCAN PROCESS In order to use our software properly we have to say several things about how the program works. There is some information about GridinSoft Anti-Malware – from the performance of the program and update process to actual malware removal. The Update module ensures that the program is always up to date. This is done in two ways – by updating the virus signature database and by updating the application itself. The information about the current update status can be found by clicking the Update tab. USAGE OF GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE Copyright © 2019 GridinSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved. 8 USER’S GUIDE Custom scan allows the user to select any of the particular folders – please, use it to scan your plugged drives too. It is easy to choose different options for scanning on Custom scan. Full scan checks all of your computer and hard disks for availability of threats Standard scan is intended to scan the system in places, where the threats are usually appearing. Quick scan quickly scans the system with no need for further configuration of the scan parameters. It checks the most critical parts of your system. STARTING THE SCAN UPDATING SYSTEM When the update process is successfully accomplished you need to click OK. Afterwards the scanning process would begin. It is easy to start scan process by choosing scan type you need: 1 1 2 2 You can change options of Update process at the Settings tab (1) -> Update section (2) Once GridinSoft Anti-Malware is successfully launched the program would arrange its update automatically (if your PC is online at the moment). If you want to update the software manually, please, click the Check Update button. The update process will begin. USAGE OF GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE Copyright © 2019 GridinSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved. 9 USER’S GUIDE Gridinsoft Anti-Malware is completing the scan This scan type allows you to adjust scan options more precisely as it could be necessary when you need to know definitely: is the file dangerous or not. CUSTOM SCAN You can add files by pressing “+” button. Drag and drop file or group of files or folders is a good idea too. These options available in Custom Scan only and they have prevailing power on Settings (in that case when the same option is switched off on Settings Tab it will be applied for the current scan anyway). Once the scan type has been chosen the scan would begin automatically. You would see the following picture while the scan takes place: The program would also report you of various types of malware and infections detected on your computer during the scan. You can terminate the scan at any time by clicking on the Pause button or stop it selecting the Stop button. You can terminate the scan at any time by clicking on the Pause button or stop it selecting the Stop button. USAGE OF GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE Copyright © 2019 GridinSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved. 10 USER’S GUIDE YOU HAVE GOT THE RESULT. k, you have got the result of scanning your PC. What is next? O Now have a look at detected items - it's time to decide: are they all have to be swiped off or not. If so, the easiest way to get rid of them is to press Clean Now button. Cleaning process means that all detected items will be quarantined, therefore they will stay at your PC but defused. If you’ll change your mind and decide to use one of the quarantined files – you may easily restore them to their original place by visiting Quarantine list at the Tools tab. Read more about this in the Managing Quarantine List chapter. The table shows all detected infections classified depending on their severity degree and the impact produced onto your PC. The result of the scan: System is at risk 3 Clean your PC! USAGE OF GRIDINSOFT ANTI-MALWARE Copyright © 2019 GridinSoft LLC. All Rights Reserved. 11 USER’S GUIDE Switch to ADVANCED MODE to get more variants of actions to apply: SWITCHING TO ADVANCED MODE This window contains detailed information about the last successful update including its date and time. REMEMBER: all actions applied at the ADVANCED MODE will be saved when you are switching back to usual mode. That’s why we recommend to use this option carefully. You can skip the current scan by choosing 'Leave without cleaning' link under the green button and scan your PC again later. Gridinsoft Anti- Malware creates Scan Log each time you are scanning. All logs are available in Scan Logs section at the Tools tab. You can apply the same action to all files by selecting an action in ‘Apply to all’ area at the table header. Or, apply different action one by one to the items you need. In this case notification ‘different actions’ will be displayed in 'Apply to all' combobox. • Choose ‘Ignore Once’ for the items, which you want to ignore in current scan results. These items will be ignored only this time. • Choose ‘Ignore always’ for the items, which you think are clean and should not be detected. Therefore they will be added to uploads/Management/ users-guide 15 .pdf

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  • Publié le Nov 09, 2022
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