EXAM PERIOD SLOT DATE START TIME READING TIME EXJAN20 001 6-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 001 6-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 003 7-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 003 7-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 003 7-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 007 9-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 007 9-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 010 10-Jan-20 14:00 0:20 EXJAN20 010 10-Jan-20 14:00 0:20 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 0:20 EXJAN20 002 6-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 001 6-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 003 7-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 007 9-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 007 9-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 002 6-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 004 7-Jan-20 14:00 0:20 EXJAN20 012 11-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 012 11-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 008 9-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 003 7-Jan-20 9:30 0:20 EXJAN20 002 6-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 002 6-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 001 6-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 001 6-Jan-20 9:30 0:20 EXJAN20 002 6-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 002 6-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 001 6-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 002 6-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 003 7-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 003 7-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 001 6-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 010 10-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 010 10-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 010 10-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 007 9-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 007 9-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 003 7-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 004 7-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 003 7-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 001 6-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 009 10-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 009 10-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 009 10-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 004 7-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 008 9-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 008 9-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 004 7-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 011 11-Jan-20 9:30 0:20 EXJAN20 011 11-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 007 9-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 008 9-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 009 10-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 008 9-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 012 11-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 011 11-Jan-20 9:30 0:20 EXJAN20 010 10-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 004 7-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 006 8-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 006 8-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 006 8-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 006 8-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 006 8-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 006 8-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 002 6-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 011 11-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 008 9-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 007 9-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 008 9-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 008 9-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 012 11-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 004 7-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 004 7-Jan-20 14:00 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 EXJAN20 005 8-Jan-20 9:30 VENUE MODULE EXAM PAPER CODE Chancellors Suite Rootes CX101-30 CX101Z Chancellors Suite Rootes CX201-30 CX101Z Panorama Room, Rootes Building CX911-30 CX106Z Panorama Room, Rootes Building CX306-30 CX106Z Panorama Room, Rootes Building CX206-30 CX106Z Chancellors Suite Rootes CX226-30 CX126Z Chancellors Suite Rootes CX126-30 CX126Z Chancellors Suite Rootes CX326-30 CX126Z Chancellors and Rootes Restaurant CX136-30 CX136Z Chancellors and Rootes Restaurant CX336-30 CX136Z Panorama Room, Rootes Building EC901-44 EC9011_A Panorama Room, Rootes Building EC901-22 EC9011_A Panorama Room, Rootes Building EC901-44 EC9012 Rootes Restaurant Area EC976-15 EC9760 Panorama Room, Rootes Building ES194-15 ES1940 Panorama Room, Rootes Building ES195-15 ES1950 Tennis Centre ES196-15 ES1960 Tennis Centre ES196-15 ES1967 Panorama Room, Rootes Building ES2C5-15 ES2C50 Panorama Room, Rootes Building ES2C6-15 ES2C60_A Panorama Room, Rootes Building ES2C7-15 ES2C70 Panorama Room, Rootes Building ES2C7-15 ES2C77 Tennis Centre ES2D8-15 ES2D80 Rootes Restaurant Area ES372-15 ES3720_A Chancellors Suite Rootes ES3C5-15 ES3C50_A Panorama Room, Rootes Building ES3D1-15 ES3D10_A Westwood Games Hall ES3D6-15 ES3D60 Rootes Restaurant Area GD104-15 GD1040 Rootes Restaurant Area GD305-15 GD3050_B Rootes Restaurant Area GD305-7.5 GD3050_B Westwood Games Hall IB004-12 IB0040 Rootes Restaurant Area IB009-12 IB0090 Westwood Games Hall IB010-12 IB0100 Westwood Games Hall IB207-12 IB2070_A Westwood Games Hall IB3J2-15 IB3J20 Panorama Room, Rootes Building IB3J3-15 IB3J30_A Panorama Room, Rootes Building IB410-15 IB4100 Rootes Restaurant Area IB911-15 IB9110 Chancellors and Rootes Restaurant IB91S-15 IB91S7 Panorama Room, Rootes Building IB91S-15 IB91SB Rootes Restaurant Area IB949-15 IB9490 Westwood Games Hall IB94Z-15 IB94Z0 Chancellors Suite Rootes IB98W-15 IB98W0 Chancellors Suite Rootes IB9AM-30 IB9AM0 Panorama Room, Rootes Building IB9AX-15 IB9AX0 Chancellors and Rootes Restaurant IB9AX-15 IB9AXM Chancellors and Rootes Restaurant IB9AX-15 IB9AX7 Rootes Restaurant Area IB9AY-15 IB9AY0 Panorama Room, Rootes Building IB9BA-15 IB9BA0 Chancellors Suite Rootes IB9BA-15 IB9BA7 Westwood Games Hall IB9BC-15 IB9BC0 Panorama Room, Rootes Building IB9BW-15 IB9BW0 Chancellors Suite Rootes IB9DM-15 IB9DM0 Panorama Room, Rootes Building IB9EM-15 IB9EM0 Panorama Room, Rootes Building IB9EM-15 IB9EM7 Westwood Games Hall IB9EN-15 IB9EN0 Westwood Games Hall IB9HP-15 IB9HP0 Chancellors Suite Rootes IB9JT-15 IB9JT0 Rootes Restaurant Area IB9T9-15 IB9T90 Rootes Restaurant Area IB9U0-15 IB9U00 Westwood Games Hall IB9W0-15 IB9W00 Westwood Games Hall IB9X6-15 IB9X60 Rootes Restaurant Area IB9Y0-15 IB9Y00 Panorama Room, Rootes Building IB9Y7-15 IB9Y70 Rootes Restaurant Area IB9Y8-15 IB9Y80 Rootes Restaurant Area IL909-15 IL9090 Panorama Room, Rootes Building MA131-24 MA131X Panorama Room, Rootes Building MA132-12 MA131X Chancellors and Rootes Restaurant MA138-12 MA137X Chancellors and Rootes Restaurant MA137-24 MA137X Westwood Games Hall MA137-24 MA137Y Westwood Games Hall MA138-12 MA137Y Panorama Room, Rootes Building MA907-15 MA9070 Panorama Room, Rootes Building PS215-15 PS2150 Westwood Games Hall PX149-24 PX1491 Tennis Centre QS104-15 QS1040_A Tennis Centre ST218-12 ST2180 Tennis Centre ST334-15 ST3340 Chancellors Suite Rootes ST342-15 ST3420 Panorama Room, Rootes Building ST903-15 ST9030 Westwood Games Hall ST908-15 ST9080_A Westwood Games Hall ST952-15 ST9520_A Westwood Games Hall ST957-15 ST9570 EXAM PAPER NAME Latin Language and Literature (Paper I - January) Latin Language and Literature (Paper I - January) Greek Literary Texts (Part I - January) Greek Literary Texts (Part I - January) Greek Literary Texts (Part I - January) Greek Language and Literature (Paper I - January) Greek Language and Literature (Paper I - January) Greek Language and Literature (Paper I - January) Latin Literary Texts (Part I - January) Latin Literary Texts (Part I - January) Economic Analysis (PG) Economic Analysis (PG) Economic Analysis: Macroeconomics Econometrics Introduction to Engineering Business Management Materials for Engineering Statics and Structures Statics and Structures (resit) Dynamics and Fluid Mechanics Electromechanical System Design Engineering Mathematics and Data Analytics Engineering Mathematics and Data Analytics Technical Operations Management Automation and Robotics Signal Processing Concrete Structures Fundamental Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Eng Economic Principles of Global Sustainable Developm Challenges of Climate Change Challenges of Climate Change Statistics Advanced Mathematics Intermediate Mathematics Mathematical Programming II Decision Making under Uncertainty Mathematical Game Theory: Combinatorial and Search Mathematical Game Theory: Combinatorial and Search Asset Pricing Strategy Analysis and Practice Strategy Analysis and Practice Investment Management Optimisation Models Management Accounting & Control Behaviour Microeconomics Foundations of Financial and Management Accounting Foundations of Financial and Management Accounting Foundations of Financial and Management Accounting Marketing Quantitative Methods for Business Quantitative Methods for Business Strategic Management Accounting Analytics in Practice Introduction to Human Resource Management Corporate Financial Management Corporate Financial Management (special paper) Financial Markets Data Management Introduction to Employment Relations Analysis of Economic Behaviour Financial Management Quantitative Methods for Financial Management Quantitative Methods for Finance Financial Markets and Instruments Corporate Finance Asset Pricing Humanitarian Engineering: Ethics, Theory, Practice Foundations/Analysis Preliminary Foundations/Analysis Preliminary Mathematical Analysis/Sets and Numbers (January) Mathematical Analysis/Sets and Numbers (January) Mathematical Analysis/Sets and Numbers (January) Mathematical Analysis/Sets and Numbers (January) Numerical Methods & Programming Methods in Psychology II Mathematics for Physicists 1 Introduction to Social Analytics I Mathematical Statistics Part A Actuarial Methods Mathematics of Random Events Statistical Methods Probability & Stochastic Processes An Introduction to Statistical Practice Financial Derivatives uploads/Management/exjan20-schedule-summary-plus-reading-time.pdf

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  • Publié le Jan 01, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 0.0460MB