Heeds user guide User ? s Guide CNo part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Red Ce

User ? s Guide CNo part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Red Cedar Technology Inc The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Red Cedar Technology Inc While every e ?ort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the material Red Cedar Technology Inc assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors inaccuracies or omissions that may be present in this manual Copyright ? by Red Cedar Technology Inc All rights reserved HEEDS is a registered trademark of Red Cedar Technology Inc Other brand or product names that may appear in this manual or in the illustrations are the registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders CContents Welcome to HEEDS POST HEEDS POST Basics System Requirements Launching HEEDS POST Overview of the HEEDS POST Interface Quick Access Toolbar Status Bar Message Log File Tab Commands Info Recent Options Help Exiting HEEDS POST Screen capturing in POST Working with Projects Creating a project Opening a project Importing additional studies Refreshing study data Auto Refresh Viewing the Study Summary Pie Chart Study Details Data Table www redcedartech com CHEEDS POST User ? s Guide Finding a study folder Deleting a study from a project Saving a project Closing a project Working with Plots Focusing on speci ?c areas of a plot Zooming Panning Rotating Using mouse navigation buttons Resetting the plot view Selecting multiple plot points Setting Best Design and Baseline Design options Copying saving and deleting plots Copying plots Saving plots Deleting plots Renaming plots Showing models Changing the style of a plot Changing the style of a series Changing the plot range Normalizing the axes De ?ning the axis range Scaling the series A brief introduction to design sets Creating and Customizing Plots Creating new plots Plots for all study types History plots Changing History plot properties www redcedartech com CWelcome to HEEDS POST Adding removing and editing series Adjusting series style options Changing the plot range D Relation plots Changing D Relation plot properties Adding removing and editing series Changing the plot range D Relation plots Changing D Relation Plot properties Adding removing and editing series Changing the plot range D Bubble plots Changing D Bubble plot properties Adding removing and editing series Changing the plot range Parallel plots Changing Parallel plot properties Adding removing and editing series Design Tables Changing Design Table properties Editing series Filtering designs Copying Table Data Exporting Table Data Probability Distribution plots Changing Probability Distribution plot properties Adding removing and editing series Model View plots Curve Fit plots Changing Curve Fit plot properties Plots for Optimization studies Constraint Violations plots Changing Constraint Violations plot properties www redcedartech com CHEEDS POST User ? s Guide Adding removing and editing series Adjusting series style options Create Design Set from current series or all series Pareto

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