Introduction The information in this guide includes everything you need to know

Introduction The information in this guide includes everything you need to know to get the most out of the game. Here’s a quick look at the guide’s contents. how to use This Guide Palace Survival Guide Whether you’re new to Prince of Persia or not, study this chapter to understand the gameplay mechanics. From acrobatics to combat to magic, every move is discussed, giving you insight in how to maneuver around the palace like a true Prince. The chapter also covers the new upgrade menu, helping you choose the right upgrades and powers to match your style of play. how to use This eGuide This eGuide has a custom navigation system to allow you to easily find content within the eGuide and move between sections as you choose. The main menu puts all of the eGuide sections for Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands at your fingertips. You can select the Menu button from any eGuide page to return to the main menu at any time. Of course, you can also use the “page forward” and “return to beginning” icons to navigate through the eGuide. For any other questions about your eGuide, check out the help button. Enter keywords to find a specific word or phrase. Within each eGuide section, all sub-sections are displayed for easy navigation. 4 Prima Official Game Guide Protected by coPyright. UnaUthorized or UnlawfUl coPying or downloading exPressl y Prohibited. tHe story so Far. . . IntroductIon Home How to use tHIs GuIde Palace survIval GuIde tHe sand army walktHrouGH aPPendIx concePt art Introduction Welcome to the official game guide for Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. This installment of the popular series takes place between Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time and Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, filling in the gap between the Prince’s adventures in Azad and Babylon. The Prince’s return to his family’s kingdom is rife with peril as a new threat emerges from the desert sand—a threat that was locked away for centuries but has now been released. Now the fate of the kingdom and the world at large rests in the able hands of the Prince. Do you have what it takes to restore order? Fortunately, you won’t be alone. This guide contains everything you need to know to survive this latest adventure. So set aside your fears and leap into action. Introduction While visiting his brother’s kingdom following his adventure in Azad, the Prince finds the royal palace under siege from a mighty army bent on destruction. When the decision is made to use the ancient Power of the Sand in a desperate gamble to save the kingdom from total annihilation, the Prince embarks on an epic adventure in which he learns to bear the mantle of true leadership, and discovers that great power often comes with a great cost. The Prince The Story so Far. . . The Prince is the son of Sharaman, a great Persian king. He was raised as a warrior and athlete, but until recently he had no experience in battle. Since his adventures in India, he has become a skilled warrior. Unfortunately, his adventures there have been forgotten by everyone but him, so his family still regards him as an untried youth. The Prince is distrustful of magic, which he realizes often causes more problems than it solves. He is sarcastic, and enjoys commenting on the situations he finds himself in—even when he’s the only one around to hear. 2 Prima Official Game Guide Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressl y prohibited. The Story so Far. . . Introduction Home How to Use This Guide Palace Survival Guide The Sand Army Walkthrough Appendix Concept Art Prince Malik Malik is the Prince’s older brother, and was a mentor to him when they were younger. As adults, the two enjoy teasing one another. The Prince still looks up to Malik and follows his lead, even when he’s sure Malik is wrong. For his part, Malik is still protective of the Prince and doesn’t think his younger brother understands exactly what good leadership entails. Malik is a good leader, but stubborn. He has held this kingdom for years and refuses to give it up now. He will use any means necessary to stop the invading army— including magic he does not fully understand. Queen Razia A queen of one of the tribes of the Djinn, Razia has stayed in the city for centuries; her magic protects the reservoir that keeps it an oasis in the desert. She remembers the sand army—and was there when it was sealed away. When she realizes what has happened, she appears to help the Prince—while partly blaming him for letting Malik release the army in the first place. Razia is regal and stern; she doesn’t ask, she commands. The Prince isn’t used to being treated as a servant rather than royalty, and resents it. Ratash A lord among the Ifrit in the time of King Solomon, Ratash rebelled against the compact between Djinn and Humans. He used his Djinn magic to create an army out of the desert sand, which quickly grew beyond his control. King Solomon and the leaders of the Djinn worked together to imprison Ratash and his army. Now that he has escaped, he is sending his army against humanity again. Introduction 1 Palace Survival Guide 2 The Sand Army 3 Walkthrough 4 Appendix 5 3 Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressl y prohibited. The Story so Far. . . Introduction Home How to Use This Guide Palace Survival Guide The Sand Army Walkthrough Appendix Concept Art The Sand Army Need help defeating the denizens of the sand army? Then look no further than this chapter. All enemies and bosses are covered, complete with takedown tactics for each. Learn how to avoid each enemy’s attack and exploit weaknesses with effective counterattacks of your own. Walkthrough Introduction 1 Palace Survival Guide 2 The Sand Army 3 Walkthrough 4 Appendix 5 5 Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressl y prohibited. The Story so Far. . . Introduction Home How to Use This Guide Palace Survival Guide The Sand Army Walkthrough Appendix Concept Art Introduction Appendix Flip to the back of the guide for quick reference materials including a sarcophagus checklist, details on unlockable content, Uplay actions/rewards, Xbox 360 achievements, and PS3 trophies. The Prince’s latest adventure offers a challenging mix of combat and platforming sequences. The walkthrough covers all aspects of this adventure, taking a step-by-step approach to guarantee you’re never left wondering what to do next. The walkthrough also provides useful tips on when and where specific achievements and trophies can be earned, helping you get the most out of your first run through the game. Each sarcophagus location is also revealed with its own map, showing how to reach each secret area. Once you complete the game, give the different challenge modes a shot and see how long you can last in a chaotic arena-style battle. At times the Prince is dwarfed by the massive environments of the palace. During these sequences, the Prince’s position is circled on the screenshots in the walkthrough, helping you identify his precise location in relation to his surroundings. 6 Prima Official Game Guide The Story so Far. . . Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressl y prohibited. How to Use This Guide Introduction Home Palace Survival Guide The Sand Army Walkthrough Appendix Concept Art Palace Survival Guide The world of Prince of Persia is filled with immense danger. If the Prince’s enemies don’t kill him outright, the palace’s traps and challenging acrobatic sequences stand a good chance of completing the job. In this chapter, we take a detailed look at every acrobatic maneuver, combat tactic, and mystical power at the Prince’s disposal. So before diving into the game, take a moment to study and master these skills. The information provided is guaranteed to save your life more than once. Gameplay Basics Even if you’re a Prince of Persia veteran, take a moment to review the controls, interface, and basic acrobatic maneuvers. There are several new elements you should familiarize yourself with before proceeding. Xbox 360 Controls PS3 Controls Introduction 1 Palace Survival Guide 2 The Sand Army 3 Walkthrough 4 Appendix 5 7 Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressl y prohibited. Introduction Home How to Use This Guide Palace Survival Guide The Sand Army Walkthrough Appendix Concept Art Gameplay Basics Interactive Features Combat Upgrade Menu The Powers of the Djinn Palace Defenses Walkthrough Interface Flow (Freeze) Gauge Whirlwind Time Gauge Ice Blast Stone Armor Trail of Flame Health Bar Energy Orbs Upgrade Notification Health Bar: The health bar appears at the top of the screen in red. It indicates how much health the Prince has left. You will lose health when hit in a fight or when hit by traps. You can restore your health with red spheres. uploads/Philosophie/ prince-of-persia-the-forgotten-sands-official-prima-guide.pdf

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