Revista de Psihologie: 2011, t. 57, nr. 2 Vol. 57 , Nr. 2 , p. 119–194, Bucureş

Revista de Psihologie: 2011, t. 57, nr. 2 Vol. 57 , Nr. 2 , p. 119–194, Bucureşti, aprilie – iunie 2011 STUDII ŞI CERCETĂRI ANNIE BARTHÉLÉMY, Le lien et la coupure dans les contes avec analyse psychologique et anthropologique. 125-134 ION JUVINA, Neural Substrates of Inhibitory Control: A Review and Critique. 135-145 IDA GALLI, ADRIAN NECULAU, ROBERTO FASANELLI, LUMINIŢA MIHAELA IACOB, MARIA ADELINA IANOŞ, La représentation sociale du pouvoir dans la balance des dimensions identitaires genre et nationalité. 146-161 GERNOT SCHUHFRIED, MIHAI ANIŢEI, MIHAELA CHRAIF, The Influence of Alcohol Consumption on Time Reaction and Peripheral Perceptual Stimuli. 162-170 SIMONA MARICA, Tabloul simptomatologic şi evolutiv al patologiei Alzheimer. 171-182 PUNCTE DE VEDERE GABRIEL UNGUREANU, ALINA ELENA MARIN, Autismul – aspecte psihosociale actuale. 183-182 VIAŢA ŞTIINŢIFICĂ Simona Maria Glăveanu,Tenerife Winter School on Evidence-Based Parent Education Programs and Best Practices to Promote Positive Parenting, Tenerife, Spania, 10–14 ianuarie 2011. 193-195 Rev. Psih., vol. 57, nr. 2, p. 119–194, Bucureşti, aprilie – iunie 2011 REZUMATE LE LIEN ET LA COUPURE DANS LES CONTES AVEC ANALYSE PSYCHOLOGIQUE ET ANTHROPOLOGIQUE ANNIE BARTHÉLÉMY Résumé Les interprétations des contes merveilleux, en particulier psychanalytiques, renvoient à l’inconscient. L’étude développe une approche complémentaire, qui se réfère à une herméneutique philosophique. Cinq contes ont été sélectionnés en fonction de la thématique du lien et de la coupure. Ces récits, dont le célèbre conte d’Andersen: La Petite Sirène, sont confrontés aux apports anthropologiques de François Flahaut et de Paul Ricoeur. L’étude a permis ainsi de distinguer différentes modalités de la fracture intime qu’éprouve l’homme confronté à l’énigme du sens de la vie et de sa propre vie. Cuvinte-cheie : legătură, ruptură, basme, interpretare psihanalitică, fractură intimă. Mots-clés: lien, coupure, contes merveilleux, interpretation psychanalitique fracture intime. Text integral in format PDF (/images/revista_de_psihologie/2011_02/art01.pdf) ↑ Inapoi la Cuprins NEURAL SUBSTRATES OF INHIBITORY CONTROL: A REVIEW AND CRITIQUE Ion JUVINĂ Abstract Inhibitory control is difficult to study in behavioral experiments because of its nature; a successful inhibition act does not manifest overtly, thus cannot be directly observed and measured (Kana, Keller, Minshew & Just, 2007). Some influential theorists have called the very existence of cognitive inhibition into question (MacLeod, 2007a). This is a case where brain-imaging research holds the promise to be able to shed light into the covert nature of inhibition, with potentially immeasurable impact on understanding and ameliorating conditions such as ADHD, addiction, and frontal lobe injuries.A critical review of the literature shows that inhibitory control is subserved by a network of brain regions including as key components Revista de Psihologie: 2011, t. 57, nr. 2 - Revista de Psihologie 1 of 3 04.10.2015 17:25 the inferior frontal cortex, the pre-supplementary motor area, and the sub-thalamic nucleus. It is argued that inhibitory control makes use of basic cognitive processes such as internalized speech. A common inhibitory mechanism for motor, speech and thought acts is proposed. Practical applications of research on inhibitory control are discussed such as brain plasticity exercises and electrical brain stimulation. Cuvinte-cheie: control inhibitor, conectivitate, substrat neuronal. Keywords: inhibitory control, connectivity, neural substrate. Text integral in format PDF (/images/revista_de_psihologie/2011_02/art02.pdf) ↑ Inapoi la Cuprins LA REPRÉSENTATION SOCIALE DU POUVOIR DANS LA BALANCE DES DIMENSIONS IDENTITAIRES GENRE ET NATIONALITÉ IDA GALLI∗, ADRIAN NECULAU∗∗, ROBERTO FASANELLI∗, LUMINIŢA MIHAELA IACOB∗∗, MARIA ADELINA IANOŞ∗∗ Abstract Found for almost 30 years on the agenda of the Neapolitan research team, which is specialized in TRS, the power problems became a thematic emblem (Galli, 1983; Galli, Nigro, 1992; Galli, Fasanelli, 2008). With these premises, the internationalization of this approach looked to us like a normal stage. Among the plurimethodologic research data, undertaken simultaneously in six countries, within the students, the present article has studied the impact of the national and gender affiliation on SRP (Social Representation of Power) for three of the participants in the France, Italy and Romania project. The 120 students, approached by the technique of semi-directive theme interview, have given data that showed, in terms of the thematic coverage of SRP, an upgrading of the gender identity by the nationality of the subjects. Crossing the two identity marks has allowed us finding out that power, as an object of the representation in the target population, tended to be feminized in a relatively homogeneous manner by women, regardless their national affiliation, and masculinized in a non-homogeneous manner by men found in the same conditions. Cuvinte-cheie: reprezentarea socială a puterii, gen, apartenenţă naţională, distanţă faţă de putere. Keywords: social representation of power, gender, national affiliation, distance to the power. Text integral in format PDF (/images/stories/revista2011_02/art03.pdf) ↑ Inapoi la Cuprins THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION ON TIME REACTION AND PERIPHERAL PERCEPTUAL STIMULI GERNOT SCHUHFRIED, MIHAI ANIŢEI, MIHAELA CHRAIF Abstract A driver’s ability to divide his or her attention between two or more visual stimuli can be impaired at BAC of 0.02 percent or lower (Starmer 1989; Howat et al., 1991; Moskowitz et al., 1985). The faster the body absorbs the alcohol, the higher the blood alcohol level will be, and the more alcohol in blood, the greater its effect will be. The objective: In this paper we lay the foundations for studying decision-making in complex dynamic construction management scenarios using situational simulations as experimental tasks. The vine consumption (250 ml, 13%) influence statistically significant the reaction time to visual stimuli and also the appreciation of speed and distances in central field. Cuvinte-cheie: stimuli vizuali periferici, timp de reacţie, timp de reacţie motoriu, reacţie de decizie. Keywords: peripheral visual stimuli, reaction time, motor reaction time, decision reaction time. Text integral in format PDF (/images/revista_de_psihologie/2011_02/art04.pdf) ↑ Inapoi la Cuprins TABLOUL SIMPTOMATOLOGIC ŞI EVOLUTIV AL PATOLOGIEI ALZHEIMER SIMONA MARICA∗ Abstract Alzheimer is probably one of the most dramatic cognition pathology in elderly, making the researchers question both the etiology and the risk factors, as well as its clinical evolution and symptoms.This article aims at drawing up a synthesis of the most famous studies in the area, thus outlining the image of the disease stages and its clinical emergence.Cuvinte-cheie: Demenţa Alzheimer, factori de risc, stadii, urgenţă clinică. Keywords: Alzheimer disease, risk factors, stages, clinical emergence.Alzheimer is probably one of the most dramatic cognition pathology in elderly, making the researchers question both the etiology and the risk factors, as well as its clinical evolution and symptoms.This article aims at drawing up a synthesis of the most famous studies in the area, thus outlining the image of the disease stages and its clinical emergence. Cuvinte-cheie: Demenţa Alzheimer, factori de risc, stadii, urgenţă clinică. Keywords: Alzheimer disease, risk factors, stages, clinical emergence. Revista de Psihologie: 2011, t. 57, nr. 2 - Revista de Psihologie 2 of 3 04.10.2015 17:25 Text integral in format PDF (/images/revista_de_psihologie/2011_02/art05.pdf) ↑ Inapoi la Cuprins AUTISMUL – ASPECTE PSIHOSOCIALE ACTUALE GABRIEL UNGUREANU∗, ALINA ELENA MARIN ∗∗ Abstract The present study is aimed at addressing a delicate issue of minorities: that of the children with autism. This study sets theoretical and statistical landmarks, and it also pays attention to present psychosocial aspects. The situation of children with autism in Romania is prezented here, as well as the statistical ones in the USA, Great Britain and EU. At the end of the study, we offer a questionnaire designed by a mother of an autistic child.Cuvinte-cheie: minorităţi, autism, posibilităţi terapeutice, aspecte psihosociale. Keywords: minorities, autism, therapeutical possibilities, psychosocial aspects. Text integral in format PDF (/images/revista_de_psihologie/2011_02/art06.pdf) ↑ Inapoi la Cuprins TENERIFE WINTER SCHOOL ON EVIDENCE-BASED PARENT EDUCATION PROGRAMS AND BEST PRACTICES TO PROMOTE POSITIVE PARENTING TENERIFE, SPANIA, 10–14 IANUARIE 2011 SIMONA MARIA GLAVEANU Text integral in format PDF (/images/stories/revista2011_02/art07.pdf) ↑ Inapoi la Cuprins Details Category: Numere publicate (/index.php/arhiva) C Last Updated: 16 July 2013 < Hits: 1033 Revista de Psihologie: 2011, t. 57, nr. 2 - Revista de Psihologie 3 of 3 04.10.2015 17:25 STUDII ŞI CERCETĂRI LE LIEN ET LA COUPURE DANS LES CONTES AVEC ANALYSE PSYCHOLOGIQUE ET ANTHROPOLOGIQUE ANNIE BARTHÉLÉMY∗ Résumé Les interprétations des contes merveilleux, en particulier psychanalytiques, renvoient à l’inconscient. L’étude développe une approche complémentaire, qui se réfère à une herméneutique philosophique. Cinq contes ont été sélectionnés en fonction de la thématique du lien et de la coupure. Ces récits, dont le célèbre conte d’Andersen: La Petite Sirène, sont confrontés aux apports anthropologiques de François Flahaut et de Paul Ricoeur. L’étude a permis ainsi de distinguer différentes modalités de la fracture intime qu’éprouve l’homme confronté à l’énigme du sens de la vie et de sa propre vie. Cuvinte-cheie: legătură, ruptură, basme, interpretare psihanalitică, fractură intimă. Mots-clés: lien, coupure, contes merveilleux, interpretation psychanalitique, fracture intime. « Notre vie n’est qu’un fil d’or dans une trame qui se déchire. » Maurice Chappaz Aborder la question du lien et de la coupure dans les contes paraît renvoyer à des analyses classiques où le départ du héros, quittant volontairement ou sous la contrainte, la demeure familiale, est considéré comme ce qui met en mouvement l’intrigue cf. Le Petit Chaperon rouge ou Le Petit Poucet. Dans cette perspective où la séparation et les retrouvailles sont au début et à la fin de l’intrigue, la thématique du lien et de la coupure rejoint celle de l’affiliation uploads/Philosophie/ revista-de-psihologie-2011-02.pdf

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