OWBN DIGNITAS GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS: SUBJECT PAGE THE BASIC RULES OF DIGNITAS 1 The Dignitas System, Dignitas – What it really is, Dignitas is a Role-Play Mechanic, Dignitas & Starting Characters, Awarding Dignitas, Losing Dignitas AWARDS 3 The White Cross, The Shepherd’s Crook, Dobrynya’s Blade, The Iron Circlet, Cour de Lion, The Equerry, The Sword, Peerage, Lineage, House, Surname, Reputation, Proctor, Procurator, Light Bringer, The Puppet’s Hand, The Aquitaine, The Sovereign’s Honour, Archons, Vestments and Chairs, The Alph, The Laurel Crown, The Daley Prize, The Serpentine Egg, The Cong2 (Jade Badge) SOCIETIES 15 The Court of Many Colors, Society of The Hague, Knights of The Blood, Knights of The Crimson Scepter, The Order Of The White Cross, The Order of the Hawk Royale, The Order of the Ermine Robe, The Order of The Crescent Moon, The Key Club, The Livillan Society, Sorority of Amastris ACHIEVEMENTS (INFLUENCE) 24 Member of the Council, Order of The Holy Star, The Tartan, The Caduceus, The Harpy’s Favour, Member of The Trust, Associates of the Society, The Society of the Quill and Scroll, The Eagle of Lagash, Sargeant of the Blood, The Compass, The Order of Barbary, The Scipio Society, The Black Tartan, The Alumni OUT OF CLAN – DIGNITAS & CLAN FRIENDSHIP 31 TRIBUNALS 32 OWbN Ventrue Dignitas Guide Tainted or Censored CREDITS 33 2 OWbN Ventrue Dignitas Guide THE BASIC RULES OF DIGNITAS THE DIGNITAS SYSTEM Clan Ventrue uses a Dignitas system instead of a Prestige system. The tangible parts of the Dignitas system consist of Awards, Clan Positions, Societies, and Influence Achievements. The description and mechanics for each type of Dignitas are found within this packet. The non-tangible concept that is Dignitas as a whole is also explained below. Please note that in OWbN, the position of Aedile is the highest rank given within a single city, unless a city has shown the need to have an actual Praetor. Cities that may require their own Praetor must gain approval for this through the Ventrue Coordinator’s office. Please also note that this system will be changing in the very-near future. New ideas and concepts for Dignitas as well as suggestions and recommendations for those that already exist may be submitted to the Dignitas SubCoord for revision and addition to the current list. Final Approval is done through the Ventrue Coordinator. DIGNITAS – WHAT IT REALLY IS Dignitas is NOT a tangible number. It never has been and it never will be. Dignitas, in essence, is the amount of respect and deference that other Ventrue see fit to bestow upon you. It is how others see your character combined with your own concept of importance and self-worth. Dignitas is about flux and flow, it’s a constantly changing “feeling” that is primarily based on respect and admiration for the person in question. Dignitas is a way of showing admiration, respect, honor, pride and personal opinions when dealing with others of the clan. And watching clanmates closely a person can see what others think of you by observing their actions and the way that they treat you from gathering to gathering. The Awards, Societies and Influence achievements that your character successfully earns factor into this calculation on a lesser scale but they but do not make up a “number” or “rank” for someone to lord over other characters when interacting with them. For example: Someone who is disliked by many clan members will still be looked upon with Respect if they carry the Laurel Crown – just not as much as they probably think they deserve. Of course, if the person in question also holds something like the Serpentine Egg it’s another story entirely. DIGNITAS WHEN USED AS A ROLE-PLAY MECHANIC Using a role-playing mechanic such as a numerical system is recommended for OOC purposes and ONLY in the following situations: - When Ventrue who have never met come in contact for the first time. - At Large Gatherings of Ventrue. This is intended so some semblance of order is maintained. Anything outside those situations is for the players to act and react as they see fit. 3 OWbN Ventrue Dignitas Guide DIGNITAS & STARTING CHARACTERS: Ventrue PC’s may start with no more than one (1) Dignitas without Ventrue Coordinator approval. Requests for exceptions to this should be made through the Dignitas SubCoord. Ventrue NPCs may not start with more than six (6) Dignitas without Coordinator Approval. Dignitas that requires approval of a Coord NPC (for role-playing purposes) must be approved by the Coordinator. Awards are clearly marked as suitable or unsuitable for starting PCs. Certain Awards are also noted as Coordinator Permission Only, this means that no one can take it for any character (PC or NPC) without permission. Please note that some Awards, Societies and Influence Achievements are very unsuitable for PCs at character creation and should always be earned in-game, through role-playing. If you are uncertain whether or not a character should start with a certain award, please contact the Dignitas SubCoord. If an Award has multiple levels, only the lowest may be taken at Character Creation. AWARDING DIGNITAS Each type of Dignitas lists both who nominates a Ventrue for it and who actually awards it to them. The accepted standard is that the person who awards Dignitas be of the same city/region as the person receiving it. However, on occasion this is not the case. When someone from outside the city/region grants someone Dignitas, it very often causes contention between the different Directorates as those in charge of the Ventrue feel slighted. Most Dignitas requires a character to be presented an Award by their superior or inducted into an Order/Society by the head of that particular group. The few that do not require this are clearly noted. Ventrue are picky, if your character does not meet the “standards” upheld by the Head of an Order or Society, they may not be inducted into it. Not every character that has Church at level 5 is in the Order of the Holy Cross, nor is every Ventrue lawyer a member of the Society of The Hague. LOSING DIGNITAS It is not as difficult as one would think to lose Dignitas, Awards or be ousted from a Society. If a character does something wrong within the clan it is normally appropriate to punish them with an ordeal, task or assignment of some sort. However, if a Ventrue manages to truly offend the Elders for one reason or another, Dignitas can and should be removed from the offending party. There are two types of removals of Awards and Societies, Permanent and Temporary. Permanent losses are the result of truly abhorrent behavior, temporary losses are the result of lesser offenses and can be set for any given length of time by the one who removes or suspends the offending party. Temporary losses can also have requirements set to earn the award back, such as the achievement of a specific goal or task assigned to offending party. Permanent removals of most Awards and Societies also come with the physical symbolism of losing the symbol that represents that specific achievement. A Sword will be broken, An Equerry slain, Golden Scales torn off the lapel, etc. 4 OWbN Ventrue Dignitas Guide Influence Achievements are simple in their Loss and Gain, if you do not hold the highest level you can achieve in your Home Chronicle, you can not claim the award. This means that if for one reason or another your Influence gets knocked down below that highest level, you can no longer claim it. There are specifics as to how both Awards and Societies are lost from one’s resume. Awards Awards are always removed publicly at Directorate meetings. The decision to remove an Award must be made by the Praetor of that region or someone of a higher position within the clan. A Ventrue who stands to lose an Award is informed prior to the Directorate meeting where it shall be discussed and may plead their case to their local Gerousia in an attempt to change the mind of those who want it removed however if they choose not to attend the meeting, the award can be removed regardless. If an Award states that they can only be earned once, it can never be re-gained if it is lost, this is why the breaking of one’s sword is considered so devastating, as it can never be earned again. Societies Removal from a public Society is always announced by the Praetor or one of higher position at a Directorate meeting, Removal from a secret or private Society is done quietly behind closed doors. However the actual decision to remove someone from an organization is done by the head of that specific Society and the process of removal varies for each of them. (The heads of the Societies are all Coordinator NPCs.) If a Ventrue feels that someone should be removed, they must petition their Praetor for a public society or the head of the actual Society for a private/secret uploads/Philosophie/ ventrue-dignitas-guide.pdf
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