RISA-3D Rapid Interactive Structural Analysis – 3-Dimensional Version 5.0 User’
RISA-3D Rapid Interactive Structural Analysis – 3-Dimensional Version 5.0 User’s Guide RISA TECHNOLOGIES 26632 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 210 Foothill Ranch, California 92610 (949) 951-5815 (949) 951-5848 (FAX) www.risatech.com Copyright 2003 by RISA Technologies All rights reserved. No portion of the contents of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any means without the express written permission of RISA Technologies. We have done our best to insure that the material found in this publication is both useful and accurate. However, please be aware that errors may exist in this publication, and that RISA Technologies makes no guarantees concerning accuracy of the information found here or in the use to which it may be put. Version 5.0 I Table of Contents Before You Begin 1 How to Use the Manuals 1 License Agreement 2 Installation 3 Technical Support 3 Maintenance 3 Overview 4 Defining the Model 4 Solving the Model 4 Reviewing the Results 5 Important Assumption! 5 Conventions Used in the Tutorials 5 First Look at RISA-3D 6 Starting RISA-3D 6 Main Menu 7 Toolbars 8 Workspace 10 Windows 10 Status Bar 12 Getting Help 13 What’s Ahead 14 Tutorial 1 - Modeling 15 Starting a New File 15 Automatically Generating with Templates 15 Global Parameters 16 Members 19 Drawing Grid 21 Drawing Members 22 Physical Members 32 Material Properties 32 Section Sets Spreadsheet 35 Design Rules – Size / UC 33 Design Rules – Concrete Rebar 34 Multiple Windows 40 Boundary Conditions 43 Saving Your Data 46 Tutorial 2 – Modifying 47 Making Changes to an Item 47 Model View 49 Plot Options 51 Multiple Views 52 Selection Tools 53 Making Changes to Selections 56 Modify Members 57 Model Rendering 58 Copying Model Elements 58 Connecting Along Members 60 Selecting Planes 65 Drawing Plates 66 Submeshing Plates 67 Viewing Plates 68 Model Merge 70 Scaling Elements 70 Design Parameters 72 Sorting 75 Tutorial 3 – Loading 77 Load Cases, Categories and Combinations 77 Load Direction Options 78 Area Loads 78 Surface Loads 82 Distributed Loads 83 Basic Load Case Spreadsheet 84 Copying Loads 85 Self-weight 86 Load Categories 86 Load Combinations 87 Displaying Loads 90 Tutorial 4 – Solving & Results 92 Solving the Model 92 Viewing and Sorting Results Spreadsheets 93 Graphic Results 95 Plotting Deflected Shapes 95 Animation 95 Color-Coding Member Results 96 Member Detail Report 97 Plotting Plate Results 99 RISA-3D User’s Guide Version 5.0 II Printing Graphic Results 101 Tiling Results Windows 101 Batch Solution 102 Envelope Solution 103 Code Check Results 104 Optimizing Steel Shapes 104 Excluding Results 104 Printing Desired Results 105 Tutorial 5 – Dynamic Analysis 108 Dynamic Solution 108 Frequencies and Mode Shapes 109 Response Spectra Analysis 111 Modal Participation 112 Scaling Factors 112 Load Combinations with RSA Results 113 Conclusion 115 Before You Begin Version 5.0 1 Before You Begin How to Use the Manuals This Guide is designed to be read in two ways. If you are already familiar with structural modeling in general you can skip the supporting text and read only the underlined action items to move through the tutorials very quickly. To do this read the rest of this Before You Begin section and then skip to page 6 and look for the underlined action items. If you want more thorough explanations of the modeling process you may read all or some of the supporting text as you see fit. The tutorials are intended for the first time user of RISA-3D or those who need a refresher on how the program works. To complete this guide in its entirety will take less than an hour if you perform only the underlined action items mentioned above or 3 to 4 hours if you read all of the supporting text. We’ve broken the tutorials up so you don’t have to do it all at once. The tutorial is intended to teach you the basics of defining and solving models in RISA-3D, and also how to review the results. We won’t go into a lot of depth regarding the analytical aspects of RISA-3D here; that’s what the RISA-3D General Reference manual and on-line help file are for. What we will cover is how and when to apply RISA-3D features to help you be most productive. For example, we’ll perform steel, concrete and wood code checks in this tutorial, but we won’t discuss the specifics of how those code checks are calculated; that is covered in excruciating detail in the General Reference sections Steel Code Checking and Design, Concrete Code Checking and Design, and Wood Code Checking and Design and also in the help file. After you have gone through the User Guide, use the General Reference and On- line Help for detailed information on any topic. The topics are summarized in the table of contents and are thoroughly indexed. RISA-3D User’s Guide Version 5.0 2 License Agreement END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR RISA TECHNOLOGIES® SOFTWARE: The RISA-33D software product (SOFTWARE PRODUCT) includes computer software, the associated media, any printed materials, and any "online" or electronic documentation. By installing, copying or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree with the terms of this agreement RISA Technologies is unwilling to license the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to you. In such event you must delete any installations and destroy any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and promptly return the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to RISA Technologies for a full refund. Copyright 2003 by RISA Technologies. All rights reserved. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by United States copyright laws and various international treaties. All rights not specifically granted under this agreement are reserved by RISA TECHNOLOGIES. 1.SOFTWARE LICENSE. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold. All right, title and interest is and remains vested in RISA TECHNOLOGIES. You may not rent, lease, or lend the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. You are specifically granted a license to the use of this program on no more than one CPU at any given time. The Network Version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed for simultaneous use on a certain maximum number of network stations that varies on a per license basis. As part of the license to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, the program user acknowledges the reading, understanding and acceptance of all terms of this agreement. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be reviewed, compared or evaluated in any manner in any publication without expressed written consent of RISA Technologies. You may not disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or modify in any way the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The terms of this license agreement are binding in perpetuity. 2.DISCLAIMER. We intend that the information contained in the SOFTWARE PRODUCT be accurate and reliable, but it is entirely the responsibility of the program user to verify the accuracy and applicability of any results obtained from the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is intended for use by professional engineers and architects who possess an understanding of structural mechanics. In no event will RISA Technologies or its officers be liable to anyone for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or lost data. In no event will RISA Technologies or its officers be liable for incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages or professional malpractice arising out of or in connection with the usage of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, even if RISA Technologies or its officers have been advised of or should be aware of the possibility of such damages. RISA TECHNOLOGIES’ entire liability shall be limited to the purchase price of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. 3.LIMITED WARRANTY RISA Technologies warrants that the SOFTWARE PRODUCT will operate but does not warrant that the SOFTWARE PRODUCT will operate error free or without interruption. RISA Technologies sole obligation and your exclusive remedy under this warranty will be to receive software support from RISA Technologies via telephone, e-mail or fax. Except as stated above the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is provided without warranty, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 4.TERMINATION. RISA TECHNOLOGIES may terminate your right to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement. In such event you must delete any installations and destroy any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and promptly return the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to RISA Technologies. "RISA" as applied to structural engineering software is a trademark of RISA Technologies. “GT STRUDL” is a registered trademark of Georgia Tech. “SAP90” is a registered trademark of Computers & Structures Inc. “STAAD” is a registered trademark of Research Engineers Inc. Before You Begin Version 5.0 3 Installation To install RISA-3D please follow these instructions: 1) Put the RISA-3D CD in your computer CD drive. 2) If the CD starts automatically go to step 4. If the CD does not start after 10 seconds click the Windows Start button and select Run. 3) In the Run dialog box type “d:\risacd” (where “d” is the label of your CD drive) and then click the OK button. 4) Follow the on-screen instructions. After you uploads/Science et Technologie/ risa-guide.pdf
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