An effective curriculum vitæ Jean-luc Doumont ✘ CURRICULUM VITÆ Nom : Du Chantor

An effective curriculum vitæ Jean-luc Doumont ✘ CURRICULUM VITÆ Nom : Du Chantort Prénom : Noémie Adresse : Rue Verte, 3 1300 Wavre Téléphone : (0)497 / 44.47.19 Nationalité : belge Etat civil : célibataire Date de naissance : 29 janvier 1991 ETUDES ET DIPLÔMES Athénée Robert Catteau, rue Ernest Allard 49, B–1000 Bruxelles (de 2003 à 2009) Orientation : Humanités latin-mathématiques Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté des Sciences Appliquées (de 2009 à 2014) Spécialisation : Physique Première bachelier : 1518/2000 (distinction) Deuxième bachelier : 1389/2000 (distinction) Troisième bachelier : 1586/2000 (distinction) Première master : 1625/2000 (grande distinction) Deuxième master : 1699/2000 (grande distinction) Travail de fin d’études intitulé "Calculs de profils de doses par simulations Monte-Carlo en radiothérapie" Promoteur : Monsieur le professeur J. Letuteur CONNAISSANCE DES LANGUES Français : couramment Anglais : +++ Néerlandais : 8/10 (cours de vacances) CONNAISSANCES INFORMATIQUES Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, Matlab, PHP, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, Linux, Java, TeX EXPÉRIENCE PROFESSIONNELLE Août ’09 : jobiste au Carrefour, rayon Traiteur Août ’12 : jobiste au Carrefour, rayon fruits et légumes .../... Noémie Du Chantort Ingénieur physicien trilingue Etudes Université Libre de Bruxelles 2012–2014 Ingénieur civil physicien, orientation sciences nucléaires Grande distinction. Travail de fin d’études (chez le prof. J. Letuteur): Calculs de profils de doses par simulations Monte-Carlo en radiothérapie. Six mois en programme Eramus à Aalto University (Helsinki). 2009–2012 Bacheliers en sciences de l’ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil Majeure en chimie et physique appliquées, mineure en informatique Experience Février 2014 Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire (Genève) J’ai eu l’occasion de participer à une semaine de cours, exercices et visites. Août 2011 Centre d’Etude de l’Energie Nucléaire (Mol) Au travers d’un stage de six semaines, j’ai eu l’occasion de travailler dans trois services et de visiter la majorité des grands équipements. 2012–2014 Université Libre de Bruxelles Dans le cadre du programme PréExPo de l’ulb, chaque samedi, je prépare des étudiants à l’examen d’entrée en Polytechnique. 2010–présent Croix-Rouge de Belgique Je suis secouriste et ambulancière bénévole. (J’ai six diplômes en premiers secours, dont trois de la Croix-Rouge Américaine.) Langues Français langue maternelle Prix de l’Alliance française en 2004. Anglais très bonne connaissance Trois séjours aux Etat-Unis (cinq mois). Néerlandais bonne connaissance Stage “immersion” (10 jours) à f9 Languages. Autres Informatique Je programme couramment en Java, Python et php. Je maîtrise le système opératoire Linux et les environnements Matlab et T EX. Loisirs Malgré le temps consacré à mes études, je m’efforce de maintenir des activités sportives (natation et marche). Mes hobbies incluent le cinéma, la lecture (en français et en anglais) et le baby-sitting. Rue Verte 3, 1300 Wavre 0497 444 719 née le 29 janvier 1991 First contact with a potential employer, the curriculum vitæ must be most effective. Regarding content, it must be clear, accurate, and concise, thus including all relevant information and nothing but relevant information. Regarding page layout, it must allow fast access to any desired item and stand out for being impeccable, not for being meaninglessly original. A curriculum vitæ is all about establishing the competences of the candidate—his or her knowledge, skills, and attitude. For example, is he or she willing and able to work in a team, to lead a project, to converse in a second or third language? Many competences can be acquired or demonstrated outside of the school or workplace, such as through hobbies or travel. To establish competences, the curriculum vitæ must not only select the right type of content but also express this content in a way that reveals the knowledge, skills, and attitude used. For example, it should use verbs, probably in the first person, and be specific enough for readers to appreciate achievements. The page layout is not about decorating the curriculum vitæ but about revealing its structure, to allow readers to locate effortlessly the information they are looking for. To this end, typography and notations must be consistent and intuitive, thus presenting similar items of information in a similar way. The most effective layout is that which, for the same clarity, requires the least amount of ink. Just as a sound is highlighted by the silence surrounding it, a text item stands out optimally when surrounded by space. Structure stems from the relative position of items more than from the look of individual items. ✘ Longue expérience en mouvement de jeunesse. En charge d’une équipe de cinq animateurs, je gère une troupe de 40 scouts (12–17 ans) depuis bientôt quatre ans. ✘ Summer jobs at McDonald’s and Pizza Hut. To finance my studies, I worked every summer for six to eight weeks (McDonald’s, Pizza Hut). As a general rule, the curriculum vitæ of the last-year student or recent graduate is best limited to one page and organized along four classic categories, each presenting its information in order of decreasing importance (often antichronologically). The curriculum vitæ of a more experienced professional can be structured more flexibly but follows the same overall idea: establish competences, develop more what is more relevant, present first what cv readers are likely to want to know first. In all cases, an effective curriculum vitæ stands on its own, even if it benefits from a cover letter establishing the match with a given position. Beyond its addressee, the cv may well circulate around other departments without its cover letter. The next pages display three curricula vitæ, with comments: one for Noémie, who just graduated (original and revised in French, international in English, cover letter in French); one for Matt, who is finishing his PhD (original and revised); and one for Gini, an experienced professional (revised only). Education Final degree, grade if favorable, thesis if applicable. Previous degree(s) only if they add sufficient value. Experience Any experience that helps illustrate competences, whether directly job-related or more simply human. Languages Actual language skills (no modesty or exaggeration). A hint of how each was acquired or put into practice. Others Any complementary information on the candidate highlighting relevant knowledge, skills, or attitude. Should I include a photograph of myself? Visual communication is powerful—hence, risky. A photograph certainly helps a potential employer recognize you if you are invited for a job interview, but it shows only one side of you (smiling, serious, etc.) and conveys an attitude, which may please… or displease. To play it safe, include a photograph only when told to do so as part of the application or whenever physical appearance seems important for the position you seek (which is seldom the case). What should I do about a “gap” in the chronology? If there is a period of your life you are less proud of, such as a year you flunked, resist the temptation to conceal it: you are unlikely to fool cv readers. Instead, be open about it: explain what happened (family circumstances, parallel projects, or other) or turn it into something positive (lessons learned). Since it is less important than your achievements, keep it short; you can elaborate in job interviews. How do I know to whom I must address the letter? For a spontaneous application, or if no information is given in the job ad, simply call the organization on the phone, ask to speak with Human Resources, explain that you plan to send them an application, and simply ask to whom you can address it. (Should they insist that you send it to Human Resources generically, you should comply. You can then open you letter with something like “Dear Sir/Madam” .) Contents Layout CURRICULUM VITÆ Nom : Du Chantort Prénom : Noémie Adresse : Rue Verte, 3 1300 Wavre Téléphone : (0)497 / 44.47.19 Nationalité : belge Etat civil : célibataire Date de naissance : 29 janvier 1991 ETUDES ET DIPLÔMES Athénée Robert Catteau, rue Ernest Allard 49, B–1000 Bruxelles (de 2003 à 2009) Orientation : Humanités latin-mathématiques Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté des Sciences Appliquées (de 2009 à 2014) Spécialisation : Physique Première bachelier : 1518/2000 (distinction) Deuxième bachelier : 1389/2000 (distinction) Troisième bachelier : 1586/2000 (distinction) Première master : 1625/2000 (grande distinction) Deuxième master : 1699/2000 (grande distinction) Travail de fin d’études intitulé "Calculs de profils de doses par simulations Monte-Carlo en radiothérapie" Promoteur : Monsieur le professeur J. Letuteur CONNAISSANCE DES LANGUES Français : couramment Anglais : +++ Néerlandais : 8/10 (cours de vacances) CONNAISSANCES INFORMATIQUES Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, Matlab, PHP, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, Linux, Java, TeX EXPÉRIENCE PROFESSIONNELLE Août ’09 : jobiste au Carrefour, rayon Traiteur Août ’12 : jobiste au Carrefour, rayon fruits et légumes .../... The form approach is ineffective: it uses many unnecessary words (readers do recognize an address or phone number when they see one) and it needlessly dilutes the content on more than one page. The education section includes unnecessary details. In particular, the secondary school is unlikely to influence a recruiter—unless it reveals something additional about the candidate, for example the mastery of another language. Similarly, grades of the first years are little relevant: just mention the grade of the last known year. The language section is uploads/Science et Technologie/ suggestions-for-an-effective-cv.pdf

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