DR!"SARA’S" HORMONE! SURVIVAL!GUIDE © COPYRIGHT 2015 GOTTFRIED INSTITUTE 2 WWW.SARAGOTTFRIEDMD.COM !DR!SARA ’S!HORMONE!SURVIVAL!GUIDE Welcome! Message from Dr. Sara I’m Dr. Sara Gottfried, MD — a Harvard medical doctor and yoga-powered champion for your health, happiness & hormonal equilibrium. After 20 years of practice & 20,000 patients, I’ve learned a thing or two about the physiological challenges & self-imposed pressures that women and men contend with, every day. Here’s what I know for sure: when it comes to our health, we need more choices, not less. I’m here to offer those choices. Choices that will ignite your energy, mood, sex drive & metabolism. Choices that can change your waistline — and change your worldview. Choices that will get you feelin’ sexy, slim & balanced — at any age. You deserve a body that simply works — like a smooth operator. You deserve to look at your belly and love what you see. You deserve to lift the lid on your fears and doubts that keep you mildly insane. You deserve grace, confidence, and respect for your beliefs about your body, cell to soul. You deserve a trustworthy partner, for your healthcare adventure. I’m thrilled to be your partner & guide, from age 18 to 108. By requesting this guide, you’ve already taken the first step. You’re joining a powerful community of women (and the men that love them) around the world who are committed to looking and feeling great at every age. Welcome to the tribe! © COPYRIGHT 2015 GOTTFRIED INSTITUTE 3 WWW.SARAGOTTFRIEDMD.COM !DR!SARA ’S!HORMONE!SURVIVAL!GUIDE The Hormone Survival Guide is what I wish I had found when I was in my thirties and struggling with my cranky mood, muffin top and general fatness, sugar cravings, constipation, tendency to blame others and external circumstances, and perpetual weight gain. I was so frustrated with the long list of things that I tried, from S Factor, to running more, to birth control pills, to antidepressants, to Ayurvedic Panchakarma, to couple’s therapy (!), to Chinese Medicine. I kept asking myself, “Why is it so hard to get my body into balance?” It took me a while to understand that my symptoms weren’t the problem. They were just messages from my body’s attempt to survive my crazy lifestyle as a working mom, pulled in many directions, like many of you (whether you have kids or not). It was only when I learned to address the ROOT CAUSE of these symptoms that I was able to balance my hormones, shed the excess weight, and feel at home in my body again. Since then, I’ve made it my mission to share this work with others, so that you too can feel slim, sexy and vital from cells to soul. Once you work through the steps in this guide, I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment on Facebook to let me know how it’s going. And if you haven’t already, be sure to pick up your copy of my bestselling book, The Hormone Cure. To your best health, © COPYRIGHT 2015 GOTTFRIED INSTITUTE 4 WWW.SARAGOTTFRIEDMD.COM !DR!SARA ’S!HORMONE!SURVIVAL!GUIDE TABLE!OF!CONTENTS Step One: Take The Hormone Quiz ..................................................................5 10 Ways to Reset Your Hormones with Your Fork .........................................5 Top 10 Hormone Tests .........................................................................................8 How to Balance Your Hormones with Your Purse ........................................11 A Hormone Balancing Gift for You ..................................................................14 About Dr. Sara ...................................................................................................... 15 © COPYRIGHT 2015 GOTTFRIED INSTITUTE 5 WWW.SARAGOTTFRIEDMD.COM !DR!SARA ’S!HORMONE!SURVIVAL!GUIDE Step 1: Take the Hormone Quiz My Hormone Quiz was designed to give you a snapshot view of which of your hormones are out of balance – so you can start taking steps to feel at home in your body again. To take the online quiz, go to: http://thehormonecurebook.com/quiz/ If you want to dive deeper, the full version of this quiz is in my book, The Hormone Cure. And you’ll find a list of my top 10 recommended hormone tests on page 8 of this guide. 10 Ways to Reset Your Hormones with Your Fork Are you successful in resetting some of your hormones, but not others? I get it. I joke sometimes that I’ve had every hormone imbalance a woman can have, and I’ve also reset my hormones – some fast, some rather slowly. Among the smart people who work with me online or in my integrative medical practice, many struggle to get their thyroid hormones fixed, or their estrogen back in balance. But certain hormones are trickier to wrangle, like insulin, leptin, and that rascal, cortisol, the main stress hormone. Short version: the best way to reset your hormones efficiently and permanently is with what you put on your fork. Why? Because the latest synthesis of nutragenomics, epidemiology, and endocrinology – a totally hot new field called nutritional endocrinology – tells us the importance of food first. Food and drink are information for your body, and we want to make sure you›re conveying the right information. Here’s how to do it. 1. Inhale the Kale. When you cut kale in your kitchen and inhale the aroma, the innate intelligence of your body produces and releases exactly the right enzymes to digest the kale. This process ensures that you extract every morsel of nutrient- dense goodness from the kale once you © COPYRIGHT 2015 GOTTFRIED INSTITUTE 6 WWW.SARAGOTTFRIEDMD.COM !DR!SARA ’S!HORMONE!SURVIVAL!GUIDE smell, taste, chew, and savor it. When I realized this fact, I had to take a cold, hard look at how I was eating kale. Five years ago, I grew it in my organic garden and cut it myself, which releases the strongest scent -- now I live on a hillside with no garden, and I often grab organic kale at the grocery store in a mad dash to pick up the kids at school. We need to slow it down. Rinse your kale at home, in your kitchen, like you would a precious tea from the Dalai Lama. Pay particular attention to the fragrance as you prepare the kale (or other greens) for your fork. Taking three slow, deep, steady breaths before eating kale has been shown to lower your cortisol (the main stress hormone) and improves digestion. 2. Cut the GMO. Genetically modified (GM) food appears to suppress fertility, probably by raising testosterone in females and raising estrogen in males. Among agricultural staff that work with GM foods, there are higher rates of miscarriage. While we lack rigorous data showing the adverse hormonal effects of GM foods on humans, I believe we need to apply the “Precautionary Principle,” which means GM foods are guilty until proven otherwise and do not belong on your fork. The solution that balances your hormones? Eat organic, or at the very least, non-GMO. 3. Fire Up the Fiber. Increased fiber intake has been shown to reduce cortisol (the main stress hormone), stabilize insulin and blood sugar, and lower bad estrogens (which may reduce your risk of breast cancer). Regardless of age, I recommend that women consume 35 to 45 grams of fiber per day as part of a healthy food plan; men should consume slightly more than this. To compare, most women only consume about 13 grams of fiber per day. I recommend a combination of eating fiber- rich foods – such as vegetables, fruit, chia seeds and flax seeds – and taking a fiber supplement. But beware: increase your fiber intake slowly, by no more than 5 grams per day. Going faster may cause gas, bloating, and even constipation. 4. Eschew Conventional Meat. There are many reasons to purchase grass-fed, organic meat – instead of whatever you happen to find on sale in your local grocery store. Let’s take beef, for example. The average cow in the U.S. gets 6 or more growth hormones and steroids, which make you fat and raise insulin (the main fat-storage hormone). Conventional red meat consumption has also been shown to raise your risk of Type 2 Diabetes, according to the results of a new Harvard study that investigated the eating habits of nearly 150,000 U.S. adults over four years. While the data on organic and grass-fed meat isn’t conclusive, it’s a much safer bet for your health and hormones. © COPYRIGHT 2015 GOTTFRIED INSTITUTE 7 WWW.SARAGOTTFRIEDMD.COM !DR!SARA ’S!HORMONE!SURVIVAL!GUIDE 5. Slurp the Oyster. Oysters are rich in zinc, which raises testosterone (one of the most important sex hormones). Napa cabbage is another option. 6. Diversify Your Microbiome. Your gut bacteria play a large role in whether you are fat or thin. They control how you respond to the food you eat: whether you store it as fat or use it as fuel. To turn on your “skinny bacteria” and turn off your “fat bacteria,” eat more probiotic-rich foods, such as: organic miso, sauerkraut, and kim chi. I also recommend taking a probiotic. I recommend getting somewhere between 15 and 50 billion CFU per day, which is a large dose. Work with your doctor to make sure the dose is right for you. Similar to fiber, many people need to start low, such as less than 5 billion CFU per day, and gradually work up uploads/Sante/ hormone-survival-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Aoû 11, 2022
  • Catégorie Health / Santé
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