publications Commented bibliography on play, games and toys SAHARAN AND NORTH A
publications Commented bibliography on play, games and toys SAHARAN AND NORTH AFRICAN T0Y AND PLAY CULTURES Jean-Pierre Rossie Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies 2 Catholic University of Portugal Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences SAHARAN AND NORD-AFRICAN TOY AND PLAY CULTURES Commented bibliography on play, games and toys Jean-Pierre Rossie CEFH Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies Braga 2021 3 To the Saharan and North African children To my children Tania, Ben, Ruben and Pia To my grandchildren Linde, Camille, Ilona, Thilda, Oona, and Alvin To my great-grandchildren Matthys and Gilles 4 Cover photograph: Boys modeling toys with clay Goulmima, Morocco, 1994, taken by the author © 2021 Jean-Pierre Rossie Apart from any use for pedagogical or non-commercial purposes, no part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the author Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Braga, Portugal Catholic University of Portugal Internet: Jean-Pierre Rossie E-mail: The books of the collection Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures are available on Scribd: 5 Contents The collection: Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures 6 Note-t-on the author 9 Introduction 11 Commented bibliography 13 Geographic and ethnic index 77 Map of North Africa and the Sahara 79 Map of Morocco 80 Map of the Anti-Atlas 81 6 Collection: Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures Engaged since 1975 in research on games and toys and later in experiments in intercultural education based on this research, the idea slowly matured to create a collection called Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. A toy and play culture that rightly should be part of the cultural heritage of humanity, just as the masterpieces of art and architecture. An attempt to create such a collection for the International Council for Children's Play was supported by André Michelet, director of the Centre d'Etudes Roland Houdon at Saran, France, with the publication of my book Jeux et jouets sahariens et nord-africains: poupées - jeux de poupées in 1993. As the Centre d'Etudes Roland Houdon stopped its publishing activities soon afterwards, this attempt was prematurely broken off. In 1999, the Nordic Center for Research on Toys and Educational Media published on its website the first English and French versions of Children's dolls and doll play. A final version of this book and of The animal world in play, games and toys were published by the Stockholm International Toy Research Center in 2005 on the CD included in Toys, Play, Culture and Society. An anthropological approach with reference to North Africa and the Sahara (2005). These books from 2005 are available on the Internet in English and French. Two more volumes of the collection Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures edited by the same center are available on the Internet in English and French: Domestic life in play, games and toys (2008) and Commented bibliography on play, games and toys (2011, updated in 2021). As the Stockholm International Toy Research Center closed in 2011, the book Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. Technical activities in play, games and toys, has been edited in 2013 by the Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Portugal. The same center edits this book Make-believe play among Amazigh children of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas and the updated Commented bibliography (2021). 7 To make the information on Saharan and North African games and toys available to people reading English as well as to those reading French, to stimulate the exchange of information and the reciprocal enrichment of ideas and actions between the French-speaking and the English-speaking world, who otherwise remain too often separated by a linguistic cleavage, the books are published in English and in French. To facilitate a large distribution of the information on Saharan and North African games and toys, the volumes of the collection Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures and of the collection Cultures Ludiques Sahariennes et Nord-Africaines are freely available on: : Scribd : The volumes of the collection: Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures • Children’s dolls and doll play, 2005, 328 p., 163 ill. • The animal world in play, games and toys, 2005, 219 p., 107 ill. • Domestic life in play, games and toys, 2008, 438 p., 410 ill. • Technical activities in play, games and toys, 2013, 360 p., 350 ill. • Make-believe play among Amazigh children of the Moroccan Anti- Atlas, 2021, 721 p., 638 ill. • Commented bibliography on play, games and toys, 2021, 81 p. Saharan – North-African – Amazigh Children’s Toy Catalogs • Donation to Centro per la Cultura Ludica in Turin, 2015, 93 p., 272 ill. • Donation to Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne, first part: dolls and toy animals, 2015, 72 p., 127 ill. • Donation to Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne, second part: toys related to domestic life, 2015, 72 p., 109 ill. • Donation to Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne, third part: toys related to technical activities and games of skill, 2016, 57 p., 76 ill. • Donation to other museums and associations, 2016, 91 p., 133 ill. 8 The volumes of the collection: Cultures Ludiques Sahariennes et Nord-Africaines • Poupées d’enfants et jeux de poupées, 2005, 344 p., 163 ill. • L’animal dans les jeux et jouets, 2005, 229 p., 107 ill. • La vie domestique dans les jeux et jouets, 2008, 449 p., 410 ill. • Les activités techniques dans les jeux et jouets, 2013, 364 p., 350 ill. • Jeux de faire semblant des enfants amazighs de l’Anti-Atlas marocain, 2021, 750 p., 638 ill. • Bibliographie commentée des jeux et jouets, 2021, 84 p. Catalogues de Jouets des Enfants Sahariens – Nord-Africains – Amazighs • Don au Centro per la Cultura Ludica de Turin, 2015, 93 p., 272 ill. • Don au Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne : première partie, poupées et animaux-jouets, 2015, 72 p., 127 ill. • Don au Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne : deuxième partie, jouets liés à la vie domestique, 2015, 72 p., 109 ill. • Don au Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne : troisième partie, jouets liés aux activités techniques et aux jeux d’adresse, 2016, 57 p., 76 ill. • Don à d’autres musées et associations, 2016, 91 p., 133 ill. 9 Note on the author Jean-Pierre Rossie was born in 1940 in Gent (Ghent), Belgium. After studies in social work and later in African ethnology at the State University of Ghent, he became a doctor in African history and philology at the same university in 1973. His thesis in Dutch covered the theme of “Child and Society. The Process of Socialization in Patrilineal Central Africa”. Following fieldwork among the semi-nomadic Ghrib of the Tunisian Sahara, he devoted himself since 1975 to research on Saharan and North African children’s play, games and toys. In 1967, he was proclaimed prizewinner of the Belgische Stichting Roeping / Belgian Foundation for Vocations, Brussels. From 1968 until 1978, he worked as a researcher of the Nationaal Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek / Belgian National Foundation for Scientific Research, Brussels, which subsidized his research and publications until 1992. From 1980 until 1990, he worked as social worker and sociocultural anthropologist in the social services for immigrants, especially Turkish and North African immigrants, of the city of Ghent. A first research trip to Southern Morocco, in February 1992, followed by yearly sojourns in this country give him the opportunity to supplement, verify and actualize the information on Moroccan children's play and toys. In 1993, he was one of the founding members of the International Toy Research Association (ITRA), from 1997 till 2001 he was a member of the Nordic Center for Research on Toys and Educational Media (NCFL), and from the start in 2002 till the closing in 2011 he was a member of the Stockholm International Toy Research Centre (SITREC). On October 29, 2004 the Lennart Ivarsson Scholarship Foundation awarded him the BRIO Prize 2004. In July 2005, he became an associate researcher at the Musée du Jouet/ Toy Museum in Moirans-en-Montagne, France (http://www.musee-du- The same year he donated to this museum his collection of around 650 toys, most often created by Moroccan children. In 2014, he gave this same museum all the written and visual documents he collected on the Saharan, North African and Amazigh (Berber) play cultures. 10 In April 2007, he was appointed ‘Member of the Advisory Board of the UNESCO / Felissimo Social Design Network’. From July 2008 to July 2014, he was a member of the executive committee of the International Toy Research Association (ITRA). In October 2013, he became an associate researcher at the Center for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, Braga. This center is the publisher of the collection Saharan and North African Toy uploads/Societe et culture/ saharan-and-north-african-toy-and-play-cultures-commented-bibliography.pdf
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