Drillbench Dynaflodrill User Guide Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. GENERAL 4 1
Drillbench Dynaflodrill User Guide Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. GENERAL 4 1.1 Overview 4 1.2 Areas of application 5 2. MAIN ENVIRONMENT 6 2.1 Overview 6 3. CREATING A CASE FILE 8 3.1 Overview 8 3.2 The data model - DEML 8 3.3 New session (.dml) file 9 3.4 Editing an existing session (.dml) file 10 3.5 Library 10 3.5.1 Library editor 12 4. INPUT PARAMETERS 13 4.1 Description 13 4.2 Survey 14 4.3 Wellbore geometry 17 4.4 String 19 4.5 Surface equipment 22 4.6 Injection system 23 4.6.1 Drillstring gas injection 23 4.6.2 Annulus gas injection 24 4.7 Mud 25 4.8 Reservoir 29 4.9 Temperature 33 5. EXPERT INPUT PARAMETERS 34 6. RUN CONFIGURATION 36 6.1 Batch configuration 36 7. MENUS AND TOOLBARS 37 7.1 File 37 7.1.1 New 37 7.1.2 Open 37 7.1.3 Reopen 37 7.1.4 Save 37 7.1.5 Save as 37 7.1.6 Save as template 38 7.1.7 Save library 38 7.1.8 Import 38 7.1.9 Export 38 7.1.10 Exit 39 7.2 Edit 39 7.2.1 Cut 39 7.2.2 Copy 39 7.2.3 Paste 39 Drillbench Dynaflodrill User Guide Page ii 7.2.4 Undo 39 7.3 View 39 7.3.1 Well schematic 39 7.3.2 Survey plot 41 7.3.3 Log view 42 7.3.4 Navigation bar 43 7.3.5 Basic input 43 7.3.6 Expert input 43 7.3.7 Simulation 43 7.4 Simulation 43 7.4.1 Toolbar functionality 43 7.4.2 Start/Pause/Continue 44 7.4.3 Step 44 7.4.4 Reset 44 7.4.5 Load state from file 44 7.4.6 Save state 45 7.5 Results 45 7.5.1 Keep previous results 45 7.5.2 Import results 46 7.5.3 Export results 46 7.5.4 Manage results 47 7.5.5 Add page 47 7.5.6 Current page 47 7.5.7 Load/save layouts 48 7.6 Tools 49 7.6.1 Take snapshot 49 7.6.2 Report 49 7.6.3 Validate parameters 51 7.6.4 Edit unit settings 51 7.6.5 Options 51 7.7 Help 56 7.7.1 About 56 8. RUNNING A SIMULATION 58 8.1 Overview 58 8.2 Controlling a simulation 58 8.3 Simulation window 59 8.4 Interactive simulation mode 60 8.5 Batch simulation mode 61 9. WORKING WITH DYNAFLODRILL RESULTS 63 9.1 Plot page operations 63 9.2 Plot management 63 9.2.1 Set and plot selection 63 9.2.2 Add 64 9.2.3 Reset plot 65 9.2.4 Remove plot 65 9.3 Plot operations 65 9.3.1 Maximize plot 66 9.3.2 Normalize 66 9.3.3 Swap with selected plot 66 9.3.4 Track values 67 9.3.5 Print 67 9.3.6 Import 67 Drillbench Dynaflodrill User Guide Page iii 9.3.7 Export 68 9.3.8 Copy image to clipboard 70 9.3.9 Plot properties 70 9.4 Profile plot operations 71 9.4.1 Take snapshot 71 9.4.2 Create trends at observation points 71 9.5 Curve operations 72 9.5.1 Copy curves 72 9.5.2 Paste as custom curves 73 9.5.3 Clear custom curves 73 9.6 Trend plot switches 73 9.6.1 Show timeline 73 9.6.2 Show previous results 73 9.6.3 Flip axes 74 9.6.4 X axis 74 9.7 Profile plot switches 74 9.7.1 Show pore/fracture pressure 74 9.7.2 Show casing shoe 74 9.7.3 Fade recent results 74 9.7.4 Show minimum/maximum 75 9.7.5 Show previous results 75 9.7.6 Slider 75 9.8 Zooming 75 9.9 3D wellbore plots 76 9.9.1 General functionality 76 9.9.2 Select run 76 9.9.3 Select curve 77 9.9.4 Holdup fraction view 77 9.9.5 Scale palette for entire run 77 9.10 Multiple runs – keep results 78 9.11 Improved results view 79 9.12 Well schematic 80 9.13 Create presentation graphics 81 10. RHEOLOGY MODELS 83 10.1 Generalized Newtonian models 83 10.1.1 Bingham plastic model 83 10.1.2 Power law model 83 10.1.3 Robertson-Stiff model 83 10.2 Pressure and temperature dependent rheology 84 10.3 Friction factor 84 10.3.1 Friction factor in laminar flow 84 10.3.2 Friction factor in turbulent flow 84 10.3.3 Transition from laminar to turbulent flow 84 10.3.4 Frictional pressure loss model 85 10.3.5 Beggs and Brill correlation with angle correction for liquid hold-up 85 10.3.6 Semi-empirical pressure loss calculation 85 11. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS 87 12. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 88 Drillbench Dynaflodrill User Guide Page 4 1. GENERAL 1.1 Overview Underbalanced drilling (UBD) has firmly evolved into a new facet of the oil and gas industry. Operators are applying this new technology to improve ultimate reservoir recovery and maximize the economics of production. UBD has been utilized for specific applications such as limiting lost circulation. A number of developments took place in the oil industry that caused the present increased interest in underbalanced drilling. Underbalanced drilling still has some concerns to be addressed by future developments in the industry to broaden its applicability. Among those is the engineering software required for pressure calculations to model well flow and gas lifting requirement during the design stage. The flow modeling software can be divided into two categories: steady state (or static) flow modeling and dynamic flow modeling. The steady state flow modeling is useful for quick sensitivity analyses and parameters screening exercises. The dynamic flow modeling is required for simulating the dynamic effects occurring as a result from varying operational conditions, e.g., drilling and tripping, starting and stopping pumping, drill pipe connection, and gas injections, BHA deployment and reservoir production. Designing underbalanced operations ideally require both steady-state and dynamic tools. Steady-state tools facilitate rapid design, sensitivity studies and dimensioning, while the dynamic tools are required for checking the operational feasibility of the steady-state solutions. Steadyflodrill is a tool designed for the steady-state design phase. It is very fast with output tailored for the design phase. It is also very closely related to Dynaflodrill – a dynamic tool for underbalanced operations. Starting a design process in Steadyflodrill, continuing in Dynaflodrill to check feasibility and then finalizing operational preparations in our training tool Ubitts provides the user with a very complete and efficient work process. Drillbench Dynaflodrill User Guide Page 5 1.2 Areas of application The simulator can be used to design an optimum well program for a given geology, wellbore configuration and surface equipment. It can also be used to develop optimum operational procedures to avoid hazards during the drilling operation, and as a tool for post-analyses of UBD operations. The simulator is also a useful tool for training and simulation of „what-if‟ scenarios. Example applications of Dynaflodrill: 1. predict whether it is possible to achieve a stable underbalanced condition for the given system and operational constrains 2. evaluate different scenarios for how to achieve the underbalanced condition 3. predict the amount of injection gas required for the operation 4. design procedures for operations like tripping, starting and stopping circulation such that excessive wellhead pressures and accidental overbalance situations are avoided 5. design the operation such that it is in a stable operating range where the bottomhole pressure is not very sensitive to changes in normal control parameters 6. post-analysis of underbalanced operation to capture successful procedures and operational experience and pass them on 7. training of new engineers and other relevant personnel Drillbench Dynaflodrill User Guide Page 6 2. MAIN ENVIRONMENT 2.1 Overview By default, the installation creates a Dynaflodrill entry under Programs SPT Group Drillbench 5.1 in the Start menu. Dynaflodrill is started either by selecting this shortcut, by clicking a desktop icon or directly from the program installation directory using the Windows Explorer. Regardless of the start-up method, the program will look similar to Figure 2-1 when starting up. The contents of the parameter display may be different depending on parameter group and selected window. Figure 2-1. A typical view when starting Dynaflodrill. A summary page gives the user an overview of the case by showing the most important parameters. The environment consists of 4 main areas; the menu line and the toolbar at the top of the window, and the main Dynaflodrill window with a navigation bar to the left and a data entry and interaction window to the right. The menu bar A standard menu bar with File, Edit, View, Simulation, Results, Tools and Help entries. File operations, view selection and simulation control may be done from here. Drillbench Dynaflodrill User Guide Page 7 The toolbar Frequently used commands, like File New, File Open, Save, Copy, Cut, Paste and Undo, are placed in a toolbar for easy access. These commands can also be accessed by standard Windows keyboard shortcuts (Chapter 11). A toolbar for controlling the simulation with start, pause, single step and reset buttons is placed next to the normal toolbar. The user can also select the desired type of simulation, interactive or batch. Navigation bar The navigation bar contains: - Input for specification of the most frequently used input parameters - Expert input for specification of optional or expert features - Run configuration for specification of simulation specific parameters - Simulation for calculation and output of results Data entry window Displays either input parameters or simulator output depending on the current selection in the navigation bar Drillbench Dynaflodrill User Guide Page 8 3. CREATING A CASE FILE 3.1 Overview This section briefly describes the data model in Drillbench and how a new case can be created. All Drillbench applications share the same data model, therefore this section is similar for all applications. A new case can be created either by building a new file or by editing uploads/Voyage/ dynaflodrill-user-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Dec 30, 2021
- Catégorie Travel / Voayage
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 2.8447MB