1 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide 2 Connect Film Appreciation Training

1 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide 2 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide Section 1: Getting Started 3 Section 2: Course and Section Creation 4 ❑ Creating a New Course with Sections..............4 ❑ Editing Course Details....................................9 ❑ Editing Section Details...................................9 ❑ Copying a Section with Colleague.................10 ❑ Sharing a Section.........................................11 ❑ Setting and Editing Registration Dates..........13 ❑ Locating the Student Roster. .........................14 Section 3: Student Registration 16 ❑ The Importance of the Section-Specific URL....................................16 ❑ Student Access and Registration...................16 ❑ Upgrading from Courtesy Access. .................19 Section 4: Section Home Page 21 ❑ Three Tabs on the Section Home Page...........21 ❑ Student View...............................................23 ❑ Tegrity Access and Information....................24 Section 5: Assignments 25 ❑ Adding Assignments....................................25 ❑ Available Assignment Options .....................25 ❑ Creating a New Assignment from the Question Bank.......................................26 ❑ Editing Question Point Values and Renaming Assignments................................................29 ❑ Overview of Policy-Setting Categories..........30 ❑ Assigning....................................................32 ❑ Editing, Managing, and Organizing Assignments................................................33 ❑ Extensions and Adjusting Point Values..........34 ❑ Adjusting Points for All Students..................35 ❑ Adjusting Points for Individual Students........37 Section 6: Library Resources 38 ❑ Additional Instructor Resources. ...................38 Section 7: Reports 39 ❑ Locating Reports.........................................39 ❑ Connect Reports..........................................39 ❑ Running and Exporting Connect Reports......40 Section 8: Support 50 ❑ What If I Have Questions?............................50 ❑ Self-Service Resources (Success Academy)......................................50 ❑ Topics to Cover on the First Day of Class.......50 ❑ Tech Support Contact Information................50 Training Checklist 3 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide Section 1: Getting Started Before you walk through the Training Guide, consider the questions below to help you get the most out of your training experience. ■ What are your goals for product use? With which product features do these align? Think about what you are looking for in the product and the outcomes you chose for you and your students. This will help you identify specific features that most suit your needs. ■ What percentage of your overall course grade will be comprised of the digital product? Requiring use of the technology for a percentage of the grade leads to the greatest impact on student outcomes. The typical percentage range for instructors new to technology is 10-20 percent. See what other instructors are doing at the Required = Results blog: http://create. mheducation.com/wordpress-mu/connectblog/2013/08/14/ requiredequals-results-series/#.U0WtnPldWO0 ■ What are your current assignment mix and course policies? Will that change with the new product? Consider applying your current course management approach to your new course delivery with technology (mix and weight of homework, quizzes, tests, etc.). This will provide for a smooth transition to teaching with technology. After you’ve walked through the steps in the guide, review these basic, yet critical elements to ensure you are ready for class. ■ Account created. ■ Syllabus refers to the technology and purchase options. ■ Course created, with special attention to… » Desired mix of assignments. » Policy settings that meet your needs. » Due dates. » Sharing and/or copying (if applicable). Review the questions and topics above throughout your training experience. If you would like to see how other instructors in your course area approach these topics, please contact your McGraw-Hill representative. 4 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide Section 2: Course and Section Creation Creating a New Course with Sections Before you create your new course, there are a few things to understand about the relationship between courses and sections: ■ A Connect course can be made up of one or more sections that correspond with the actual sections you are teaching at your institution. Each section maintains its own roster and student results. ■ Use additional sections under one course for each section that you are teaching in a given semester. ■ Assignments can be shared across sections under the same course. Assignments cannot be shared across sections in separate courses. First, log into Connect at connect.mheducation.com. After logging into Connect, you will be taken to your My Courses page where you can create new courses or view/manage courses you have already created. A. Click add course to start creating a course. A Select your subject from the menu. 5 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide User Tip: Make sure to exactly match the title and bundle with what you are ordering for your students. A. Select the title you will use for your course. Scroll to the right to see more textbook options. B. After choosing a textbook, select the bundle you want to use. C. Click Next. Section 2: Course and Section Creation Creating a New Course with Sections - Continued 6 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide A. Enter your course name. B. Change the time zone and set student registration dates. C. Enter the section name. If you have used Connect before, you can choose to copy assignments here from a previous course or section. D. Click Create Course—this will launch a summary of the newly created course and section. User Tip: Use the school’s course designation and term in the Course name field (e.g., ACCT 201). When naming sections, create names that distinguish one section from another (e.g., Fall 2014 M, W, F 10-11am). Section 2: Course and Section Creation Creating a New Course with Sections - Continued 7 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide A. At the bottom of the summary, find the section web address. Provide this URL to students for registration. Each section will have a unique URL. B. Click Continue to section home. User Tip: Copy the section URL to your syllabus at this time with the student registration instructions. Section 2: Course and Section Creation Creating a New Course with Sections - Continued 8 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide This is your section home page. When you add assignments, they will be listed here. A. Click My courses to return to a list of all your courses and sections. If you need to add an additional section… A. Click on the drop-down menu. B. Select + Add section. C. Enter the section name and click Save. User Tip: If you only teach one section per term, it is recommended to duplicate a new section for each term. If you teach several sections each term, it is recommended to duplicate your course. Section 2: Course and Section Creation Creating a New Course with Sections - Continued 9 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide Editing Course Details A. Click on the course options menu. B. Edit a course name or time zone once a course has been created. C. Select Edit course components to add components needed. D. Set Registration dates. E. Select Duplicate course to copy an exact replica. F. Add a section. Editing Section Details A. Click on section settings for the course you wish to change. B. Click Edit section details to edit the section name and section web address. C. Click Duplicate section to create an exact copy of the section. Section 2: Course and Section Creation 10 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide Section 2: Course and Section Creation A. On the copy section screen: Enter in the e-mail address(es) used by your colleague(s). B. Select find colleagues. C. Select copy when you’ve found the correct colleague. ■ What does it mean to "copy"? Copying a section provides your colleague with a duplicate of your section. Your colleague will not receive any edits you make to assignments or new assignments you create after copying. ■ What exactly is copied with my section? When you copy a section, you copy all course features and assignments in your section at that time, including assignment dates, policies, attached files, questions, and content and e-book annotations. For LearnSmart modules, it copies the topics, dates, coverage amount, and points. Copying a Section with Colleague A. To copy an exact replica of your section into a colleague’s Connect account, click on the section settings button. B. Choose Copy section. 11 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide Section 2: Course and Section Creation Copying a Section with Colleague - Continued ■ What can my colleague edit? Your colleague can edit anything within the copied section— assignment dates and policies, content, learning outcomes, gradebook categories, and e-book annotations. Sharing a Section To share an exact replica of your section with a colleague’s Connect account: A. Click on the section options menu. B. Select share section with colleague. A. On the share section screen: Enter the e-mail address(es) used by your colleague(s). B. Select find colleagues. C. Select the number of sections that need to be created in your colleague’s account. D. Select the edits that your colleague will be able to make in his or her sections. E. Click share for the sections to be created in your colleague’s account. User Tip: We recommend copying a course or section if you: • Teach independently from your colleague. • Do not need to monitor your colleague’s students’ scores or reports. 12 Connect Film Appreciation Training Guide ■ What does it mean to “share”? Sharing a section means sharing all assignments and course features set up in that section. ■ What assets are shared? In addition to assignments, shared course features include: • E-book annotations. • Film uploads/Voyage/ film-appreciation-training-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Sep 29, 2022
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 4.4613MB