The Labrador Retriever As a breed the Labrador needs no introduction. Probably
The Labrador Retriever As a breed the Labrador needs no introduction. Probably one of the most famous, popular and widespread breeds in the world, they have been a familiar sight for decades by the sides of heads of state, on advertising and in the ring of honour at Crufts. They were developed in Britain as an all round gundog. As such they still retain the webbed feet and waterproof double coat of their forebears and their greatest joy in life is to go for a swim or to dash off and retrieve something for you. They are valued for superb temperaments and willingness to please which make them as good a family pet as a working companion. Things To Consider Before Ownership Is A Labrador The Right Choice Of Dog For Me? A purebred dog as versatile and talented as the Labrador Retriever attracts many admirers. Whether you are looking for a puppy for a family pet or house companion, a show dog, a field dog, or a competition dog, there are many serious factors you should think about. Do you think you have enough time to devote to your new Labrador? Even a pet Labrador will require considerable time to train. Of course, a field dog or obedience/agility dog will require hours of daily attention and special training. The Labrador is a demanding dog who will want to share his whole life with you, consider your choice carefully. You can expect a Labrador to live on average between 10 and 12 years though it is very possible that they can go until there are 15. Do you know where you will be in a decade? You have to plan for a Labrador to be part of that picture. It is important to win the lifelong battle against the flab - they are a greedy breed. They are a breed that need a lot of exercise - as a gundog they need the stamina to go all day and keep to their master's side, always ready to dash off and retrieve.If you are not committed to the welfare and the whole existence of this energetic, purposeful animal, if in the simplest, most basic example, you are not willing to walk your dog daily, despite the weather, do not choose a Labrador as a companion. Ideally, long walks to keep them happy and busy are the best but failing that, some games such as retrieving or finding which occupy their mind and stop them from getting bored are good. A swim, especially in the summer is always appreciated but if it is the sea do remember to rinse them off afterwards so that the salt does not build up in their coat and cause skin problems. Labradors love cars and generally make very good car campanions. They are not a breed which is prone to carsickness and enjoy the stimulation that being in the car brings. Along with all the factors above, there are the usual problems associated with puppies of any breed, one of these being the damage likely to be sustained by your floors, furniture, flowers etc., What about your freedom? Holidays or weekend trips will have to be planned, when owning a Labrador you have to take all this into serious consideration. Separation Anxiety A Labrador is not a breed that enjoys being solitary. Their very nature and purpose in life demands close contact with their 'people' and they find it extremely stressful to be left alone for long periods of time. If it is absolutely necessary for you to do this then you need to think up some strategies to lessen the stress on your puppy and you need to be prepared for problems. - A good idea is to provide an indoor or outdoor kennel available for when you are not there with your puppy. An outdoor kennel with a run; (Remember your fence will need to be at least five feet high and be strong enough to contain an adult of up to 40 kilos) would be the least stressful for them but an indoor cage or crate as long as it is large enough and they are used to it will be adequate enough. A stressed out Labrador can cause a lot of damage, so it is best to avoid leaving them for long periods of time. If you do come home to find a disaster area, try and look on it as a learning experience. Punishing your puppy when you come home will only teach him/her to be frightened of you. - Leaving toys with your Labrador puppy is something to be treated with caution as Labradors have very strong jaws and could chew them up and cause themselves damage if they swallow them. - Leaving them at night can cause problems too. Start as you mean to go on. Sometimes, by putting your puppy's bed by your bedside cures any separation anxiety but not everyone may wish to do this. If this is not for you, then putting your puppy in his or her crate/kennel is fine, and you will have to turn a deaf ear to the yelps for attention. Usually, after a few days, as long as you are firm but kind and provide a routine that your puppy can rely on, then they will accept going into their crate/kennel and start to treat it as their refuge and home. - If you need to leave them in a car then a good strong guard is advisable. Leave them for only a few minutes at a time to start with and don't make too much of a fuss when you come back to them. A quiet word of praise if they have been good is sufficient, otherwise ignore any accidents or destruction. Basic Training Labradors are a breed, that want to please. As such, they are very willing and eager to be trained and in fact are a much happier dog if this is so. Also, it is as well to remember that an adult dog can weigh up to 40 kilos, and alot of people are not very comfortable with large breeds. To see a large dog bearing down on them can be a frightening experience for them and of course your dog will pick this up and his or her natural curiosity and friendliness will make them want to investigate. One of the endearing traits, it has been said, that if your Labrador detects a non-dog lover then they will immediately pester them in a vain effort to convince them how loveable they are! If you want to take your dog out out in public there are several things he or she must be able to do, especially if you want to let him or her off the lead. 1) Know his or her name and come at all times the instant they are called. Obviously, bribery in the form of treats is very good. Keep calling them back to you, get them to sit and reward then send them off about their business again. 2) Walk nicely on the lead without pulling or jumping up at passers by. Use only one word, such as heel, and when the puppy starts pulling administer a sharp tug and say heel. In time your dog will associate heel with walking quietly by your side. When this happens, you can move on to heel work - that is, take the puppy off the lead and concentrate on getting him or her to stay by your side. Say heel, reward with a pat when this happens and make sure your puppy knows the difference between staying by your side under control and going off and enjoying him/herself by sending him or her on ahead with a wave. 3) Go down on your word and stay. This takes work and patience but is very satisfying when it happens and can get you out of a lot of trouble if you need to control your dog from a distance. Once they have learnt the words down and stay, choose a peaceful environment they are used to which holds no distractions for them and practice the down and stay from a distance which you can increase gradually. Never push your puppy too far - if he or she is starting to lose their confidence go back to the previous step and start from there more slowly. Remember all puppy training must be short at first, A puppy's concentration span is only a few minutes. Rewards and kindness always work better than fear. Simple activities such as sitting and knowing their name and retrieving are best to start with. A well-trained Labrador is a happy one, and you might find you get the taste for obedience work and competitions in agility. House Training House training is obviously a necessity if the dog is to live in the house. An indoor kennel or crate is the best way, some say, as a dog will not want to uploads/Voyage/ lab-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Mai 11, 2021
- Catégorie Travel / Voayage
- Langue French
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