Guide 2023 05 29T110326 084
ZPHISHER ZPhisher is an advanced phishing tool-kit it is an upgraded version of Shellphish It has the main source code from Shellphish but ZPhisher have some upgrade and have removed some unnecessary codes from Shellphish It is devloped by HTR-Tech ZPhisher can be run from Kali Linux and also can be run from Android devices using Termux It is the all-in- one phishing framework in We can use the tool on Android devices in general the tool gives us about social networks to interact with them Steps Installation ? Just Clone this repository - git clone git github com htr- tech zphisher git ? Change to cloned directory and run zphisher sh - cd zphisher bash zphisher sh On ?rst launch It'll install the dependencies and that's it Zphisher is installed Dependencies ? Zphisher requires following programs to run properly - ? php ? wget ? curl ? git C Use A Run with - zphisher sh B We select the social network C We select according to our needs CD Option E URL C
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Mar 28, 2021
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 21kB