Guide gment law A Guide to Government and Law in Australia John Hirst CDiscovering Democracy ?? A Guide to Government and Law in Australia was funded by the Commonwealth Department of Employment Education Training and Youth A ?airs under the Discovering D

A Guide to Government and Law in Australia John Hirst CDiscovering Democracy ?? A Guide to Government and Law in Australia was funded by the Commonwealth Department of Employment Education Training and Youth A ?airs under the Discovering Democracy program Published by Curriculum Corporation PO Box Carlton South VIC Tel Fax Email sales curriculum edu au Website http www curriculum edu au ? Commonwealth of Australia Available under licence from Curriculum Corporation Discovering Democracy ?? A Guide to Government and Law in Australia is Commonwealth copyright It may be reproduced in whole or in part by teachers for classroom use only Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and copyright should be addressed to Curriculum Corporation The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Department of Employment Education Training and Youth A ?airs ISBN SCIS cataloguing-in-publication data Full bibliographic details are available from Curriculum Corporation Series design by Philip Campbell Typesetting by The Modern Art Production Group Discovering Democracy logo design by Miller Street Studio Printed in Australia by Impact Printing Cover images Members of the Constitutional Convention Old Parliament House Canberra Courtesy AUSPIC Detail from Members of the Australasian Federation Conference Melbourne Courtesy National Library of Australia Other cover photography by John Gollings and Philip Campbell CPreface In a new program of civics and citizenship education Discovering Democracy will be operating in Australian schools This book is designed for Australian citizens of all sorts as a painless introduction to the government and law of their country This is not a textbook I have not always hidden my own views but where they are plain the reader will also ?nd views di ?erent from my own The book will still have served its purpose if readers quarrel with it Needless to say the views expressed here have no o ?cial sanction At the end of the book there is a summary account of today ? s governmental system How it came to be this way is explained in the main text Readers seeking information on a particular point may well ?nd it treated in both parts of the book the index will guide them to the relevant pages I am indebted to my colleagues from the Civics Education Group for encouraging me to write the book and giving me their criticisms of it I am particularly grateful for the support and advice of Stuart Macintyre whose report Whereas the People launched the program to reinvigorate civics and citizenship education Dr David Kemp the minister responsible for the civics and citizenship program has been a constant source of encouragement John Hirst Chair Civics Education Group iii CPreface iii Who Rules Monarchy Constitutional monarchy Democracy Australian democracy Australian parties The Australian Nation Nation making Constitution making What sort of nation Who is the nation Law and Rights Common law English law in Australia Constitutional law Human rights Citizens Reference Section How the system works Australian federal democracy a chart Links to Discovering Democracy School Materials Project Further reading Index

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  • Publié le Fev 24, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 405.6kB