Honeywell lyric security system quick user guide

Controller Quick User Guide Ref LCP -L CThese instructions provide a brief overview of common system functions For more detailed information please refer to the Controller ? s full User Guide located online at http www honeywell com security hsc resources literature IMPORTANT If the Lyric Controller is beeping rapidly when you enter the premises an alarm has occurred during your absence and an intruder may still be on the premises LEAVE IMMEDIATELY and CONTACT THE POLICE from a nearby safe location IMPORTANT PROPER INTRUSION PROTECTION For proper intrusion coverage sensors should be located at every possible point of entry to a home or commercial premises This would include any skylights that may be present and the upper windows in a multi-level building In addition we recommend that radio backup be used in a security system so that alarm signals can still be sent to the Central Monitoring Station in the event that the Wi-Fi network connections or Internet connections are out of order alarm signals from this control panel are normally sent over the Wi-Fi and Internet network EARLY WARNING FIRE DETECTION Early warning ?re detection is important in a home Smoke and heat detectors have played a key role in reducing ?re deaths in the United States With regard to the number and placement of smoke heat detectors we subscribe to the recommendations contained in the National Fire Protection Association's National Fire Alarm Code NFPA These recommendations can be found in the separate Part of this document package IMPORTANT SECURITY NOTICE Your key fob is similar to your keys or access card If lost or stolen another person can compromise your security system Immediately notify your Dealer Installer of a lost or stolen key fob The Dealer Installer will then remove the key fob programming from the security system ?? ?? CARM THE SYSTEM Press Security icon on Home screen Select arming mode Arm Away when you ? re out OR Arm Stay when you ? ll be home OR Arm Custom bypass selected zones Enter user code What Happens ? System arms in selected mode ? Exit Delay countdown begins ? Keypad beeps begin if enabled Silent Exit mutes countdown beeps ?? ?? CDISARM THE SYSTEM Press Security Armed icon Press Disarm icon Enter user code What Happens ? System Disarms ? Entry Delay beeps stop if beeps enabled Memory of Alarm If an alarm has occurred zones with alarms remain displayed Repeat Disarm sequence to clear display ?? ?? CBYPASS ZONES NOTE Bypassed zones are unprotected Press Security icon Press Zones icon Select zones to bypass from list Bypass Press Bypass Enter user code Bypassed zones appear in list with icon Arm system as usual Away Stay Custom ?? ?? CPANIC ALARMS See your installer for the types of Panic alarms programmed for your system Press and hold Panic button for seconds Press desired Panic icon within seconds Fire OR Police OR Local Alarm OR Medical Alarm message is sent to your central station ?? ??

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  • Publié le Jul 11, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 39.8kB