Host intro guide 1 Worker Handbook O ?ce address st Floor O ?ces - Pentonville Road London N LG T W www host-sta ?ng co uk CContents Contents Working for Host How Host Works For You How do I get booked for work Hours of Work Timesheets Absence from Work T
Worker Handbook O ?ce address st Floor O ?ces - Pentonville Road London N LG T W www host-sta ?ng co uk CContents Contents Working for Host How Host Works For You How do I get booked for work Hours of Work Timesheets Absence from Work Training Pay Change of Address or Personal Circumstances Annual Leave and Pay Dress Code Personal Presentation and Hygiene Code of Conduct Security Health Safety Health and Safety Policy Statement Food Allergens First aid accidents Fire Procedures and Electricity Display Screen Equipment VDUs Manual Handling Machinery and Tools Control of Substances Hazardous to Health C O S H H Regulations Personal Hygiene Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy Smoking Policy Information Security Computing Equipment Policies Policy on Social Media Policy on Mobile Telephone Use Company Equipment Data Protection Policy Whistleblowing Policy Anti-Bribery Policy Equal Opportunities Dignity at Work Page CWorking for Host How Host Works For You Host Sta ?ng opens the door to exclusive events at many of London ? s most iconic venues where you can be part of a community delivering amazing experiences to our clients Whilst working with us you will be able to choose when and where you want to work whilst being rewarded with some of the highest pay rates in the hospitality industry Our reputation is built on our highly trained and dedicated sta ? Therefore we are committed to supporting each individual member of sta ? in order to create the very best experience for everyone involved How do I get booked for work Once you have registered with us simply open the Host mobile app to see which events are coming up and book yourself in for the shifts that you would like to work You can also view jobs we have available to you through the ? Jobs For You ? tab on our sta ? portal Once you have selected a shift you want to work depending on the availability you will be con ?rmed A consultant will send you an email con ?rming that you have been booked in After receiving this email you must click ? Con ?rm Shift ? If you ?nd that you can no longer work this shift or have booked it in error you MUST call the o ?ce and let us know as you will still be booked into this shift and you will be expected to attend unless you let us know otherwise Following your email con ?rmations you will have made a commitment to work all the shifts with no exceptions A reminder text will also be sent out in order to con ?rm the full details of the shift including check in time and dress code All of these details can also be viewed and accessed through the App or on your sta ? portal at all times You will be able to keep track of all your upcoming shifts on the ??Current Jobs ? tab or ??Schedule tab ? on the Host app You
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Mar 23, 2022
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 101.9kB