Joist design guide Pages identi ?ed with the New Millennium Building Systems Logo as shown above have been produced by NMBS to assist speci ?ers and consumers in the application of New Millennium Building Systems ? Joist and Joist Girder products Pages id
Pages identi ?ed with the New Millennium Building Systems Logo as shown above have been produced by NMBS to assist speci ?ers and consumers in the application of New Millennium Building Systems ? Joist and Joist Girder products Pages identi ?ed with the Steel Joist Institute Logo as shown above have been reproduced from the SJI nd Edition Standard Speci ?cations Load Tables and Weight Tables for Steel Joists and Joist Girders Refer to SJI website at steeljoist org for the entire ANSI approved document LIABILITY STATEMENT The data published in this catalog has been developed using recognized engineering principles and is intended for general information only Although the data shown is believed to be accurate New Millennium Building Systems does not assume any liability or obligation of any kind or nature arising from or related to the data provided herein and or its use Applicability of the products and the accuracy of the data should be assessed by a licensed professional engineer or architect to determine the suitability for the intended application TABLE OF CONTENTS New Millennium Building Systems General Joist Information Quality Assurance Combined SJI Bridging Tables Standard Joist Details Sloped Seat Requirements Standard and Special Joist Pro ?les Duct Opening Sizes Field Reinforcement SJI Camber Table Standard Bridging Details OSHA Highlights Standard Joist Girder Details and Notes Load Zone Joists Bills of Material Instructions and Examples Bills of Material Economical Design Guide Introduction and Design Example De ?nition of Span Economical Load Tables Joist Substitutes Standard LRFD Load Tables Standard ASD Load Tables KCS Joists Standard LRFD Load Table Standard ASD Load Table Top Chord Extensions K-Series Standard LRFD Load Tables Standard ASD Load Tables Extension Types Joist LRFD Load Tables K-Series LH-Series DLH-Series Design Guide LRFD Weight Table For Joist Girders Weight Tables Joist ASD Load Tables K-Series LH-Series DLH-Series Design Guide ASD Weight Table For Joist Girders Weight Tables SJI Standard Speci ?cations K-Series Sections - KCS Joists LH-Series and DLH-Series Sections - Joist Girders Sections - SJI Code of Standard Practice for Joists and Joist Girders Sections - Referenced Speci ?cations Codes and Standards Glossary Fire Resistance Ratings with Steel Joists OSHA Safety Standards for Steel Erection Deck Design Guide GUIDE STANDARDS EXT K-SERIES LOAD TABLES WEIGHT TABLES LOAD TABLES WEIGHT TABLES SPECIFICATIONS STAND PRACTICE RATINGS KCS JOISTS INFORMATION DESIGN GUIDE SUBSTITUTES GIRDER ASD SJI STANDARD SJI CODE OF FIRE RESIST OSHA SAFETY DECK DESIGN JOIST LRFD GIRDER LRFD JOIST ASD TOP CHORD JOIST GEN JOIST ECONOMICAL C CQUALITY ASSURANCE JOIST CERTIFICATIONS ? Steel Joist Institute Member Company fully certi ?ed to manufacture K LH DLH Series and Joist Girder Series ? Welders are certi ?ed in accordance with AWS D and D ? Additionally Indiana and Ohio facilities are certi ?ed in accordance with the requirements of the current IBC Michigan Building Code Chapter Section Paragraph ? Additionally Florida facility is certi ?ed in accordance with the requirements of the current Miami-Dade County Florida Building Code Article IV Chapter and the current Houston
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- Publié le Dec 03, 2022
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 598kB