Traces of truth select bibliography of the south african truth and reconciliation commission trc 1
TRACES OF TRUTH SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION TRC CCONTENTS PREHISTORY OF THE TRC ARTICLES BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS THESES HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS ARTICLES BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS THESES AMNESTY ARTICLES BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS THESES REPARATIONS AND REHABILITATION ARTICLES BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS THESES AFTERMATH ARTICLES BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS THESES ONLINE RESOURCES AUDIOVISUAL COLLECTIONS Select TRC bibliography compiled by Historical Papers University of Witwatersrand and South African History Archive November C PREHISTORY OF THE TRC Includes ? Prehistory ? Establishment of the TRC ? Early perceptions and challenges ARTICLES Abraham L Vision truth and rationality New Contrast no Adelman S Accountability and administrative law in South Africa's transition to democracy Journal of Law and Society no - Africa Watch South Africa Accounting for the past The lessons for South Africa from Latin America Human Rights Watch October Barcroft P A The presidential pardon - a awed solution Human Rights Law Journal Berat L Prosecuting human rights violations from a predecessor regime Guidelines for a transformed South Africa Boston College Third World Law Journal no - Berat L Shain Y Retribution or truth telling in South Africa Legacies of the transitional phase Law and Society Inquiry no - Bonner P New nation new history The History Workshop in South Africa - Journal of American History no - Boraine A Truth and reconciliation South African Outlook - Coetzee J K South Africa's transition in a broader context South African Journal of Sociology no - De Gruchy J Guilt amnesty and national reconstruction Journal of Theology for Southern Africa June - De Gruchy J Forgetting or exorcising the past South African Outlook no - Douglas C Setting up the truth factory Frontiers of Freedom Second Quarter Du Toit A Justice and or truth South African Outlook no - Du Toit A Laying the past to rest Indicator South Africa no - Select TRC bibliography compiled by Historical Papers University of Witwatersrand and South African History Archive November CFreedom of Expression Institute of South Africa The Truth Commission Bill Transparency in government - another urban legend FXI Update January Friedman S Atkinson D eds The small miracle South Africa's negotiated settlement South African Review Hamill J The crossing of the Rubicon South Africa's post-apartheid political process - International Relations no - Haysom N Negotiating the political settlement in South Africa Are there lessons for other countries African Journal of Con ict Resolution no Kollapen N Accountability The debate in South Africa Journal of African Law no - Makhubela K Will truth be enough to reconcile SA Mayibuye December Malamud-Goti J Transitional government in the breach Why punish state criminals Human Rights Quarterly no Marais H Narsoo M And justice for all The debate about a general amnesty sidestepping crucial issues Work in Progress - Miller A A time to remember Odyssey no Minnaar A Will the truth out The delaying of the truth commission Political Update Third Quarter - Motala A Case notes Azanian people's Organization AZAPO
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- Publié le Mai 23, 2021
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 146kB