Module registration student userguide

Module Registration - Student User Guide BEFORE MODULE REGISTRATION Timetabling Enrolment Intercollegiate studies OVERVIEW OF MODULE REGISTRATION Selecting submitting and con ?rming your modules Approval of your module selections by teaching departments Con ?rmation of your programme of study by your parent department ACCESSING MODULE REGISTRATION Technical considerations ? Student Home Page ? screen ? Student Academic Details ? container ? Select your modules course components ? link UNDERTAKING MODULE REGISTRATION Selecting your modules Saving your module selections and returning to submit and con ?rm them later Submitting your module selections Con ?rming your module selections Changing your con ?rmed module selections Tracking the approval of your module selections and programme of study Online Module Registration ?? Student User Guide CBEFORE MODULE REGISTRATION Timetabling Please note that Portico does not include timetabling information so you should check with the teaching department concerned to ensure that your choice of any optional or elective modules does not clash with other classes In addition many departments have speci ?c procedures for approving module selections which you should familiarise yourself with For example if you are selecting a language module your level of ability in that language should be assessed by visiting the Language Centre Enrolment You must enrol prior to undertaking module registration as places on the modules you have selected cannot be guaranteed if you have not enrolled and arranged for your fees to be paid If in doubt check your enrolment status in the ? Statement of Student Status ? in the ? Student Record and Fee Data ? container on your student home page in PORTICO Intercollegiate studies Contact you parent department for advice on which intercollegiate modules are available to you if you are planning to study a module with another institution It may be that the module details have already been set up in PORTICO which you can check using the ? Module directory ? link in the ? Student Academic Details ? container by selecting all modules with a department of ??Intercollegiate Course ? If the module you want to select has not been set up you should use one of the generic ? placeholder ? module codes instead such as INTC INTC where INTC represents intercollegiate modules and and represents the module ? s credit value and respectively For postgraduate modules the pre ?x is INTCG It is essential that you let your parent department know the details of the actual module the placeholder code represents so that the Examinations Section can register you onto the correct code once the details have been set up in PORTICO OVERVIEW OF MODULE REGISTRATION Selecting submitting and con ?rming your modules The module registration facility enables you to select modules for the forthcoming year in accordance with the rules for your programme of study If you are a continuing student you should discuss with your parent department any outstanding re-assessments before making module selections for the forthcoming year Any compulsory modules that you must study will already have been

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