Vm userguide Visual MINTEQ user guide Jon Petter Gustafsson This user guide is not complete and at this stage it contains information on the most basic aspects of the program such as input output ?le handling pH options etc as well as on adsorption I will

Visual MINTEQ user guide Jon Petter Gustafsson This user guide is not complete and at this stage it contains information on the most basic aspects of the program such as input output ?le handling pH options etc as well as on adsorption I will extend it in the future with details on organic complexation models and on the Biotic Ligand Model JPG CContents What is Visual MINTEQ History of the MINTEQ codes MINTEQA and Visual MINTEQ ?? similarities and di ?erences Some technical speci ?cations Download and install Common problems Acknowledgements Introduction to Visual MINTEQ First look at Visual MINTEQ Visual MINTEQ terminology Input output ?le handling Options for setting the pH value Creating a problem Multi-problem Sweep options Reading data from Excel Interpreting the output Common menu options Alkalinity Oxidation and reduction reactions Gases Solid phases and excluded species Adsorption Introduction to adsorption reactions Surface complexation models ?? mathematical basis Using surface complexation models in Visual MINTEQ Ion exchange reactions Optimization of surface complexation constants by use of PEST References C What is Visual MINTEQ History of the MINTEQ codes Visual MINTEQ was ?rst released in as a Windows user interface to the U S EPA model MINTEQA The original version of this model called MINTEQ was developed in the early 's at Battelle Paci ?c Northwest Laboratory Felmy et al as a cooperative e ?ort funded by the U S Department of Energy and the U S EPA The original MINTEQ developed by Felmy et al was produced by combining the mathematical structure of MINEQL Westall et al with the thermodynamic database of the WATEQ model developed by the U S Geological Survey Ball et al The MINTEQ model was then renamed to MINTEQA by the U S EPA Environmental Research Laboratory at Athens Georgia AERL in The model was anticipated to diverge from the original as it was adapted to the special needs of the U S EPA but in reality there were very few di ?erences between MINTEQA and the original MINTEQ The distribution package available for DOS -based PC ? s or for Digital Equipment Corporation VAX machines included a preprocessor program PRODEFA for the preparation of MINTEQA input ?les After more signi ?cant revisions were made in the late 's the name was changed to MINTEQA With further development version numbers were used to indicate new versions and the model ? s formal name was left as MINTEQA The current version released in is version Work with Visual MINTEQ began in with the code ??MINTEQA For Windows ? which was only a Windows interface to MINTEQA ver This code was never published It was used for undergraduate teaching at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU In the ?rst Visual MINTEQ version released in on the web the code had been entirely rewritten in Visual Basic version Still however Visual MINTEQ was essentially just a Windows interface to MINTEQA ver After the release of Visual MINTEQ ver in the model gradually diverged from MINTEQA

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  • Publié le Jan 28, 2021
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 243kB