voters x27 guide 1 A Wednesday October lnp lancaster pa Voters Guide T h e G e n e r a l E l e c t i o n i s T u e s day N ov Polls are open a m to p m Frequently asked questions WHERE DO I VOTE If you don ? t know where your polling place

A Wednesday October lnp lancaster pa Voters Guide T h e G e n e r a l E l e c t i o n i s T u e s day N ov Polls are open a m to p m Frequently asked questions WHERE DO I VOTE If you don ? t know where your polling place is visit votespa com and click on ??Find Your Polling Place ? Enter your home address and the site will tell you the street address of your polling place and give you directions WHAT IF I HAVE PROBLEMS VOTING If you have problems at your polling place call the Lancaster County Elections O ?ce at - - You can also stop by the o ?ce at N Queen St Suite That ? s the former Armstrong building at Queen and Chestnut streets If you ? d like to report a voting problem to the newspaper call - - If you ? re on Twitter or Facebook report voting problems or issues using LancasterVotes WHERE CAN I FIND RESULTS The results will start ?ltering into the Lancaster County Elections O ?ce a short time after the polls close at p m Check LancasterOnline com for live coverage First-time voters If you are a ?rst-time voter or are voting in a new precinct for the ?rst time you must bring one of these approved forms of photo identi ?cation n Pennsylvania driver ? s license or state ID card n ID issued by state agencies n ID issued by U S government n U S passport n U S armed forces ID n Student ID n Employee ID No photo ID If you do not have a photo ID you can use identi ?cation without a photo that includes your name and address Approved forms include n Con ?rmation issued by the county voter registration o ?ce n Nonphoto ID issued by the state n Nonphoto ID issued by the U S government n Firearm permit n Current utility bill n Current bank statement n Current paycheck n Government check Contested races on your ballot Governor and lieutenant governor Tom Wolf and John Fetterman D Scott R Wagner and Je ? Bartos R Paul Glover and Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick GRN Ken V Krawchuk and Kathleen S Smith LIB U S Senate Bob Casey Jr D Lou Barletta R Neal Gale GRN Dale R Kerns Jr LIB U S House th District All of Lancaster County and southern York County Jess King D Lloyd K Smucker R State Senate th District Most of northern Lancaster County Bill Troutman D Ryan P Aument R State House contested races in Lancaster County U S HOUSE th District special election Winner will represent parts of eastern Lancaster County until Jan Mary Gay Scanlon D Pearl Kim R Brianna Johnston GRN Sandra Teresa Salas LIB GOVERNOR AND LT GOVERNOR Candidates run as a ticket UNITED STATES SENATOR Registered voters DEMocrat GOP Other Pennsylvania Gov Tom Wolf D Residence

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