Study guide 47 Miss Saigon Study Guide I About Miss Saigon page II The Story of Miss Saigon page III Culture and Con ict page IV Lovers Divided page V The Bui Doi page VI Creating the Musical page VII The War in Vietnam page VIII People Places Things page
Miss Saigon Study Guide I About Miss Saigon page II The Story of Miss Saigon page III Culture and Con ict page IV Lovers Divided page V The Bui Doi page VI Creating the Musical page VII The War in Vietnam page VIII People Places Things page IX Creating Miss Saigon page X Final Thoughts page XI Quick Takes page XII Resource List page CMiss Saigon - Study Guide I About Miss Saigon IN A WORLD THAT ? S MOVING TOO FAST IN A WORLD WHERE NOTHING CAN LAST I HAVE FOUND YOU Miss Saigon is one of the most spectacular musicals of our time the culmination of years of work by the creators of Les Misérables Alain Boublil and Claude Michel Sch? nberg with English lyrics and additional material by Richard Maltby Jr Miss Saigon is an epic and tragic story of a young couple in love caught in a world at war Miss Saigon begins in when the con icting cultures and ideologies of the world seemed to meet violently in one city Saigon Cultures clash ways of life battle on a grand scale At the eye of the storm stand two lovers Chris an American soldier and Kim a Vietnamese girl Their poignant struggle against the forces of war and prejudice is the heart of Miss Saigon ? s story Since many students only confront the reality of such con icts as images on a television screen or a dry newspaper account this sweeping musical can help them focus on the ways in which war a ?ects individuals young people like themselves The questions assignments and background information found in this study guide are designed to encourage students to deal with the ideas and themes found in Miss Saigon through individual and class activities and to prepare them for a more knowledgeable viewing of the show Since Miss Saigon can be seen on di ?erent levels ?? as a spectacular musical entertainment a moving love story and a biting statement about prejudice and war ?? this guide covers a broad spectrum of subject areas that can be easily integrated into a wide variety of educational settings CMiss Saigon - Study Guide II The Story of Miss Saigon The Characters Kim A -year-old Vietnamese orphan from a simple background The death of her parents has forced her to seek work in the sleazy club ? Dreamland ? in Saigon entertaining American Marines She falls in love with an American sergeant Her faith is a source of strength that fuels her instinct for self- preservation and with the birth of her son her determination for survival becomes stronger still The Engineer A half-French half-Vietnamese pimp who has risen against adversity to become the owner of the aptly named nightclub brothel ? Dreamland ? He is sly and manipulative always looking to make a quick pro ?t and take advantage of the American occupation of Saigon and the dollars it brings His ultimate dream is to escape Saigon and become
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- Publié le Oct 17, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 98.9kB