Anticipation guide 1 ANTICIPATION GUIDE PAOLA CASTRO JEISSON CHIQUIZA HENRY G A I T Á N S A N T I A G O Á LVA R E Z CPREVIEWING By previewing the text we can infer that there is a situation that includes racism because in some parts it contains the word n

ANTICIPATION GUIDE PAOLA CASTRO JEISSON CHIQUIZA HENRY G A I T Á N S A N T I A G O Á LVA R E Z CPREVIEWING By previewing the text we can infer that there is a situation that includes racism because in some parts it contains the word nigger that is bad word to refer to the African American people Racism is something that has been seem years ago so it is di ?cult to guess or infer in which time was this story Also we can recognize a black man that is afraid of being evicted from his room only for being black CANALYSING THE FEATURES ? It was written by James Baldwine it is a story that probably re ects James life and the majority of black people ? It has pages ? The principal topic is the racism ? It is a narrative book and the continuation of a previous story ? Also is compound by rude langue or o ?ensive CThe book is composed by long paragraphs and conversations At the beginning it has underline words that probably could be di ?cult to understand but they are not explained Scanning Skimming The story of the text is located in United States In a racist time it talks about the story of a black boy living there and all the di ?cult moments that a person has to deal just for been di ?erent CORGANIZATIONAL PATTERNS ? List of ítems ? Chronological ? Process ? Comparison Contrast ? List of importance ? Spatial order For example ? I ? d learned never to be belligerent with policemen for instance No matter who was right Page line ? list of items ADDITION A THING THAT SUPPORT THE MAIN IDEA ? After the ?rst few times I realized that I had to play smart ? page line ? Process IS A SEQUENCE OF AN ACTION ? while I just lay on my back spread-eagled looking up at the ceiling listening to the sounds of people getting up in other parts of the house alarm clocks ringing and water splashing and doors opening and shutting and feet on the stairs Page at the end ? Comparison and contrast ? Contrast ARE DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN ELEMENTS OR IDEAS CANTICIPATION PREDICTING In the anticipation part we can see with the help of certain keywords or sentences Uncle Tom I breathed like I had been running where it gives us an idea of the topic to deal with the text that is racism And you need to use the extra information to know what context you ? re talking about ? Uncle Tom The real uncle tom was a black man born into slavery who gave his life to protect other slaves ? ??Acting ? s a rough life even if you ? re white I ? m not tall and I ? m not good looking and I can ? t sing or dance and I ? m not white ?

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