Benchmark guide Benchmark Guide What is ? benchmarking ? Benchmarking is a test to look at the performance of computer hardware for example the CPU This is useful if you want to look at the statistics of your parts Why should I benchmark Benchmarking is r

Benchmark Guide What is ? benchmarking ? Benchmarking is a test to look at the performance of computer hardware for example the CPU This is useful if you want to look at the statistics of your parts Why should I benchmark Benchmarking is recommended for users because you get to know your PC parts more It is also great information if you are planning to upgrade anything or wanting to increase the e ?ciency of how your PC works Knowing the behind-the-scenes details are pretty important if you ? re wanting to get used to computers especially yours What are the benchmark options There are many great options when it comes benchmarking your personal computer there are programs that you can speci ?cally use to benchmark such as Speecy CineBench Novabench and more In this guide I will be talking about UserBenchmark as it will be my focal point UserBenchmark https www userbenchmark com UserBenchmark can benchmark the CPU GPU SSD HDD Ram and even the USB ??UserBenchmark will test your PC and compare the results to other users with the same components You can quickly size up your PC identify hardware problems and explore the best upgrades ? -Said on their website CThe website is useful for other benchmarkers to upload their data to compare and calculate average useful for anyone wanting to build a PC rig or someone who thinks of upgrading a part For gamers you can see what parts give the FPS frames per second you want or desire Games FPS https www userbenchmark com Search searchTerm FPS How do I benchmark with UserBenchmark UserBenchmark has a lot of options on their software you can check it out at https www userbenchmark com Software To start things you are going to need the program You can download the benchmark software at https www userbenchmark com After downloading the program on your computer that you are going to benchmark you can choose to benchmark whatever PC part and what option for example the GPU includes six di ?erent game simulations Here is what the UI user interface looks like CExample of output results On their website also has benchmarks of PC parts from other users CYou can also compared parts with other parts with this drop down For example here are two CPU ? s put up against each other There are loads of information to digest for any user experienced or advanced to a newbie You can view compare and read about any hardware from pre-existing benchmarks since the community behind UserBenchmarks is so large as of April th there are about million benchmarks and million components The simplicity and big community behind the website is what attracts so many new PC builders so I recommend checking it out yourself C

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