Bibliography 2023 03 28T041658 115

Bibliography Primary Sources Acceptance Speech by Mother Teresa Nobelprize org Nobel Media AB Web Feb http www nobelprize org mediaplayer index php id This acceptance speech by Mother Teresa for the Nobel Peace Prize was very useful in my website because Mother Teresa talked about righting all of the wrongs in the world and that is the reason for the Nobel Peace Prize Big Boom Shakes Missoula KGVO com Nov Web Apr http newstalkkgvo com big-boom-shakes-missoulas-north-sideaudio This picture was very important because I used it as my website background I thought that it was a very good representation of what a dynamite explosion looks like It also was a very recent photo to show that dynamite is still used throughout the world Bill Gates Here ? s My Plan to Improve the World- and How You Can Help Wired com Dec Web Apr http www wired com bill-gates-wired-essay I used this news article in my website because it showed how Alfred Nobel has started a trend of philanthropy that even Bill Gates and Warren Bu ?ett are part of Alfred Nobel ? s Will Nobelpeaceprize org n d Web Feb http nobelpeaceprize org en gb alfred-nobel testament I used this picture of a page of Alfred Nobel ? s will because his will is a very important reminder of his impact I think that anyone who knows about the Nobel Prizes knows that Alfred Nobel was a genius and a man who has cemented his legacy on history The Daily Argus Rock Island Ill Dec Chronicling America Historic American Newspapers Lib of Congress http chroniclingamerica loc gov lccn sn - - ed- seq- This newspaper article is about an accidental explosion of dynamite that happened in the baggage of a German steamer One of the passengers had brought some of the new explosive dynamite on board and it had exploded killing people The Evening Telegraph Philadelphia Pa Dec Chronicling America Historic American Newspapers Lib of Congress http chroniclingamerica loc gov lccn sn - ed- seq- This website was very helpful because I found many newspaper articles from American history in which Alfred Nobel was mentioned This one from The Evening Telegraph of Philadelphia Pennsylvania talks about nitroglycerin and the creation of dynamite CFull Text of Alfred Nobel ? s Will Nobelprize org n d Web Jan http www nobelprize org alfrednobel will will-full html I used this website to read Alfred Nobel ? s whole will I learned a lot of useful information from this source because I knew more about Nobel wanted after his death because he speci ?ed all of that information in his will The Hawaiian star Honolulu Oahu Dec Chronicling America Historic American Newspapers Lib of Congress http chroniclingamerica loc gov lccn sn - ed- seq- This newspaper article is about the Nobel Prizes and what he meant when he made them It is also a biography talking about his inventions and his e ?orts to introduce dynamite to the rest of the world Nobel Peace

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