Bibliography 16 A General References BIBLIOGRAPHY ADRIANCE Madeleine Opting for the Poor Brazilian Catholicism in Transition Kansas City Sheed and Ward ALTHAUS -REID Marcella Liberation Theology and Sexuality London Ash Gate Publishing ASSMAN Hugo Theolog
A General References BIBLIOGRAPHY ADRIANCE Madeleine Opting for the Poor Brazilian Catholicism in Transition Kansas City Sheed and Ward ALTHAUS -REID Marcella Liberation Theology and Sexuality London Ash Gate Publishing ASSMAN Hugo Theology for Nomad Church Maryknoll New York Orbis Books BALCHAND Asandas D SJ ed et al Theology of Liberation for Today ? s Filipino Christian Quezon City Ateneo de Manila University BATSTONE David et al Liberation Theologies Postmodernity and the Americas New York Routledge Becoming the Church of the Poor Quezon City Philippines Claretian Publications BOFF Leonardo OFM Jesus Christ Liberator a Critical Christology for our Time Maryknoll New York Orbis Books Francis of Assisi A Model for Human Liberation Maryknoll New York Orbis Books Introducing Liberation Theology A Concise History of Liberation Theology Maryknoll New York Orbis Books BRACKLY Dean Divine Revolution Salvation and Liberation in Catholic Thought Maryknoll New York Orbis Books BRIAN Mahan and L Dale Richesin The Challenge of Liberation Theology A First World Response Maryknoll New York Orbis Books BROWN Robert MacAfee Liberation Theology An Introduction Guide Louisville Kentucky Westminster John Knox Press An Introduction to Liberation Theology Eugene OR Orbis Books BURDICK John ??Legacies of Liberation The Progressive Catholic Church in Brazil at the Start of a New Millennium ? Great Britain Ashgate Publishing Limited CADORETTE Curt From the Heart of the People The Theology of Gustavo Gutierrez United States Meyer-Stone Books CCANTALAMESA Raniero The Mystery of God ? s Word Trans Alan Neame Makati City St Paul ? s Publication COUMBLIN Jose Called to Freedom The Changing Context of Liberation Theology New York Marynoll Orbis Books ??Currents in Philippine Theology ? Institute of Religion and Culture Quezon City Philippines DE LA TORRE Miguel A ed Handbook of U S Theologies of Liberation St Louise Missouri Chalice Press DE MESA Dr Jose M and Lode L WOSTYN CICM Doing Christology The Re-appropriation of a Tradition Quezon City Philippines Claretian Publications De Schrijver G Liberation Theologies on Shifting Grounds A Clash of Socio-Economic and Cultural Paradigms Leuven Belgium Leuven University Press DESCROCHERS John Christ the Liberator Bangalore Center for Social Action DE STA ANA Julio Good News to the Poor Challenge of the Poor in the History of the Church Switzerland Imprimerie La Concorde Lausanne DANENBERG Ton et al Fired from Within Spirituality in the Social Movement Philippines Institute of Spirituality in Asia Inc DE CERTEAU Michel ??La rupture instauratice ou le christianisme dans la culture ? Espirit no June DIONISIO Eleonor R Becoming the Church of the Poor Philippine Catholicism after the Second Plenary Council Quezon City John J Carol Institute on Church and Social Issues DORR Donald Option for the Poor and the Earth Catholic Social Teaching Quezon City Claretian Publications DUSSEL Enrique History and Theology of Liberation A Latin American Perspective Maryknoll Orbis ELWELL Walter A Evangelical Dictionary of Theology Grand Rapids MI Baker Book House Company FERM Deane William Third World Liberation Theologies An Introductory Survey Maryknoll New York Orbis Books FERNANDEZ Eleazar S Toward a Theology of Struggle
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- Publié le Dec 03, 2022
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