Emergency guide english During Natural Disasters and Power Outage During War Emergencies Protection Against Acts of Sabotage Administering First Aid Protection Against Fires Caring for People with Special Needs C CYour Guide for Emergencies CNational Medi

During Natural Disasters and Power Outage During War Emergencies Protection Against Acts of Sabotage Administering First Aid Protection Against Fires Caring for People with Special Needs C CYour Guide for Emergencies CNational Media Council License CTable of Contents Preamble During Natural Disasters And Power Outages During War Emergencies Protection Against Acts of Sabotage Administering First Aid Protection Against Fire Caring For People With Special Needs Emergency Kit Important Telephone Numbers Epilogue C Your Guide for Emergencies Preamble Protection is a set of cognitive principles values and practices that people resort to when they face hazards or accidents or when they expect their occurrence The purpose is to ward o ? danger or in case it occurs to minimize its intensity and adverse e ?ects E ?ective protection starts with preparedness which constitutes ??the most important step towards protection ? as well as the foundation of protective measures which if applied accurately and consistently lead to better protection of both people and property and hence of the country and its assets In this guidebook we present you with a series of concepts and methods which will help you in di ?erent cases of emergency to avoid the dangers that might threaten your own life and safety as well as the life and safety of your family and environment or that you might need to address while on the road at school or at work This guidebook also shows you how to protect your property as well as the individual and collective property of others through instructions and advice that correspond to the di ?erent types and natures of hazards likely to occur in times of peace war turmoil and disasters Additionally it introduces you to the best and most recent methods of protecting yourself and helping others through a series of ?rst-aid instructions on how to stop bleeding treat burns and fractures or resuscitate cardiac arrest or su ?ocation su ?erers This guidebook o ?ers advice on how to ensure personal safety during ?res and how to deal with various building components such as installations and equipment You can learn how to deal with emergencies in times of peace i e natural disasters and sudden power outages and how to stock up on food supplies It also o ?ers instructions on measures that should be taken in times of war to avoid crises in terms of consumption levels blood donation warnings shelters and personal defence In particular the guidebook focuses on the importance of a ??previously prepared emergency kit ? and helps you to avoid potential chemical and biological terrorist threats as well as bomb attacks Finally it explains in detail how to care for people with special needs in cases of emergency CNatural Disasters And Power Outage ?? Natural Disasters And Power Outages Lightning Floods Earthquakes And Tremors Tsunami Landslides Power Outages Stocking Up On Basic Food Supplies C Your Guide for Emergencies Lightning Lightning is a dazzling light that suddenly appears in the sky in turbulent weather It is

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