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MINISTERE DE L ? ENSEIGNEMENT BACCALAUREAT SUPERIEUR ET DE LA RECHERCHE ANGLAIS OFFICE DU BACCALAUREAT SERIE A Durée H Coef Section one Comprehension Read the following text carefully and answer the questions below Text Spare the rod GEORGE STEWART'S teacher in Jamaica used to wait by the school door with a switch to punish tardy pupils His parents whipped him too Now he lives in the Bronx and refuses to hit his own children I don't think beating works he says It instils in them a cruelty that they pass down generation to generation Ample evidence backs his view say Richard Reeves and Emily Cuddy of the Brookings Institution a think-tank Nearly studies from various countries show that children who are regularly spanked become more aggressive They are also more likely to be depressed or take drugs even after correcting for other factors Smacking is e ?ective in the short run it stops children pulling their sisters' hair But in the long run it has all sorts of bad e ?ects A study in American cities found that young children in homes with little or no spanking showed swifter cognitive development than their peers Other studies ?nd that children in physically punitive schools perform worse Still of American parents believe that spanking is sometimes necessary That is more than in many other rich countries of which have banned spanking even by parents ln America Republicans spank more than Democrats southerners more than northeasterners blacks more than whites and born-again Christians more than everyone else American teachers are still allowed to whack children with a paddle a wooden bat only a little shorter and thinner than a cricket bat in states mostly in the South ?? a practice that is banned in over other countries More than pupils were beaten at school during the - school year according to the Department of Education When Adrian Peterson a football star was arrested on charges of child abuse in September after he allegedly wounded his son with a switch several black pundits protested that beatings were an essential rite of passage A whipping from a loving parent keeps kids on the straight and narrow they argued A father's belt hurts a lot less than a cop's bullet tweeted D L Hughley a black comedian Others defer to the Bible Spare the rod spoil the child Mr Stewart retorts that a better rod could be the word of the Lord The Economist November th A Reading comprehension questions pts - Why does G Stewart ? s teacher wait at the school gate pt - What does spanking of children lead to pt - Where are Reeve and Cuddy from What do they think about Stewart ? s view pt - Punitive homes and schools perform better J F Justify quoting from the text pt - A better rod ??could be the word of the Lord ? Do you share this view of Mr G Stewart Why pts B Vocabulary pts - Look for a

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