graecolatinabrunensia 19 2014 2 9

GRAECO -LATINA BRUNENSIA KRZYSZTOF TOMASZ WITCZAK UNIVERSITY OF ?ÓD MA ?GORZATA ZADKA UNIVERSITY OF WROC ?AW ON THE ANATOLIAN ORIGIN OF ANCIENT GREEK ? ? ? The comparison of Greek words for ? pomegranate Punica granatum L ? Gk ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f with Hittite GI ? ?addu wa - ? a kind of fruit- tree ? indicates a possible borrowing of the Greek forms from an Anatolian source Key words Greek botanical terminology pomegranate borrowings Anatolian languages In this article we want to continue the analysis initiated in our article Ancient Greek ? ? as a Borrowing from a Pre-Greek Substratum Witczak ?? Zadka ?? The Greek word ? ? f ? pomegranate ? is attested in many dialectal forms which di ?er a lot from each other what cause some di ?culties in determining the possible origin of ? ? The phonetic structure of the word without a doubt is not of Hellenic origin and it is rather a loan word It also seems to be related to some Anatolian forms but this similarity corresponds to a lack of the exact attested words for ? pomegranate ? in Anatolian languages A Semitic hypothesis No Semitic explanation of Gk ? ? is possible The Semitic term for ? pomegranate ? rim ?n- is perfectly attested in Assyrian arm? nu Akkadian lurmu Hebrew rimm ?n Arabic rumm ?n ? id ? see also Egyptian NK A Semitic name appears in the codex Parisinus Graecus ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? pomegranate ? Delatte Arabic rumm ?n ? id ? This Byzantine C KRZYSZTOF TOMASZ WITCZAK MA ?GORZATA ZADKA rrm t ? a kind of fruit ? Coptic erman herman ? pomegranate ? supposedly from Afro-Asiatic riman- ? fruit ? esp ? pomegranate ? Orel ?? Stolbova The exact meaning of the Akkadian terms ?ibru ? a plant ? a word from a plant list and si ? du or se ? du ? a plant ? Brinkman ?? Civil remains completely unclear It is worth emphasizing that Rosó does not introduce Gk ? ? into his list of early Hellenic loanwords borrowed from a Semitic source though he discusses negatively the Semitic origin of Myc Gk ro-a Aeolic Doric Attic Ionic f ? pomegranate ? see Rosó Remarks on an Anatolian origin The Anatolian toponymy strongly suggests that the substrate term for ? pomegranate ? including Ionic Greek ? ? and its numerous variants may be treated as a borrowing from ancient Anatolian languages see Witczak ?? Zadka ?? In fact the existing of the Carian town ? ? ? suggests that the Carians called thus the pomegranate tree and fruit The Sidetic form ? ? ? referring to the Pamphylian town Side ? pomegranate ? seems to indicate a native term of Anatolian origin The Anatolian terminology denoting both wild and cultivated trees is relatively scarce No term for ? pomegranate ? is given in the Anatolian lexica cf

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