Anticipation guide 6 Anticipation Guide What is it An anticipation guide is a comprehension strategy that activates a students ? prior knowledge builds curiosity about a new topic before learning about it and then checks for understanding after the topic
Anticipation Guide What is it An anticipation guide is a comprehension strategy that activates a students ? prior knowledge builds curiosity about a new topic before learning about it and then checks for understanding after the topic is presented How do you use it Construct Write - short thoughtprovoking statements about the new concept some true and some false Display Read each statement to the class Allow students time to respond to each statement They will use the columns to the left Before Reading of each statement to mark whether they agree or disagree Discuss Have a class discussion about the statements and the students opinions before presenting the new material Ask the students to explain their answers Revisit Once you have presented the new material they should ?ll out the column to the right After Reading based on the new information they learned Have the students compare their changes in a group discussion or with a partner When to use it Use an Anticipation guide to structure meaningful conversation that reviews students prior knowledge and engages them in critical thinking about the topic they will be introduced to o Before After introducing a new material to activate prior background knowledge o Before After watching a movie video to gauge a reaction and build curiosity about the topic o Before After reading a short text to begin a discussion Di ?erent Types of Anticipation Guides Quick fact o Predictions True False o Statements Questions Agree Disagree o Statement Explanation Strongly Agree ATrgy rteoei nDcilsuadgereseta tSetrmonegnltys Dthisaatgprreoev oke o Consider These Agree Ddisaisaggrereee mTerunet aFnadlsec hallenge students ? o Statements Text Evidenbceel iefs about the topic CAnticipation You caFn luispe tmooels fsoucrhsaos ? m ? e Guide post its poster boardes xwaomrkpshleeests interactive smartboard presentation etc CBefore Reading True False Statements After Reading True False References Richardson F n d Anticipation Predication Guides Retrieved from https www nbss ie sites default ?les publications anticipationg uidescomprehensionstrategy pdf Adda F Veal M Lea Cavanaugh M Hamlin Bernice n d Anticipation Guide Classroom Strategy Retrieved from https www readingrockets org strategies anticipationguide C
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- Publié le Jan 22, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 29.6kB