Connection guide guide Topics covered MA networking basic Console to MA d This documentation is intended to re-enforce that training provided Other training resources on these topics and others are available via the ConsoleTraining com website MA d Networ
Topics covered MA networking basic Console to MA d This documentation is intended to re-enforce that training provided Other training resources on these topics and others are available via the ConsoleTraining com website MA d Networking Local To connect MA d and MAonPC you need to ?rst set the IP address settings appropriate to your setup If you are simply connecting the two applications running on the same computer Begin by opening MAonPC loading your show ?le and clicking on setup MA network control CYou will then be presented with a screen that looks like this In this window we can see a few di ?erent bits of information Session ID By default this is set to and in most situations you will only ever have one stage or session running Sessions are useful when you have more than one stage or show running For example in a festival environment session might be used for show and session might be used for pre vis or another show element such as vision Each session can have its own hardware assigned such as consoles visualisers MA d or VPU ? s MA ? s own media server system Session Name Just an easy way of knowing what session is what For example Pre Vis or Show Session Password Each session can be passworded to stop other consoles or systems entering your session and looking or modifying your show ?le This function becomes especially helpful when working in an environment where people may want to steal or modify your show ?le without your permission Station IP This is the IP address of your current system Console or PC This is where we tell MA which IP address to use to talk to MA d or a console Station Name A friendly way of naming things such as consoles Most people stick with the default name of grandMA but others prefer to call their consoles primary backup or moe larry and curly Station Priory In the event of a disconnection this determines which console will become master in the event the master console crashes By default leaving this as normal is best practise Created By Alex Hughes Email Alex LXHues com or Phone CBefore we continue what the actual heck is an IP address This number is an exclusive number all information technology devices printers routers modems et al use which identi ?es and allows them the ability to communicate with each other on a computer network There is a standard of communication which is called an Internet Protocol standard IP In laymans terms it is the same as your home address In order for you to receive snail mail at home the sending party must have your correct mailing address IP address in your town network or you do not receive bills pizza coupons or your tax refund The same is true for all equipment on the internet Without this speci ?c address information cannot be received Each device must have its own
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- Publié le Oct 11, 2022
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