Pte guide Speaking Read aloud Number of items - Repeat sentence Describe image Retell lecture - - - Answer short question - Similar to - Write from dictation - Summarize spoken text - How to do Just read passage aloud Take note of intonations and word gro

Speaking Read aloud Number of items - Repeat sentence Describe image Retell lecture - - - Answer short question - Similar to - Write from dictation - Summarize spoken text - How to do Just read passage aloud Take note of intonations and word groups Write initials of the words Repeat the sentence accurately The represents - key features Conclusion The speaker was discussing The lecture mentioned discussed talked about He concluded suggested that Just answer as short as possible Writing Write essay Number of items - Summarize text Similar to How to do - Introduction Rewrite General statement Mention side and Overall opinion Paragraph Restate side Reason example conclusion Paragraph same as P Conclusion Rewrite general statement Overall conclusion opinion - Only one sentence Who did what that when and which Reading Time manage Multiple answer Single Answer Reorder paragraph R W Fill in the blanks Fill in the blanks Number of Similar to items How to do - - Read question and understand text Answer properly - - Read and understand text Answer properly - - Check pronouns nouns and objects referred to in the sentences - - Read entire paragraph and see coherence of words to each sentence Check other synonyms - - Choose proper word Check if sentence needs Adj Adv Noun Listening Summarize spoken text Multiple answers Fill in the blanks Highlight correct summary Single answer Select missing word Highlight incorrect words Write from dictation Number of items - - - - - - - - Similar to Retell Lecture - - - Repeat sentence How to do - words summary Take notes Listen and answer properly Listen and answer properly Just listen and choose the correct option Take notes Just listen and answer the phrase that connects to the spoken text Just move cursor while the text is read and click wrong words in the text Write initials of the words Type sentence accurately C

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