Indivisible a practical guide resisting the trump agenda

Former congressional sta ?ers reveal best practices for making Congress listen INDIVISIBLE A PRACTICAL GUIDE for RESISTING THE TRUMP AGENDA Updated on March CNOTE FROM THE INDIVISIBLE TEAM Since this guide went live as a Google Doc we ? ve received an overwhelming ood of messages from people all over the country working to resist the Trump agenda We ? re thrilled and humbled by the energy and passion of this growing movement We ? ll be updating the guide based on your feedback and making it interactive ASAP You can sign up for updates at www IndivisibleGuide com Every single person who worked on this guide and website is a volunteer We ? re doing this in our free time without coordination or support from our employers Our only goal is to help the real leaders on the ground who are resisting Trump ? s agenda on their home turf We hope you will take this document and use it however you see ?t We want to hear your stories questions comments edits etc so please feel free to ping some of us on Twitter IndivisibleTeam ezralevin angelrafpadilla texpat Leahgreenb Or email contact indivisibleguide com And please please please spread the word Only folks who know this exists will use it Good luck ?? we will win NOTE TO IMMIGRANTS AND NONCITIZENS The US Constitution ensures equal representation for all individuals living in the United States regardless of income race ethnicity gender sexual orientation age or immigration status Noncitizens though they may lack the right to vote in federal elections have the right to have their voices heard by their representatives in Congress This guide is intended to serve as a resource to all individuals who would like to more e ?ectively participate in the democratic process While we encourage noncitizens to participate to the extent that they are able individuals should only take actions that they are comfortable taking and they should consider their particular set of circumstances before engaging in any of these activities Individuals are under no obligation to provide any personally identi ?able information to a member of Congress or their sta ? Individuals may be asked for their name and zip code but this is only to con ?rm that the person is a constituent and providing this information is strictly voluntary NO ONE is required to provide any additional information such as address social security number or immigration status Updated on March to re ect IndivisibleGuide - - v docx Indivisible A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda is licensed under the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike International License To view a copy of this license visit http creativecommons org licenses by-nc-sa A Partial List of Contributors to the Indivisible Guide Angel Padilla Billy Fleming Caroline Kavit Emily Phelps Ezra Levin Gonzalo Martínez de Vedia Indivar DuttaGupta Jennay Ghowrwal Jeremy Haile Leah Greenberg Mary Humphreys Matt Traldi Sara Clough and Sarah Dohl ?? ??INDIVISIBLE A PRACTICAL GUIDE for RESISTING THE TRUMP AGENDA CINTRODUCTION Donald

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  • Détails
  • Publié le Dec 17, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 117kB