lecture C CLearning Outcome ? To understand that culture may be local but ethics is universal ? To be able to state universal norms and appraise if they are geographically limited by culture CUnderst anding culture Eastern and Western Ethical Thought and

C CLearning Outcome ? To understand that culture may be local but ethics is universal ? To be able to state universal norms and appraise if they are geographically limited by culture CUnderst anding culture Eastern and Western Ethical Thought and Business Practices ? How to reconcile cultural diversity with the universal ethical principles ? Why understanding cultural diversity and relativity of the application of the ethical principles important to business management CCultural diversity C CQuestion Do you think Global Business Ethics can be practiced in a multicultural world CInternational Presence Main issues a company face in foreign countries qHow to foster a culture of ethical conduct qHow to engage global workforce in adopting its corporate values qHow to meet the complex legal and compliance obligations that may exist in all its locations CCulture ? Culture is the beliefs values mindsets and practices of a speci ?c group of people ? Culture is learned we are not born with culture we are born into the culture CStrategies to Promote Ethics in a multicultural world ? Approach of Global Principle ?? Think Globally Act Locally ? ? Establish a Local presence CIntroduction ? Thinking mode value view and behavior rule composes the distinct character which di ?erentiate one nation from another nation ? Thinking mode exerts a subtle in uence on human social lives C ??A brief about belief Di ?erence ? The main di ?erence between eastern and western ethics is the fact that Western Ethics is about ?nding truth whereas Eastern Ethics are very much about the protocol and showing of respect Eastern ethics is much more about doing what is right in terms of what is expected of you by your family society and culture C ? Western Ethics on the other hand has more of an emphasis on self and ??wWhaetsitserrnatEiotnhaicllsy ? or logically true ? Furthermore Western Ethics places more emphasis on law and justice ? whereas Eastern Ethics states that one must do what is right and expected and the universe will take care of the rest CDimensions Focus ??CBoamspisarative AEmnaplhyasissi ? s Approach Con ict and Harmony Western Ethics Eastern Ethics Finding Truth Rational Thought Logic Cause and E ?ect Protocol and Respect Religious teachings Respect towards family Rational Holistic and cultural Good must triumph over Evil Good and Bad Light and Dark all exist in equilibrium C C CEXAMPLE ONE Cultural diversity UNDERSTANDING CULTURE C ??Anand in Amsterdam ? ? A small case for Ethics C ? Anand Sharma a garment exporter from Delhi visited his client Juergen Sorensen in Amsterdam Holland ? Upon arrival in Amsterdam Anand Sharma looked out frantically at the airport for his client but to no avail ? A disappointed Sharma rued the day he had gone to pickup Sorensen at Delhi airport and had extended him his home hospitality CSharma tried to call Sorensen but there was no response from his o ?ce He called him on his mobile and got him after several tries Sharma told

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