Guide 14 Main arguments of Suzanne Miers and Igor Kopyto ? and Claude Meillassoux ? Miers and Kopyto ? put the word ??slave ? in quotation marks ??don ? t believe there was truly slavery in Africa ? The Western slave is a commodity and chattel no control

Main arguments of Suzanne Miers and Igor Kopyto ? and Claude Meillassoux ? Miers and Kopyto ? put the word ??slave ? in quotation marks ??don ? t believe there was truly slavery in Africa ? The Western slave is a commodity and chattel no control over destiny no rights no chance for children to get ahead ??Miers and Kopyto ? construct their argument by showing that these conditions don ? t apply to African internal slavery o Rights-in-persons ??slaves were not the only people bought and sold ??a lineage owned its members ? Marriage in Zaire was a transaction in which husband ? s matrilineage purchased bride and her lineage ? Children could be sold pawned ? Children of free man and slave belonged purely to male ?? advantage to having children with slave o Acquisition of slaves ??not necessarily violent ? Borgou ??orphans adopted as slaves ? Serious crimes necessitated giving up kin members as slaves ? War raid most common method however o Societal Marginality ? Not permanent ??successive generations ??half-belonged ? ? Slaves often given powerful positions ??considered trustworthy no other allegiances o Slave-trade ? High demand for people within Africa but not necessarily for labor o Slavery within Africa one end of ??kinship-slavery ? continuum Existed before European contact ? Mellaissoux claims there is no continuum ??kin-slave as opposites not ends of continuum o Admits that slaves can have surprising privileges while heads of families can have complete power over their kin o Slaves de ?ned by their status as commodities on the market ??result of a violent act o Two conditions for slavery to emerge ??market foreign traders African-born slave narratives Equiano and Baquaqua ? Equiano and Baquaqua ? s writings very unique ?? very few such sources by Africans who were born in Africa ? Doubts about authenticity of both ??abolitionist intent written long after Middle Passage desire to glorify African homeland ? Olaudah Equiano o Born in Benin province of Nigeria ??kidnapped as a child sold to British slavers in Co Lots of detail about Equiano ? s village ??authority based on age ??discusses how slaves were barely treated di ?erently than villagers o Not taken directly to coast ??bought and sold by Africans multiple times ?? doesn ? t arrive on coast until eight months after kidnapped o While he has been able to communicate with people all through his travels to the coast he can ? t understand anyone on the slave ship o Slaves perceive ship as magical ?? many people resist are ogged try to commit suicide o Brought to West Indies ? Baquaqua o Born in northern Benin to a merchant Muslim father ?? served as a porter on trade expedition to Ghana o Kidnapped into slavery while drunk-taken to Benin put on ship to Brazil unlike Equiano o Sailed from Rio de Janeiro to NY where slavery was illegal with load of co ?ee o Abolitionists tried to free Baquaqua ??legal proceedings ??Baquaqua escaped from ship

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