Apa guide Journal of NELTA Vol No - December Advisor Prof Govinda Raj Bhattarai PhD Chief Editor Prof Jai Raj Awasthi PhD Editors Krishna Chandra Sharma PhD Anjana Bhattarai PhD Hemanta Raj Dahal Lekhnath Sharma Pathak Kamal Poudel Nepal English Language

Journal of NELTA Vol No - December Advisor Prof Govinda Raj Bhattarai PhD Chief Editor Prof Jai Raj Awasthi PhD Editors Krishna Chandra Sharma PhD Anjana Bhattarai PhD Hemanta Raj Dahal Lekhnath Sharma Pathak Kamal Poudel Nepal English Language Teachers' Association NELTA GPO Box No Kathmandu Nepal Phone - - Email ccnelta wlink com np www nelta org np CNELTA O ?ce Bearers for the Year - President Prof Dr Govinda Raj Bhattarai Tel arisgod enet com np Vice President Mr Ganga Ram Gautam Tel gangagautam mos com np General Secretary Mr Laxman Gnawali Tel lgnawali wlink com np Secretary Mr Hemanta Raj Dahal Tel hemanta dahal hotmail com Membership Secretary Mr Kamal Poudel Tel kpoudelnp yahoo com Treasurer Dr Bal Mukunda Bhandari Tel bhandaribm yahoo com Members Dr Lava Deo Awasthi Tel aagat mail com np Dr Krishna Chandra Sharma Tel bhkrishna wlink com np Mr Lekhnath Sharma Pathak Tel lekhnathspathak yahoo com Mr Sarita Dewan Tel saritadewan yahoo com Mr Arjun Neupane Tel agajin wlink com np Chif Editor Prof Dr Jai Raj Awasthi Tel jrawasthi hotmail com CSpecial Thanks to Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press CUP is globally acclaimed and highly reputed publishing institution dedicated to publishing variety of academic materials The ELT world at large has highly bene ?ted from its publications NELTA feels privileged to collaborate with Cambridge University Press in di ?erent ELT books including A Course in Language Teaching by Penny Ur printed in low priced edition that address to the needs of Nepalese teachers and students of Nepal and the region Cambridge University Press has ever been an unfailing friend of NELTA from its inception It has been organizing book exhibitions with a provision of special discount for NELTA members during NELTA International Conferences It has liberally sponsored several activities of NELTA It has once more shown its generosity by sponsoring the publication of the th Volume of NELTA Journal NELTA envisages sharing its cooperation with Cambridge University Press in the days to come as well NELTA expresses its sincere appreciation and gratitude to Cambridge University Press for its support C Editorial Nepal is on the threshold of a new socio-political and cultural change It has entered into a world of thriving hopes and aspirations The nation has now started addressing the diversities through various processes of reformation renewal and restructuring of the total system including politics administration academia and the state as a whole In this process the language policy is sure to undergo reshaping At this moment people ? s aspiration for promoting many valuable indigenous languages through mother tongue education is in the rise The policy makers as well as the educationists of this nation should facilitate this process of self identi ?cation and preservation of our national treasure contained in these languages and cultures At the same time we are also faced by another big challenge ?? a challenge of encompassing the world knowledge in di ?erent ?elds In this way we are faced by a dual

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