Research guide 3 Situation Analysis Chapter Introduction The advent of computer technology has opened a new chapter in technological advances which makes computers become part of everyday life Computers make all lives easier so that all can live good live
Situation Analysis Chapter Introduction The advent of computer technology has opened a new chapter in technological advances which makes computers become part of everyday life Computers make all lives easier so that all can live good lives Computers are everywhere at work at school and at home The educational system has taken advantage of the technology in teaching and learning processing data record keeping and in their enrolment system Information systems were being upgraded to handle more complex and large data one of them is the Enrollment System As the school increases in its enrollees every year the harder it becomes to deal with particularly in private academic institutions wherein the population of the students is massive Ballesteros et al Enrolment systems are used in recording a student ? s information A well-built one will reduce the load on the people that normally have todo all the work Enrollment system is useful especially when the school retrieves the important information from the student In the enrollment system the school can trace what are the standings of the students The manual enrollment system in a school can lead to inaccurate evaluation of student performance loss of student records inaccurate reports and slow enrollment processing Students will be confused on what they should do Cand how they will do to be able to enroll It is extremely useful in the school in a way of making the processes of enrolling much easy According to Ogbuokiri et al in University of Nigeria Nsukka UNN the admission enrolment system is done partly online and partly manual That is students ? bio data is done online and every other enrolment process is done manually Just like UNN most universities in Nigeria practice the same enrolment process In summary all the literatures above have little or nothing in terms of mobility in university enrolment system This is the problem the researcher has identi ?ed and proposed a solution to address it by providing a platform independent mobile university enrolment application In the end it will reduce human error promote easy access i e users can access the system anywhere anytime reduce cost increase security of data and saves time The existing systemmost tertiary institutions in Nigeria do the manual way of enrollment where paper work and long queue are the other of the day It is pertinent to note that the advent of ICT has brought about the change we need in the enrollment process in Nigeria Di ?erent arms of the government have in one way or the other embraced ICT this is indeed a welcome development Businesses and organizations have made their enrollment processes online to enable them produce faster and better result In recent times most multinational companies have embraced the method of online enrollment processes to reduce crowd This is where people apply and register for jobs online take exam online and are Cscreened online Unlike Africa most university in the western world practice online registration very well In University of Nigeria
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- Publié le Mai 08, 2022
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- Langue French
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