Sitxinv002 learner guide LEARNER GUIDE SITXINV Maintain the quality of perishable items CSITXINV ?? Maintain the quality of perishable items Learner guide Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction CHAPTER STORE SUPPLIES IN APPROPRIATE CONDITIONS Co
LEARNER GUIDE SITXINV Maintain the quality of perishable items CSITXINV ?? Maintain the quality of perishable items Learner guide Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction CHAPTER STORE SUPPLIES IN APPROPRIATE CONDITIONS Conduct temperature checks on delivered goods ensuring they are within speci ?ed tolerances Record temperature results according to organisational procedures Identify de ?ciencies with delivered food items and reject supply within the scope of own responsibility or report ?ndings Choose and prepare the right environmental conditions for the storage of perishable supplies Date code perishable supplies to maximise their use Promptly store supplies in appropriate storage area to minimise wastage and avoid food contamination CHAPTER MAINTAIN PERISHABLE SUPPLIES AT OPTIMUM QUALITY Regularly check and adjust environmental conditions of all storage areas and equipment to maintain perishable supplies at optimum quality Conduct temperature checks according to food safety procedures and protect supplies from spoilage Rotate perishable supplies for maximum use according to expiration dates CHAPTER CHECK PERISHABLE SUPPLIES AND DISPOSE OF SPOILT STOCK Regularly check perishable supplies for quality Inspect items for animal and pest damage and report incidents of infestation Identify de ?ciencies and report ?ndings or dispose of any non-usable supplies within scope of own responsibility Safely dispose of spoilt stock and waste to minimise negative environmental impact References Australian Institute of Technical Training AITT Level Collins Street Melbourne VIC Tel CRICOS ID J RTO ID Page Version CIntroduction SITXINV ?? Maintain the quality of perishable items Learner guide What is perishable food Food that is likely to spoil decay or become unsafe to consume Food that has a limited shelf life Food that should be kept refrigerated or frozen Standard Food Safety Practices and General Requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards provide the following guidelines Chilled or refrigerated foods should be between oC and oC Frozen foods should be around - oC and no warmer than - oC Cooked or heated meals should be above oC Perishable goods are goods such as food products that must be used within a short time Goods that perish quickly are also known as perishable items Perishable items are stored in the refrigerator Some fruits and vegetables however can be stored out of the fridge if stored in a cool place Refrigeration processes can substantially reduce the rate at which perishable items deteriorate How does this work The process of refrigeration slows down the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and the rate of chemical including enzymic changes in food Two completely di ?erent families of bacteria are contained in food One is known as pathogenic bacteria which causes foodborne illness The other is spoilage bacteria that cause foods to deteriorate and develop unpleasant odours tastes and textures Australian Institute of Technical Training AITT Level Collins Street Melbourne VIC Tel CRICOS ID J RTO ID Page Version CSITXINV ?? Maintain the quality of perishable items Learner guide What is semi-perishable food It is food that can go mouldy over time such as semi-dried tomatoes ?gs nuts and seeds
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- Publié le Aoû 05, 2021
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- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 138kB